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#1141 agris

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Posted 19 April 2023 - 01:11 PM

Small bug:


"Options -> Default Structure Display -> Edit" isn't respected when editing locations on WMP files. They always open in View mode.


I haven't noticed anything unusual. Can you provide a repro?



Open NI, make BG:EE your active game.

Top Menu: Options -> Default Structure Display -> Edit

Resource Tree: WMP -> WORLDMAP.WMP, select View tab

In the Areas panel on the right hand side of newly visible worldmap, double click any area

Note that the area opens in View mode, rather than edit.


Likely an Area opened this way does not conform strictly to a Structure, thus the default structure display isn't acting on its default display mode. Still, I think a reasonable expectation is that areas opened as such follow the convention set by Default Structure Display.

#1142 Argent77

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Posted 20 April 2023 - 04:31 AM

Oh, that's actually intended behavior. The option defines which tab is selected by default when you open a new resource. Substructures inherit the current tab selection. This is consistent with other resource types that provide View and Edit tabs.

#1143 Incrementis

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Posted 23 April 2023 - 05:11 PM

I would like to make a suggestion because I believe it would make the modding process much smoother and therefore more enjoyable.
If this suggestion is already implemented, please ignore this comment or delete it if you think it would be appropriate and please let me know how that is done.


Anyway, here is my suggestion:


Right now I'm modifying the color of an armor item I'm reviewing in Near Infinity in a somewhat unintended way I believe.
I'd like to see if testing/changing the color of an element in the "Creature Animation Browser" could be made visible in a much simpler way than I'm attempting.


Here is my approach:


1. Open all color equipped effects and change the color

2. Save the changes and overwrite the specific item file.

3. Start a second instance of Near Infinity in parallel and open the "Creature Animation Browser". Choose e.g. put the armor in "Armor Slot" and press "Apply".

4. If not happy with the result, change the color and save again.

5. Switch to the second NI instance and press F5 and open the "Creature Animation Browser". Choose e.g. put the armor in "Armor Slot" and press "Apply".

6. Repeat 4. and 5. until satisfied with the result.


Thank you vey much for reading this comment.

#1144 Argent77

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Posted 24 April 2023 - 01:00 AM

Right now I'm modifying the color of an armor item I'm reviewing in Near Infinity in a somewhat unintended way I believe.
I'd like to see if testing/changing the color of an element in the "Creature Animation Browser" could be made visible in a much simpler way than I'm attempting.

Currently you are forced to reload a creature resource to see any changes made to the creature or associated resources. I agree that it is somewhat cumbersome to test modifications that way. I'll see if I can simplify the process.

#1145 agris

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Posted 24 April 2023 - 08:33 AM

For Windows 10, NI's Bookmarked Games appear to be saved in the User environment's TMP or TEMP directory. This means that when a user clears their temporary files, Bookmarked Games are cleared.


Can NI save Bookmarked Games outside of local TMP/TEMP if possible?

Edited by agris, 24 April 2023 - 08:34 AM.

#1146 Argent77

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Posted 24 April 2023 - 08:41 AM

For Windows 10, NI's Bookmarked Games appear to be saved in the User environment's TMP or TEMP directory. This means that when a user clears their temporary files, Bookmarked Games are cleared.


Can NI save Bookmarked Games outside of local TMP/TEMP if possible?

Settings and bookmarks are only stored in the system's registry on Windows. Can you upload a bookmark sample from the TEMP folder?

#1147 agris

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Posted 24 April 2023 - 12:52 PM

For Windows 10, NI's Bookmarked Games appear to be saved in the User environment's TMP or TEMP directory. This means that when a user clears their temporary files, Bookmarked Games are cleared.


Can NI save Bookmarked Games outside of local TMP/TEMP if possible?

Settings and bookmarks are only stored in the system's registry on Windows. Can you upload a bookmark sample from the TEMP folder?

Can you point me to the registry location? I deduced they were saved to userspace temp/tmp because on my system, those locations are mapped to a ramdrive which is cleared after every reboot. I rebooted my system and all the bookmarked games were missing from NI.


Java also self-updated just prior to that reboot, perhaps that cleared the bookmarks?

#1148 Argent77

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Posted 24 April 2023 - 01:25 PM

All settings and other user-defined data for NI is stored in this registry key:


It is possible that Java fails to create this registry key. Some users reported this in the past. There should be a message in NI's debug log in that case. You could either create the key manually or run NI with elevated privileges once to solve this issue.

