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#421 K4thos

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Posted 02 April 2015 - 12:03 PM

  • Fixed a bug in the automatic language detection for game languages if the specified language in the baldur.ini differs from the actual language folder name by case.
  • Switching game languages didn't update certain main menu entries (such as Edit->dialogf.tlk): Fixed.
  • Added full BG2EE support of effect opcodes for EET installations.

tested all 3 on EET - works. Thank you!


This is a good opportunity to test the new "Check for updates" feature introduced in the previous version (v1.36-20150316). You can either check manually (via Help->Check for updates) or let NI automatically check for updates (can be enabled in Help->Update settings...).

also works (Windows 7). I have automatic updates set to check for new version each time the program is loaded. Message showed up right after running the program.

Edited by K4thos, 02 April 2015 - 12:03 PM.

#422 Crevs Daak

Crevs Daak

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 05:44 PM

Check for updates works fine in Mac OSX 10.7, great work!  :new_thumbs:

#423 Saigon1983

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 11:04 PM

@Argent77, I just think, will it be hard to provide russian for NI? I'm not familiar with java, so my question may be looks like "noob talking")) But if you could add "select language" submenu to general "Options" menu and tell me how to translate the interface, I can do it. But if this will bother you - never mind))

#424 Argent77

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:59 AM

@Argent77, I just think, will it be hard to provide russian for NI? I'm not familiar with java, so my question may be looks like "noob talking")) But if you could add "select language" submenu to general "Options" menu and tell me how to translate the interface, I can do it. But if this will bother you - never mind))

NI has not been designed for internationalization support. It would be a tremendously time-consuming task to make it ready for different languages, so it's very unlikely to see a feature like this in the (near) future.

#425 Saigon1983

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 05:25 AM


#426 Saigon1983

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 02:25 AM

Another question

Is there any hope of reveal the unknown flags? For example, flags in ITM files 12,14,15, etc. And in CRE too. I understand, that if it was so easy, they would be known a long time ago. But, what could I do to investigate them myself? Only set them, and then look what is changed in game?

#427 Saigon1983

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 03:16 AM

And if someone could explain whan is the meaning of these flags, would be great:


Displayable (3)

Not copyable (5)

Silver ( 8 )           //   For what purpose I must set

Cold iron (9)     //   the material, my item was made of?

Off-handed (10)

EE: ... (13, 24, 25)?

Edited by Saigon1983, 11 April 2015 - 03:17 AM.

#428 Saigon1983

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 03:42 AM

Anothe one:


What option should I use to set a restriction for equipping an item (like Cloak of Protection +1 can not be set, while Chainmail +1 is equipped)?


In DLTCEP there is a flag for it. I take the same Protector +1 and save in item1 (with flag set on) and in item2 (with flag set off) but in Near Infinity there is no differences betwee these items, rather in EDIT or in  RAW screens...


P.S. Sorry, if I use the wrong thread for my questions, but for some reason "Search..." is not working in my computer on this forum(((

Edited by Saigon1983, 11 April 2015 - 03:57 AM.

#429 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 04:07 AM

And if someone could explain whan is the meaning of these flags, would be great:
Displayable (3)
Not copyable (5)
Silver ( 8 )           //   For what purpose I must set
Cold iron (9)     //   the material, my item was made of?
Off-handed (10)
EE: ... (13, 24, 25)?
So item properties, well the gold is easy, you got to enable it to allow the weapon to kill what's called a greater Werevolves(the BG1 has one what's called "Loup Garou", who are immune to regular magical weapons), but not these cause they are not protected via the opcode 120 from them. The Magical = 6, Silver 9 and Gold/Cold-iron =10 use the very same feature, but just different flags.
Not copyable has something to do with scribing scrolls. Displayable has to do with showing the item in the store menu. The EE only affect the Enhanced Edition game only, as they are not enable in the non-EE game.
The 10... well it shows in iesdp as "bow", and the items follow that(the reguilar bows, so not crossbows), but really I have no idea.
Another question
Is there any hope of reveal the unknown flags? For example, flags in ITM files 12,14,15, etc. And in CRE too. I understand, that if it was so easy, they would be known a long time ago. But, what could I do to investigate them myself? Only set them, and then look what is changed in game?
It's likely that they have no actual function in the game, they are there just for assignable values for features yet to be enable, if they ever come.
What option should I use to set a restriction for equipping an item (like Cloak of Protection +1 can not be set, while Chainmail +1 is equipped)?
The file in the game that disallows two item on the list to be equatable at the same time is the itemexcl.2da, so you can only use that.

Edited by The Imp, 11 April 2015 - 04:16 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#430 Argent77

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 04:26 AM

As already mentioned, "Unknown" flags aren't necessarily unknown. NI uses this string by default for unlabeled flags. In most cases they are simply unused or reserved for future use (which was the case for several TobEx and EE-specific flags).

Item restrictions are handled by the ITEMEXCL.2DA file. You can find out more about it on IESDP. DLTCEP provides this option just for convenience.

#431 Saigon1983

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 05:40 AM

Well, @The Imp & @Argent77,thanks!

May I post here once more flags to know? Actually, I read the whole IESDP, but when in explains in words, it is easier to understand.

These are flags for Item abilities, which I'm not clear for now:

Hostile (10)   //  No idea....

Keen edge (17)   // Is this "always hit"? or the same as Bypass armor (16)?

