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#1121 Insomniator

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Posted 19 February 2023 - 03:50 PM

Visual Bug (java 11 x64, 1024x768 Desktop):

1) Open any BALDUR.GAM

2) By default "View" tab is opened

3) Switch to "Raw" tab

4) Scroll slider down to end

5) Few last lines not displayed

6) If "Raw" selected, then opened BALDUR.BMP or other file in save folder, then switch back to BALDUR.GAM, then slider down - no visual bug, last lines is displayed normally

#1122 Argent77

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Posted 20 February 2023 - 02:19 AM

Visual Bug (java 11 x64, 1024x768 Desktop):

1) Open any BALDUR.GAM

2) By default "View" tab is opened

3) Switch to "Raw" tab

4) Scroll slider down to end

5) Few last lines not displayed

6) If "Raw" selected, then opened BALDUR.BMP or other file in save folder, then switch back to BALDUR.GAM, then slider down - no visual bug, last lines is displayed normally

Looks like a GUI-related problem. I'll look into it. Currently it can be worked around by moving the divider of the details pane slightly up or down.

#1123 Graion Dilach

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Posted 24 February 2023 - 11:08 PM

Applying op51 with parameters R 250; G: 196 B: 0 to a creature which uses IWD animations and then viewing different facings of the creature in the Animation tab ends up weird because the rotations make the creature more reddish and darker as it goes (as iif the effect is reapplied somewhat with each rotations).


Originally noticed by Saltlord on G3 Discord.

#1124 Argent77

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Posted 25 February 2023 - 02:20 AM

Applying op51 with parameters R 250; G: 196 B: 0 to a creature which uses IWD animations and then viewing different facings of the creature in the Animation tab ends up weird because the rotations make the creature more reddish and darker as it goes (as iif the effect is reapplied somewhat with each rotations).


Originally noticed by Saltlord on G3 Discord.

I'm unable to reproduce this issue. Can you provide more info? Which NI version was used? What creature animation was used? What are the exact effect parameters?

#1125 Graion Dilach

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Posted 25 February 2023 - 03:45 AM

Edited SoD creature with relevant op51 attached.



Attached Files

#1126 Argent77

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Posted 25 February 2023 - 04:31 AM

Thanks, I'll look into it.

#1127 Argent77

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Posted 03 March 2023 - 10:30 AM

Update: NearInfinity v2.3-20230303


  • Improved WAV/ACM audio playback:
    • Added Play/Pause button.
    • Added display of elapsed and total playback time.
    • Added a "Properties" button for additional information about the current audio file.
  • Added a context menu to MOS and TIS resource viewer which provides information about referenced PVRZ or WED files.
  • Added native ETC1 and ETC2 texture decoding support for PVRZ files (used by Android versions of the games).
  • Added option to enable or disable confirmation of opening bookmarked games (menu Options > Confirm opening bookmarked games).
  • Fixed stuttering sound playback and potential crashes when playing back multiple sound clips simultaneously.
  • Fixed display of animated primary tiles in the Area Viewer (e.g. used for the crystal in the High Hedge interior map, or the wheel of fortune in carnival and circus tents).
  • Fixed an issue in the creature animation viewer which incorrectly applied visual effect multiple times.
  • Fixed a scrollbar-related visibility issue in the "Raw" tab of structured resources.
  • Fixed viewing and saving TOT files in original games.
  • Fixed BIFF-related issues with the GemRB demo (thanks lynx).
  • Updated library responsible for the various text editing components in NI.

#1128 agris

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Posted 13 April 2023 - 09:32 AM

Feature request for you Argent77-


I am by no means a power user, but I'm editing enough files in separate windows that it would be nice if NI remembered the location/size of new windows across a given instance of the program.


Current behavior: open a file in a new window, that new window's size and position is inherited from the NI main window. Resize that window, open another new window and the new window inherits its size and position from the NI main window. Close one new window, open another, and the newest windows' size and location is the same as the others: inherited from the NI main window.


Requested behavior: after launching NI, the first file opened in a new window inherits its size and location from the NI main window. IF that newly opened window's location and/or size is changed, the next file opened in a new window inherits the previous window's size/location. If the original "new window" is closed, files opened in new windows will continue to use the modified location/size, until another new window's location/dimensions are altered.


Why do I care? Well, the whole point of working in multiple windows is to have access to more information at once. But opening a new window such that it's roughly the same size and shape as NI makes that difficult. NI makes sense to run as a large window due to the amount of information contained within it, but often times new windows make sense to be much smaller. so you can see both NI's main and the new satellites at once.


I realize this is the second request I've given you in a matter of days, apologies!


edit: it would also be handy if, when editing .WMP files like worldmap.wmp, the edited location of icons would be shown on the map *before* saving the .wmp file. Right now the "fast" way to visualize changes to icon X, Y positions on the .WMP is to save the file and browse away/back to it see the icon's location update. If we could see the icon move prior to saving, it would make tweaking these things much more friendly.