#1149 agris

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Posted 25 April 2023 - 06:21 AM

All settings and other user-defined data for NI is stored in this registry key:

It is possible that Java fails to create this registry key. Some users reported this in the past. There should be a message in NI's debug log in that case. You could either create the key manually or run NI with elevated privileges once to solve this issue.

All keys are created and appropriate, which makes sense since my NI did retain settings and bookmarks prior to Java updating itself. I'm guessing that the Java update itself is what caused the loss of bookmarked games and my NI visual settings. As you store all of that under the JavaSoft preferences in the registry, if a Java update nukes those prefs for a clean install of an update, NI settings are lost.

#1150 Argent77

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Posted 31 December 2023 - 02:47 AM

Update: NearInfinity v2.4-20231231


  • Added new game variant: IWD2:EE
  • Added option "Auto-align 2DA Columns" to Preferences > Text Editor > Misc. Resource Types:
    • Automatically cleans up and aligns columns in opened 2DA resources (nonpersistent unless explicitly saved)
  • Added a playback button to the WAV resource list UI component
  • Improved "Check for Corrupted Files": Performs offset field validation in structured resources
  • Show hidden folders in the "Open Game" dialog
  • WMP viewer: Improved display of travel routes:
    • No selection: Shows travel routes for all areas
    • Single selection: Shows travel routes starting at the selected area
    • Multi-selection: Shows travel routes between selected areas
  • Add/insert/remove operations on removable substructures automatically updates and re-indexes structure labels
  • Removed deprecated "Nimbus" Look&Feel UI theme (theme was broken for years)
  • Advanced Search: Fixed opening resources in the wrong Viewable
  • Fixed a display issue in the projectile list UI component

#1151 ALIEN

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Posted 05 January 2024 - 02:01 AM

The new version has portable distribution, no more Java on any of my PC's. Thanks a lot!

Project Infinity public BETA - mod manager for Infinity Engine games

Infinity Auto Packager - automatically generate and adds mod packages to GitHub release

Modder's Guide to GitHub - you cannot have progress without committing changes

#1152 Salk

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Posted 20 February 2024 - 11:23 PM



in the last version I noticed there must have been a color change for the highlight syntax (?) which makes some of it practically unreadable against the default, light Metal UI.


I attach a picture here to show what I mean.



Attached Images

  • NI.jpg

#1153 Argent77

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Posted 21 February 2024 - 12:40 AM

in the last version I noticed there must have been a color change for the highlight syntax (?) which makes some of it practically unreadable against the default, light Metal UI.

Syntax Highlighting in the DLG tree view uses the global color scheme for BCS scripts. Since the viewer doesn't update background color it may cause visibility issues (e.g. dark BCS color schemes on light UI schemes). I guess you've selected "Monokai" or another dark color scheme for BCS scripts. Try switching to another scheme and see if it improves the situation (menu Game > Preferences > Text Editor > BCS and BAF). Not all dark color schemes are equally problematic in the DLG tree view.

I'll see if I can improve the situation in the next version.

#1154 Salk

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Posted 21 February 2024 - 12:59 AM

Alright, thanks!


I did choose Monokai color scheme for BCS scripts. But I never had any visibility issues before.


I switched to Default and now all's good.

#1155 Argent77

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Posted 24 April 2024 - 03:53 AM

Update: NearInfinity v2.4-20240424


  • Greatly improved TIS conversion between palette-based and PVRZ-based variants:
    • Added options dialog for setting or tweaking various conversion options to TIS viewer (via Export... > as palette/pvrz-based TIS)
    • Added multithreading support to speed up PVRZ texture encoding
    • Provides option to convert (water) overlays between BG2 <-> BG2EE
    • Provides options to eliminate visual artifacts around borders of door tiles, animated tiles and overlay tiles in PVRZ-based tilesets
    • Added the same TIS conversion functionality to the Mass Exporter when option "Convert TIS to ..." is enabled
  • Added a separate syntax highlighting option for trigger and action blocks in in the DLG tree viewer
  • Added syntax highlighting for MENU resources
  • Added context menu to NPC list panels in GAM resources for quick CRE structure access
  • Added option to the File menu and context menu in the resource tree to explicitly open biffed versions of overridden resources if available
  • Added quick jump feature to the table view of structured resources: Selecting a cell in the "Attribute" or "Offset" column allows you to quickly jump to the next matching entry when entering characters on the keyboard
  • Added PSTEE-specific ARE animation flags
  • New Effect structures are always preinitialized with Probability1=100
  • Updated ARE rest spawn field for oIWD and oIWD2
  • Area Viewer:
    • Added option "Show cell grid" for visualizing search map cells
    • Fixed PNG export of zoomed maps not considering the zoom level when option "Include layer items" was disabled
    • Fixed PNG export of zoomed maps not properly scaling actor and animation bitmaps when option "Include layer items" was enabled
  • Improved MUS file parser (fixes BG1 demo music parsing)
  • Improved loading times of PVRZ-based TIS resources
  • Improved script decompiler: Reduced the probability of triggers with multiple definitions to choose the wrong one
  • Improved list of available ARE container types by looking up entries in associated CONTAINR.2DA file in EE games
  • Play button in resource lists should be hidden for resource types that don't support playback
  • Clarified labels in the context menu for entries in structured resources
  • Fixed crashes on Linux caused by "inotify watches limit reached" events
  • Fixed some important controls being invisible in the "Open external file" dialog
  • Fixed compiling issues with Java 21
  • Fixed File Dialogs issues with certain Look&Feel themes (mostly FlatLaf themes)
  • Fixed issues with compiling/decompile script actions AddexperiencePartyGlobal() and GivePartyGoldGlobal()
  • Fixed NI freezing/crashing when trying to open malformed TOH/TOT files (may happen in IWD2 under certain circumstances)
  • Fixed sorting results by 'Attribute/Line' of reference searches if they contained entries with incompatible values
  • Fixed showing the wrong path in Open/Save dialogs of BMP/MOS/PVRZ/TIS converters under certain conditions
  • Many more internal bugfixes and improvements

