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Beta-testers Wanted: Keldorn romance mod

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#21 -Tatyan-

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 01:58 PM

I am having a problem with this... When I go to sir William Thorpe he reacts like I haven't already gone to Maria and knew about his relationship with her :S
What can I do?

#22 berelinde



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Posted 11 February 2012 - 02:54 PM

I didn't touch any of Keldorn's original quest variables. It was complicated and ultimately proved easier to just code in parallel. In other words, if you're having difficulties with Sir William, they aren't caused by the mod. That said, I will try to help you.

And I have examined Sir William's dialogue file. There are very few conditions to it. These are the relevant parts
IF WEIGHT #0 ~InParty("Keldorn")
!See("Keldorn")~ THEN BEGIN 7 // from:
  SAY #37979 /* ~My dear <GIRLBOY>, I don't know you from Drizzt. Leave me be.~ */
If Keldorn is in the party but Sir William doesn't see him, he will say "My dear girl, I don't know you from Drizzt. Leave me be." If this is what he is saying, you need to make sure that Keldorn is standing right next to him, is not invisible or wearing something that makes him invisible, etc.

The next set of circumstances is this...
IF WEIGHT #1 /* Triggers after states #: 7 even though they appear after this state */
Global("williakeldorn","LOCALS",0)~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from:
  SAY #9799 /* ~M'lord Keldorn... I was hoping you would come.~ */
  IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("williakeldorn","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN ~KELDORJ~ 31
If Keldorn is there and if he is alive, visible, not sleeping, not charmed, not stunned, not silenced, and otherwise available for dialogue, Sir William will say "M'lord Keldorn... I was hoping you would come."

If you get this, you should be fine. But you aren't.

The only other set of circumstances in the dialogue file is this....
IF WEIGHT #2 /* Triggers after states #: 7 even though they appear after this state */
Global("williakeldorn","LOCALS",0)~ THEN BEGIN 6 // from:
  SAY #37829 /* ~Greetings to you, my <LADYLORD>.  I am afraid that I am waiting for another at the moment...perhaps some other time?~ */
If you see "Greetings to you, my Lady. I am afraid that I am waiting for another at the moment... perhaps some other time." this means that Keldorn is not able to communicate. He is either dead, silenced, stunned, charmed, sleeping, or otherwise not there.

If you are getting "Sir William has nothing to say to you", this is a vanilla game bug. Another one. I thought I managed to find and fix them all, but apparently, I didn't. It means that somehow, the local variable was set. If you are getting this, hover the cursor over Sir William, open up the console, and type this


And then hit enter twice. Try talking to him again.
Hope this helps.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#23 Tatyan

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 04:57 AM

Know that you are an angel^^ I told you already about the Gavin Romance, but it doesn't hurt to say again, does it?^^
Thank you, now it works!

#24 berelinde



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 07:23 AM

Glad to hear it!

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#25 Quester

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 12:22 PM

Hi Berelinde, how is the testing going on this? Any chance of seeing a full release soon?

#26 Tatyan

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Posted 14 February 2012 - 12:25 PM

Uhm how can I see if the romance is or not active? ò.ò any variable/telltale sign?^^ Like, if I still have the possibility to flirt in the PID the romance is still active?

I am unsure, it had passed some time and no keldorn dialogues, so, I am worrying ò.ò

#27 Stnemele


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 01:35 PM

EDIT: Removed post. Sorry, berelinde!

Edited by Stnemele, 14 February 2012 - 03:40 PM.

"I've had better conversations with cheese."
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"

"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character

#28 berelinde



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Posted 14 February 2012 - 02:29 PM

Please, I beg you, do not advise players to change the globals of a mod that you did not code. I know you are trying to help, but it is the best way I know of to break a saved game. At this point, we don't know where in the romance Tatyan is. Has she had even one lovetalk? Has Keldorn even received the bad news from Maria? Without this information, altering globals will really do more harm than good.

Tatyan's game already has issues. She has local variables set for NPCs that she has not talked to. These aren't caused by the mod, but they do make her situation rather unique. I'd rather wait until she provides more information before telling her how to fix it.

Be aware that there is a five game-day interval between the time that Keldorn and Maria reconcile and the time that something romance-related happens. Five days is really an incredibly long time, far longer than it seems like it should be. If you escorted Keldorn back to Maria and watched them reconcile and then allowed Keldorn to remain with his family, he will return five game days later. If you allowed them to reconcile and then kept Keldorn in the party, a messenger will come and summon Keldorn home. He will return the next day. But yeah, any time after the reconcilliation, check the global. It should be 1.

Also, there are a few dialogue options early in the romance where the player can kill the romance, perhaps without meaning to. Aggressivley pursuing the romance (getting pushy) before he has had time to come to terms with his loss will not end well. Also, getting greedy about titles or lands will not make a good impression. I'm not saying that this is what happened, I'm just saying that these possibilities are in the mod.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#29 Stnemele


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 03:41 PM

Sorry! :( Removed the offending post as best I could.
"I've had better conversations with cheese."
--Michael Keaton, "Dream Team"

"I love love-triangles! ... Or squares. Hexagons. Trapezoids. Circles with tangent lines... Geometry aside, where are we?"
-- Cassandra Mewborn, a dead character

#30 berelinde



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Posted 15 February 2012 - 03:34 AM

Beta testing is pretty much done. I've had a rethink about the way the romance actually starts, though, so I need to test that before I can release the mod. The change is very minor, but work has been hitting me really hard and I haven't had time on a weekend to code it up and test it.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#31 Tatyan

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Posted 15 February 2012 - 10:06 AM

I was in the underdark :D as soon as I went out, I got a lovetalk. So, if I can flirt with him the romance is active? ò.ò

I would like to know... what is the variable and, most importantly, how far I have to go while in SOA, before "passing" to TOB^^

Thank you very much!

