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#401 Argent77

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Posted 13 February 2015 - 10:40 AM

Major update: NearInfinity v1.36-20150213

This release includes some fundamental internal changes that warrants a new version number (more information in the changelog below). I have taken the opportunity to change the version number format as well.


  • Internal changes: Implemented a new game profile system which replaces the old and very limited game id system. It is highly flexible, allows to add more features (such as custom labels for individual game installations) and can be easily expanded if Beamdog (or someone else) releases more Infinity Engine games. (Btw, this feature has been on the to-do list since 2013 when Wisp and FredSRichardson were still actively involved in the project.)
  • Added more game variants: Tutu, BGT and EET.
  • Added Search->Text Search->INI.
  • Improved the "Find references" feature:
    • Added preselected resource types.
    • Added 2DA search target.
    • Improved search dialog.
  • Fixed a serious bug in "Extended Search" which resulted in missing or wrong search results. (Affected resource types were ITM, SPL and possibly STO.)
  • Strref values are shown in front of strings in the tree view of DLG resources (if enabled in Options menu).
  • Added WAV resource references for voiced lines in tree view of DLG resources.
  • Added "Find references" button for TIS, MVE and WBM resources.
  • More informative confirmation messages for "Restore backup".
  • Fixed a bug in text search which, in certain cases, was one or more lines off.
  • NI's original main window size and position will be preserved across sessions even if you maximize the window.
  • Many more smaller changes and bugfixes.

Edited by Argent77, 13 February 2015 - 10:44 AM.

#402 K4thos

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Posted 14 February 2015 - 08:15 PM

awesome update, thanks :new_thumbs: Especially that 2DA search option was really needed.

#403 Argent77

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Posted 28 February 2015 - 08:20 AM

Update: NearInfinity v1.36-20150228


  • Added Bookmark feature to Game menu. You can add the currently open game to the Bookmark section and give it a name. The bookmark name will be displayed in the main window title bar if available. A simple bookmark editor allows you to rename, move or remove individual bookmarks.
  • Added a "Game Properties" feature to the Game menu which shows a summary of game-specific paths, settings and supported resource types.
  • Added option to edit the game's INI file (found in Edit menu or in Game Properties).
  • Game language selection will be stored individually for every game type (only relevant for Enhanced Edition games).
  • Switching game language doesn't require a restart of Near Infinity anymore.
  • Tools->Check->For corrupted files: Added check for out of range tile indices in WED resources.
  • Fixed links in view tabs of several resource types.

#404 -Hurricane-

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:19 PM

I absolutely love the language switching without a restart! However, while the game text changes, the WAV files don't. I have to restart manually to make NI look up the new WAV directory.

#405 Argent77

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Posted 05 March 2015 - 04:36 AM

This might be an oversight. I have to check.

#406 Argent77

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Posted 05 March 2015 - 05:38 AM

I absolutely love the language switching without a restart! However, while the game text changes, the WAV files don't. I have to restart manually to make NI look up the new WAV directory.



I've also fixed an issue if a game language doesn't provide its own sound files (which is an issue with all languages in BG1:EE except for english and german). It falls back to english in this case.

#407 -Hurricane-

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Posted 06 March 2015 - 07:43 AM

Also (and I don't know whether that's related) the search for references to a WAV file seems to be broken. When I click on "Find references..." and then on "Search", nothing happens.

#408 Argent77

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Posted 06 March 2015 - 08:06 AM

Good catch. It's a regression from adding 2DA search targets in v1.36-20150213. Will be fixed in the next release.

#409 Argent77

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 02:27 PM

Update: NearInfinity v1.36-20150316


  • Implemented a "Check for updates" feature (can be found in Help menu). You can either manually check for updates or let NI automatically check for updates (see Help->Update settings...). Whenever a new update is available, a dialog will be opened which contains information about the release and a download link to it. This feature is still experimental as I don't have the time to test all kinds of network configurations and conditions. I would appreciate any kind of feedback in that regard.
  • Fixed several language-specific issues in Enhanced Edition games.
  • Fixed a bug in "Find references" for WAV resources.

#410 K4thos

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 11:21 AM

Implemented a "Check for updates" feature


Also yay for "bookmarked games" feature :Bow: I see that EET is recognizable - thanks. NI is soo good. Amazing tool.

#411 -Hurricane-

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Posted 22 March 2015 - 09:02 AM

I have a question regarding the search for references function. By default, different resource types have a different preselection of file types to search. When I change the preselected file types, the newly configured file type selection is used for all resource types. However, when I click on "Default" to revert back to the default file type selection, this doesn't give me back the default behavior where all the different resource types have their default file type selections. Instead, the default selection of the resource type I clicked "Default" on is used for all types of resources. Is this intentional?