#1156 skellytz

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Posted 24 April 2024 - 12:04 PM

Awesome! Thank you :)

#1157 WanderingScholar

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Posted 21 August 2024 - 06:01 AM

Currently using v20240424
I've got two things that have been bugging me for a while now even though I'm not sure NI is the culprit: 
- Random files that I've viewed (not even edited) in NI seem to get copied into my BG2 game directory. Appearing as "AR0412.00004.ARE" and "ACQ10103.00003.CRE" for example. I've no idea what's causing it. At first I assumed NI might be making backups although that doesn't seem to be the case. Admittedly, I haven't found a way to reliably reproduce this behavior so it could also be some WeiDU related thing I don't know about or something else entirely. 
- Secondly, I get persistent crashes with my windows 11 file explorer when resizing the NI window (more specifically dragging it into split screen view). I do this almost instinctively when working on a project. Of course, it could be something local that's totally unrelated to NI, like some issue in windows, but it's very frustrating and I'm at a loss. It doesn't seem to happen with any other program.
Can anyone shed some light on this?

Edited by WanderingScholar, 22 August 2024 - 07:29 PM.

#1158 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 21 August 2024 - 07:57 PM

- Random files that I've viewed (not even edited) in NI seem to get copied into my BG2 game directory. Appearing as "AR0412.00004.ARE" and "ACQ10103.00003.CRE" for example. I've no idea what's causing it. At first I assumed NI might be making backups although that doesn't seem to be the case. Admittedly, I haven't found a way to reliably reproduce this behavior so it could also be some WeiDU related thing I don't know about or something else entirely.

Are you sure you have not --change-log'ged the files at some odd point in your history ? Cause they are in the format ... here's what I am meaning: --change-log'ing.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#1159 WanderingScholar

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Posted 22 August 2024 - 07:32 PM

- Random files that I've viewed (not even edited) in NI seem to get copied into my BG2 game directory. Appearing as "AR0412.00004.ARE" and "ACQ10103.00003.CRE" for example. I've no idea what's causing it. At first I assumed NI might be making backups although that doesn't seem to be the case. Admittedly, I haven't found a way to reliably reproduce this behavior so it could also be some WeiDU related thing I don't know about or something else entirely.

Are you sure you have not --change-log'ged the files at some odd point in your history ? Cause they are in the format ... here's what I am meaning: --change-log'ing.


That's one mystery solved. Much thanks.

#1160 Argent77

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Posted 14 September 2024 - 12:32 AM

Currently using v20240424
- Secondly, I get persistent crashes with my windows 11 file explorer when resizing the NI window (more specifically dragging it into split screen view). I do this almost instinctively when working on a project. Of course, it could be something local that's totally unrelated to NI, like some issue in windows, but it's very frustrating and I'm at a loss. It doesn't seem to happen with any other program.
Can anyone shed some light on this?

I don't use a multi-monitor setup, so I'm unable to test this issue. However, NI uses a stable GUI framework that should handle something like this without problems. It could be a Windows 11 specific problem, but I couldn't find any meaningful information about it in a Google search.

In the past NI only had one issue related with multiple monitors with the area viewer which required some code adjustments to properly handle graphics updates when moving the viewer window to another monitor. The standard UI elements should handle it automatically, however.