#32 berelinde



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Posted 15 February 2012 - 01:23 PM

Ah, Underdark will do it every time. If you can flirt with him, the romance is active. That said, after you have reached talk 33, where he talks a a lot of nonsense that begins by asking you your favorite color, if you have another romance going (except Kivan, Xan, or a very few others that he doesn't check for), Keldorn's will shut down after that talk. If you do not have any other romances going, the next talk after the nonsense-talk is a before-rest talk, and at the end of it, he should give you a ring. If he gives you the ring, you're good to go into ToB.

The romance variable is B!KeldornRA. In SoA, it will be 1. In ToB, it will begin as 1 and should advance to 2 after your first night in the Pocket Plane after completing the challenge there.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#33 hook71

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 11:08 AM

Looked at the items in NearInfinity and noticed the following:

THACO: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3, +2 points of cold damage

Bonus to hit is set to 2.
Damage is set to 1D10+2, +2 points of cold damage.

THACO Bonus: +3
Damage: 1D8
Requires: 8 Strength

Damage is set to 1D8+3.

Is set to require 9 Strength and 9 Dexterity.

#34 berelinde



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Posted 19 February 2012 - 03:53 PM

Thanks. Will make sure the item descriptions get adjusted before I got to full v1 with it. :D

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#35 hook71

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 02:53 PM

Looked through the files and noticed some potential typos.


#36 berelinde



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Posted 29 February 2012 - 02:54 PM

Wow, that is a phenomenally long list of typos. Thank you for being so thorough!

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#37 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 06:58 PM

I'd really, really love to play this mod. I'm a huge fan of Keldorn - there is something oddly gentle and graceful about this fighting man that has always touched me. I thoroughly enjoyed your Gavin mods as well. I've a few questions -
* What's the most recent version?
* Are there any requirements to the romance (apart from the obvious one of needing to be seriously non-evil!)

Here's a list of the other mods I'd like to use for this run through - are there any known conflicts of hassles with any of them?
  • G3 Fix Pack and Tweak Pack
  • Haldamir
  • Xan (Kulyok)
  • Coran (Kulyok)
  • Tales of the Deep Garden
  • Fading Promises
  • Alternatives
  • Cross Mod Banter Pack
  • Lucy the Wyvern

#38 berelinde



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Posted 29 February 2012 - 07:47 PM

There are no known conflicts with any mod, however I would not recommend using the "Party Gains XP by Sending Keldorn to Recocile with Maria" component of BG2 Tweaks. Go in person. The romance won't start otherwise.

The most recent beta is 20120118, which you can download here.

Edit: I had a lot of trouble deciding which romance requirements would be most appropriate here, so there is an option to choose them on installation. The choices are
  • Availale to Lawful Good and Neutral Good only (recommended)
  • Available to any good alignment
  • Available to any good alignment + Lawful Neutral
  • Available to any non-evil alignment except Chaotic Neutral
Apart from that, there are no other requirements. Keldorn puts a lot of obstacles in the way as it is. You don't need stat restrictions or racial restrictions to boot.

You should probably be aware that the romance is pretty long. If you commit to anybody (except Xan, who he doesn't detect for), Keldorn's romance will end before ToB. There is no Bodhi abduction, but he does have interjections in Spellhold. You may want to be aware of this if you are running the Xan romance concurrently.In any case, you should make sure you get to the talk where he gives you a keepsake before you go to ToB. Enjoy! :D

Edit: Not all mods will recognize a romance between Keldorn and the PC. I have no idea what kind of banters Xan or Coran have since they aren't mods I play, but if they have banters that reference Keldorn's family, they will still reference Keldorn's family. It's just one of those things.

Edited by berelinde, 29 February 2012 - 08:01 PM.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#39 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 08:03 PM

Thanks for such an incredibly fast reply. I'll avoid the tweak you mentioned (I don't think I've ever actually used it). This may sound weird but I'm going with a Tolkienish thing since I'm having Haldamir (oooh I wish :Tasty: ) and I come from Middle Earth (aka New Zealand) so I'm going to play a female dwarf. I've never done that in the BG games, and its about time I did!
She'll be a Lawful Good Fighter/Cleric, and as we already know she's raised by humans. Her class, alignment and background will make roleplaying a lady suited to being a companion to Keldorn make sense, even if she is a dwarf.

Edited by kiwidoc_again, 29 February 2012 - 08:07 PM.

#40 berelinde



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Posted 29 February 2012 - 08:25 PM

Yay for dwarf love! Seriously, I adore dwarven protagonists, and I wish you a happy playing experience... although it really does remind me of how badly I dropped the ball, not giving Haldamir dwarf-specifc dialogues. He has them in the (as-yet-unfinshed) ToB part, but that won't do you any good in SoA.

A Tolkienesque dwarven PC should do very well in the romance. Keldorn responds well to a sober, wise-beyond-her-years PC who can help him through a rough patch. You'll get plenty of chances to tell him "I told you so" in ToB ;)

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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