This is the newest version of NearInfinity:
The latest updates to NearInfinity have been made by Argent77 and can be found on the Argent77 branch on GitHub. These latest development snapshots have lots of cool new features and improvements, including native ACM and WAVC sound support which means that acm2wav or acmtool is no longer required. A changelog of bug fixes and new features is provided in the post announcing each new development snapshot, but a more consolidated list of recent changes can be found here.
See the NearInfinity Wiki for an excellent source of information on NI, including feature overviews, system requirements, troubleshooting steps, etc.
AstroBryGuy from the Baldur's Gate forum has set up a repository for Mac OS X specific app packages of Near Infinity. It provides a better system integration, such as adding a Dock icon or using the system menubar.
Support for case-sensitive filesystems (as found on Linux and derivates) has been added in the main developmental snapshots. This feature supersedes the (already dated) CI versions of NearInfinity and removes the requirement of tolowered game installations at the same time.
Note that if you are using my Hide NI DOS program (on Windows) to run NearInfinity, instructions for directing it to the new .jar file can be found in this post or in the readme that came with the program.
Because there is currently no official place to host the latest compiled versions of NearInfinity (other than GitHub), I am volunteering to compile them if necessary and keep up-to-date links in this post to the latest version.
The original creator of NearInfinity is Jon Olav Hauglid. The latest OFFICIAL stable and beta releases can still be found on his site. The most recent version on this site is v1.32.1b24. This version is outdated.
After that there was a NearInfinity project on SourceForege. This version is outdated.
Pocket Plane Group is the current host of the NearInfinity forums.
The most recent compiled version PRIOR TO moving to GitHub can be found in this post. It is v1.33b19. This version is outdated.
The sources to the very latest unofficial updates to NearInfinity can be found on GitHub. It is the compiled forms of these versions that I am attaching here.
While Fredrik Lindgren's build is the primary branch, other branches of NearInfinity include Taimon's branch, vbigiani's branch, FredSRichardson's branch, Argent 77's branch, Jurgen00's branch, and AstroBryGuy's branch.
You need the following to run NearInfinity properly:
You MUST have Java installed to run NearInfinity. Here is the download page. Using the 64-bit version of Java to run NI is recommend if you are on a 64-bit system. You may also wish to test your version of Java by going here or here to see if it is the latest. Java 8 or higher is required to run NearInfinity v2.0 and later.
Edit: As of v1.35.0-snapshot-20140201, NearInfinity comes with native ACM and WAVC sound support (no acm2wav or acmtool required anymore).
acm2wav~v1.32.rar 23.64K
Hide NI DOS is a program I wrote which quietly runs NearInfinity with the specified VM Options. It takes the place of and is an improvement to .BAT files used to increase memory allocations, and also provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for NearInfinity’s optional command-line parameters. It only runs on Windows Operating Systems. This program is optional. The latest version of Hide NI DOS can be found on GitHub, along with the Read-Me.
Alternate Command-Line approach:
Edited by Sam., 10 October 2022 - 11:49 AM.