#412 Argent77

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Posted 22 March 2015 - 11:58 AM

It's not really intentional, more like a side effect of how the Reference Search dialog has been implemented. It would probably be a very time-consuming task to change the current behavior, so I don't know if or when I can address this issue.

#413 -Hurricane-

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 07:46 AM

Understood, thanks :)

#414 Saigon1983

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Posted 26 March 2015 - 02:47 PM

May be a noob question, but is there any manual such as: "look here, this flag means this, and this button leads there"? For instance, where can I find the meaning of flags in flag section of editing CRE-file? I'm trying to make some kind of manual in russian, and it will be very helpful.


UPD: I don't mean this guide: http://www.idi.ntnu..../ni/index.html. Some of present-days, maybe?..

Edited by Saigon1983, 26 March 2015 - 02:51 PM.

#415 Argent77

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Posted 27 March 2015 - 07:01 AM

Unfortunately there isn't one. I never had the time to write an introduction, wiki or tutorial and apparently the previous developers of NI have never written one as well (except for the introduction from the original author you've already mentioned).

If you want to know more about game resources and the inner workings of the Infinity Engine, you can visit the IESDP website which provides information about resource formats, effect opcodes, script actions and many more. Another good source of information is the IESDP Updates and Info section of the G3 forums. Actually, I'm using the aforementioned sources as well for updating the resource fields in NI.

#416 Saigon1983

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Posted 27 March 2015 - 07:13 AM

Well, thanks, Argent77. Yes, I already know about this two resourses, and they help a lot. But sometimes I feel like "STATE_CONFUSED (31)" ))) Would you mind, if I'll be post few questions here, when will need a help? 

#417 Argent77

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Posted 27 March 2015 - 07:43 AM

Well, thanks, Argent77. Yes, I already know about this two resourses, and they help a lot. But sometimes I feel like "STATE_CONFUSED (31)" ))) Would you mind, if I'll be post few questions here, when will need a help?

NI-related questions are always welcome here as well as there. For game- or engine-specific questions I'd recommend the G3 Forums instead for a higher chance of getting a good answer.

Edited by Argent77, 27 March 2015 - 08:50 AM.

#418 K4thos

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Posted 27 March 2015 - 05:29 PM

hey, Argent77 a bug report here: in newest NI I can't switch BG2:EE (EET) TLK language to pl_PL. NI shows that is is enabled, but it still uses en_US. Polish language is not yet officially implemented in BG2:EE, but it's a matter of copying files to lang dir. This problem didn't exist in earlier version.




According to Avenger BG2:EE and IWD:EE engines are the same post 1.3 patch. Any chance for including IWD:EE opcodes descriptions for BG2:EE (and EET)? For example Parameter1 and 2 are not named in "Disable rest or save (338)" opcode. In IWD:EE they are named Message and Mode. I can confirm that this effect works exactly the same in BG2:EE patch 1.3 (well, it's partially broken in both games that is :P btw. maybe you know the answer for the question that I asked in this topic?)

#419 Argent77

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Posted 28 March 2015 - 05:09 AM

hey, Argent77 a bug report here: in newest NI I can't switch BG2:EE (EET) TLK language to pl_PL. NI shows that is is enabled, but it still uses en_US. Polish language is not yet officially implemented in BG2:EE, but it's a matter of copying files to lang dir. This problem didn't exist in earlier version.

It looks like an EET-specific problem in NI and affects any non-english language selection. I'll try to fix it, but it's a rather complicated bug so it might take some time.


Any chance for including IWD:EE opcodes descriptions for BG2:EE (and EET)? For example Parameter1 and 2 are not named in "Disable rest or save (338)" opcode. In IWD:EE they are named Message and Mode.

This is also an EET-specific issue, but luckily it's very easy to solve. It'll be fixed in the next release.

#420 Argent77

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Posted 02 April 2015 - 08:18 AM

Update: NearInfinity v1.36-20150402


  • Reduced loading times of DLG resources.
  • Switched to zero-based state and response indices in DLG viewer.
  • Fixed a bug in the automatic language detection for game languages if the specified language in the baldur.ini differs from the actual language folder name by case.
  • Switching game languages didn't update certain main menu entries (such as Edit->dialogf.tlk): Fixed.
  • Added full BG2EE support of effect opcodes for EET installations.
  • Fixed unavailable file size info in "New update available" dialog.


This is a good opportunity to test the new "Check for updates" feature introduced in the previous version (v1.36-20150316). You can either check manually (via Help->Check for updates) or let NI automatically check for updates (can be enabled in Help->Update settings...).