Edited by agris, 13 April 2023 - 09:35 AM.

#1129 Insomniator

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Posted 13 April 2023 - 11:47 AM

Bug with mass BCS export with localized comments
1) Russian BGT with forced charset=1251 (forced because autodetect mode fails with proper detection of this charset and select one of european/latin charset, BG2 is windows non-utf program, official MS charset for non-utf russian language for windows programs is 1251, for DOS-session is 866)
2) Script compiler-> Autogenerate BCS comments = ON
3) Display window and manual export of script source - OK, no issue, comments are 1251
4) Tools->Mass export->BCS->decompile scripts - Bug, all comments are ???????

Attached Files

Edited by Insomniator, 13 April 2023 - 11:51 AM.

#1130 Argent77

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Posted 14 April 2023 - 01:33 AM

Bug with mass BCS export with localized comments...

Thanks for the report. Charset for script comments in the Mass Exporter was still hardcoded to the default ANSI codepage (Windows-1252). Fixed by this commit.

#1131 Argent77

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Posted 14 April 2023 - 01:42 AM

Feature request for you Argent77-
I am by no means a power user, but I'm editing enough files in separate windows that it would be nice if NI remembered the location/size of new windows across a given instance of the program.

Sounds like a good idea. I'll add it to my todo list.



edit: it would also be handy if, when editing .WMP files like worldmap.wmp, the edited location of icons would be shown on the map *before* saving the .wmp file. Right now the "fast" way to visualize changes to icon X, Y positions on the .WMP is to save the file and browse away/back to it see the icon's location update. If we could see the icon move prior to saving, it would make tweaking these things much more friendly.

I'll see if such a feature is viable. It would probably cause a long delay whenever the "View" tab is selected, since the whole structure has to be reinitialized.

#1132 agris

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Posted 14 April 2023 - 08:53 AM

Small bug:


"Options -> Default Structure Display -> Edit" isn't respected when editing locations on WMP files. They always open in View mode.

#1133 Argent77

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Posted 15 April 2023 - 12:17 AM

Small bug:


"Options -> Default Structure Display -> Edit" isn't respected when editing locations on WMP files. They always open in View mode.


I haven't noticed anything unusual. Can you provide a repro?

#1134 ALIEN

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Posted 15 April 2023 - 07:04 AM

I don't see any commandline switches when I try to launch NearInfinity.jar. So I have feature request:


- ability to add game from commandline

- ability to selecting previously added game from commandline via name



Project Infinity public BETA - mod manager for Infinity Engine games

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#1135 Argent77

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Posted 15 April 2023 - 07:46 AM

I don't see any commandline switches when I try to launch NearInfinity.jar. So I have feature request:
- ability to add game from commandline
- ability to selecting previously added game from commandline via name

Command line options are supported, but they are mostly intended for troubleshooting. You can get an overview with this command:

java -jar NearInfinity.jar -help

#1136 ALIEN

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Posted 15 April 2023 - 01:12 PM

Doh, n Windows I was typing '/?' or '/help', on Linux '--help'  :doh:

Project Infinity public BETA - mod manager for Infinity Engine games

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#1137 ALIEN

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Posted 15 April 2023 - 01:27 PM

Stil, the question remains: Would it be possible to add/select game via commandline?


I want to do universal .bat that it will be placed inside game directory and when launched, it would add current game if it wasn't added or select it (matching can be done by current path) if it already was added.


I'm creating new game folder for each mod I'm investigating and the process is to tedious.

Project Infinity public BETA - mod manager for Infinity Engine games

Infinity Auto Packager - automatically generate and adds mod packages to GitHub release

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#1138 Insomniator

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Posted 15 April 2023 - 03:07 PM


Stil, the question remains: Would it be possible to add/select game via commandline?


I want to do universal .bat that it will be placed inside game directory and when launched, it would add current game if it wasn't added or select it (matching can be done by current path) if it already was added.

NI already select current directory as game base, just run java process from game directory

#1139 Argent77

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Posted 16 April 2023 - 01:49 AM

Stil, the question remains: Would it be possible to add/select game via commandline?


I want to do universal .bat that it will be placed inside game directory and when launched, it would add current game if it wasn't added or select it (matching can be done by current path) if it already was added.


I'm creating new game folder for each mod I'm investigating and the process is to tedious.

You can either use the method suggested by Insomniator - running NI from a specific working directory, or specify the game path as a parameter for NI.

#1140 ALIEN

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Posted 16 April 2023 - 02:29 AM

Sorry, It was late and I missed the examples from -help. The wiki https://github.com/N...Troubleshooting also contain commandline usage but it's pretty had to find you you are searching 'commandline' there.

Project Infinity public BETA - mod manager for Infinity Engine games

Infinity Auto Packager - automatically generate and adds mod packages to GitHub release

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