Ex: Toggle backstab (25)  


And for "Add strength bonus (0)" and "EE: Damage/THAC0 strenght bonus (2 & 3)"

Am I right, that if I'm playing vanilla and want to have bonus from my 21 strength to the weapon damage, I must set (0) flag, but if I'm playing EE, I must not set (0), but must set (2) & (3) for the same effect?

Edited by Saigon1983, 11 April 2015 - 05:41 AM.

#432 The Imp

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 05:54 AM

These are flags for Item abilities, which I'm not clear for now:
Hostile (10)   //  No idea....
Keen edge (17)   // Is this "always hit"? or the same as Bypass armor (16)?
10 is the same as in .spl files, if you use it on a neutral character and it doesn't decimate/charm the creature, it should turn against the player. Like say casting fireball to a croup of strangers.
Keen edge has to do with the critical hits, it should doubles the chance (natural 19 and 20 at the dice result) on one handed weapons and triple(natural 18, 19 and 20 at the dice result) the two handed.
, but if I'm playing EE, I must not set (0), but must set (2) & (3) for the same effect?
The zero works on both games, so the distinction is that if you wish to use either of the two other effects in the EE game, you just don't set it the zero but either of the 2 or 3. But neither of the two works in the non-EE game.
So that's a no !

Edited by The Imp, 11 April 2015 - 05:59 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#433 Argent77

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 06:01 AM

Ex: Toggle backstab (25): Quote from the TobEx readme:

Normally, only non-ranged items usable by thieves can be used for backstabbing. TobEx allows modmakers to invert this behaviour to customise what items can be used for backstabbing. TobEx adds functionality to bit 25 (Toggle backstab restrictions) of ITM V1.0 Extended Header offset 0x0026 (Flags). When set, this bit makes items normally unusable for backstabbing usable, and items normally usable for backstabbing unusable. For a ranged attack that hits, both launcher and ammo abilities are checked, and if at least one of the bits is set, backstabbing is toggled.

A good start to find more information is by browsing the IESDP Updates and Info section of the G3 forums. It contains lots of useful info regarding features introduced by the Enhanced Edition games and more.

#434 Tash

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 06:53 AM

Thanks for all the updates, Argent77!


I've used NearInfinity a lot for my purposes. The extended search proves to be one of the essential features whenever I work with the existing audio files. There is something I'd like to point out, tough. I'm not sure If it even counts towards a shortcoming, but searching for a specific resource in many different file types can be unnecessarily strenuous.


First, one has to know the exact field name of the requested resref. So, if I want to find all the spells which use "CAS_M01.wav," I have to type in "casting sound," and then choose the resource from the scrolling list. Naturally, this method won't find resrefs with the same name which are present in the spell file but aren't casting sounds; for these I'd have to type in "resource" as the field name. I believe it would be much easier to find resources if one had the option to type in a single asterisk to indicate the desire to find any resrefs with the specified name in any field across the file. What's more, it would be much faster for many if one had the option to type in the resref name instead of having to choose it from the scrolling list. The list is useful, but I'm certain many find typing easier. Having both input methods would be great.


Second, all the choices for the custom filters reset upon changing file types. Let's say I want to find "EFF_M68.wav" in spells, projectiles and video cells; I have to go through the custom filters over and over again for each of these file types. I think it would be much easier if my settings remained for every custom search, wouldn't you agree?


Other than these two shameless instances of profound nitpicking... NearInfinity is great, and thanks for all the hard work! ^_^

#435 Argent77

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 08:22 AM

First, one has to know the exact field name of the requested resref. So, if I want to find all the spells which use "CAS_M01.wav," I have to type in "casting sound," and then choose the resource from the scrolling list. Naturally, this method won't find resrefs with the same name which are present in the spell file but aren't casting sounds; for these I'd have to type in "resource" as the field name.

It is much more effective to use the "Find references..." feature in this case. It searches all relevant resource fields and you can specify more than one resource type target if needed. You can find this feature at the bottom of (almost) every resource type.


 Second, all the choices for the custom filters reset upon changing file types. Let's say I want to find "EFF_M68.wav" in spells, projectiles and video cells; I have to go through the custom filters over and over again for each of these file types. I think it would be much easier if my settings remained for every custom search, wouldn't you agree?

Each resource type in the list uses its own set of input masks, which includes the custom filters panel. For example, changes made to fields in EFF resources will be kept even if you switch to another resource type. Changing this behavior would break consistency with the type-specific search fields, I'd like to avoid this. Btw, in this case it it also much easier to use the "Find references..." functionality instead.

Edited by Argent77, 11 April 2015 - 08:22 AM.

#436 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 05:01 PM

Yeah, I'm just going to pop in here to say thanks to the modders and testers that keep things like this up and running.

#437 Echon



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 01:05 PM

When editing extension headers, the Remove-button becomes unusable if more than one effect is selected. It has been this way for ages, but why not allow it to be used for any number of effects? It would be easier than using cut (which may cause problems if you are going to paste one or more effects), or deleting them one by one.

#438 Argent77

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Posted 18 April 2015 - 02:14 PM

I fully agree. This will improve usability a lot (and it looks easy enough to be implemented).

#439 Saigon1983

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Posted 18 April 2015 - 02:26 PM

May be hotkeys for copy-paste effects and abilities also could be implemented?

#440 Argent77

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Posted 19 April 2015 - 02:39 AM

I'd rather not do this. These shortcuts are already used by default when editing table data directly. Furthermore, copy/cut/paste operations on whole resource structures are always a delicate matter. I want to avoid that users can trigger these actions just by accident.