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Pack Mule

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#1 Chevalier


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Posted 20 June 2010 - 03:36 AM

Pack Mule

Cool :coolthumb:

Does it walk? Now someone needs to create a mod that you can buy (or find) a pack mule. It should have code like a familiar or an animal that fallows you and when you talk to it you open a container that you can put your stuff in.

Some additions to the mod might be that the mule gets stolen or lost. And you quest to get him back. Takes damage and panics and runs away. If attacked he tries to fight back (is there an attack animation?).

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#2 Miloch



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Posted 20 June 2010 - 03:59 AM

Heh. It needs a shadow, I think, though I did not look at the actual animation. There are some odd animations that don't have shadows (like the Diablo bovine axe murderer or whatever) but they look, well, odd.

How exactly does one port animations from WoW? Not that I would try it, since I don't have WoW nor expect to ever have it, but it might be useful for other folks who want to try it. I have been toying with porting animations from other games... I've got as far as making animated GIF sequences, but then BAM Workshop 1 chokes while importing them (it imports maybe the first frame correctly but the rest look horrible :().

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#3 Crazee

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Posted 20 June 2010 - 04:03 AM

If anyone made a mod out of that animation, they would have my full support. I really like the idea - especially the short side-quest where he/she gets lost.

And I should probably just take the time to mention what a wonderful job everyone who has contributed to IA has done. Amazing, amazing work from everyone. Thank you all!

#4 Kwiat_W

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Posted 20 June 2010 - 05:10 AM

Have You played Dungeon Siege? I have, and thou I didn't like the game, I liked that you could buy a pack mule to carry your belongings and follow you around. I wanted to make something similar for BG2, a pack mule mini mod. In the mod, when you get the mule you also get an item container that lands in your backpack, and you have to imagine that whatever you put in that bag lands in the packs your mule is carring. I shered this idea with a friend but he didn't share my enthusiasm for mules. I began to think that I'm the only person who would prefer a pack mule over a magical bottomless bag and I never finished the mod.

It can walk, it can attack. It doesn't have a shadow, but I have added it in game with a vvc file and "a cow on a rope" trick.

Posted Image

In place of spell casting animation I have placed an "eat grass" animation. In cre script I have placed a block that orders mule to cast a custom spell with a long cast time when it has nothing to do and it looks as if the mule would eat grass. :) On a screenshot you can notice 2 more custom spells that work as "quick order" buttons for follow/stay commands.

I have captured the animations with wow model viewer.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#5 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 20 June 2010 - 05:38 AM

In the mod, when you get the mule you also get an item container that lands in your backpack, and you have to imagine that whatever you put in that bag lands in the packs your mule is carrying.

Why, why not just make the creature have conversation(it would be like the inn keepers) and which makes it go to a shop that buys and sells with zero price. The creatures following script can probably be copied/altered from the Haiass mod... And now, we have 9 "party members".

In place of spell casting animation I have placed an "eat grass" animation. In cre script I have placed a block that orders mule to cast a custom spell with a long cast time when it has nothing to do and it looks as if the mule would eat grass. :)

Hopefully the mod maker will make this "eat grass" heal the mule, so the party doesn't need to.

That's about as much as I know about this, would I know more, I would be making a Pack Mule Mod already.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 20 June 2010 - 05:49 AM.

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#6 Kwiat_W

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Posted 20 June 2010 - 05:56 AM

If I would use the conversation method the game wouldn't detect items carried by the mule as being in party possession, witch could brake many quests. Besides using item container is much more convenient for players.
I have done my own script for moving the mule between areas. I just couldn't come up with a clever idea how to place the mule in the game. You have to buy it somewhere, but I'm not a writer, I can't write even a simple "buy a mule" dialog.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#7 Miloch



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Posted 20 June 2010 - 06:19 AM

You have to buy it somewhere, but I'm not a writer, I can't write even a simple "buy a mule" dialog.

Well, that would be the easy part in comparison, to add a merchant with a simple dialog. Hell, you wouldn't even really need dialogue - you could just make an item like a "Mule Token" that creates the mule and disappears after one use. But I suppose it'd be cooler with dialogue - you could even just change a basic dialogue from an existing mod.

The possibilities are endless. I can see it now - "Rupert the Mule Merchant" who offers to paint your ass mule different colours...

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#8 berelinde



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Posted 20 June 2010 - 06:46 AM

I want this mod. It's just so cool.

What would you need for dialogue?


IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN mule 
SAY ~Ee-haw!~ 
IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore(LastTalkedToBy(),"##mule")~ EXIT 

Somebody else is going to have to do the code for following behavior, though. Never even glanced at that before.

Actually, you could do this without new animations, although an actual mule would be the icing on the cake. Just make it a sherpa instead of a pack mule. Make him use that svirfneblin animation with the pack-like thing on his back. It wouldn't be as cool as a mule, of course, but it would make a lot more sense to have the sherpa following you through dungeons.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#9 Miloch



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Posted 20 June 2010 - 07:00 AM

What would you need for dialogue?


IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN mule 
SAY ~Ee-haw!~ 
IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore(LastTalkedToBy(),"##mule")~ EXIT 

Eh... I think you can do a little better than that :P. Ideally, the haggling should end with a CreateCreature() that spawns the mule (that then follows you around a la Haiass) rather than a StartStore().

Make him use that svirfneblin animation with the pack-like thing on his back.

Eh... which animation is that? The svirfneblin in the vanilla game use the dwarf animation (:() - with Aurora or IA they get the IWD svirneblin animations (some of which have pickaxes, but none of which have packs).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#10 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 20 June 2010 - 07:07 AM

Eh... I think you can do a little better than that :P. Ideally, the haggling should end with a CreateCreature() that spawns the mule (that then follows you around a la Haiass) rather than a StartStore().

That's the mules dialog, not the sellers... obviously.

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#11 berelinde



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Posted 20 June 2010 - 08:50 AM

What would you need for dialogue?


IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN mule 
SAY ~Ee-haw!~ 
IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore(LastTalkedToBy(),"##mule")~ EXIT 

Eh... I think you can do a little better than that :P. Ideally, the haggling should end with a CreateCreature() that spawns the mule (that then follows you around a la Haiass) rather than a StartStore().

That's what the mule says to access the inventory, silly!

Tell you what. If I can figure out how Haiass' code works, I'll come up with a mini-mod that lets you haggle with a merchant to hire a sherpa (using a dwarf animation, probably). At that point, I'll turn it over to you guys. If you can get a packmule animation in-game, you can make whatever changes you want to the dialogue and swap out the mule CRE for the dwarf. OK?

Unless somebody else beats me to it. Apart from the Haiass code, the rest is dead simple.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#12 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 20 June 2010 - 09:01 AM

Tell you what. If I can figure out how Haiass' code works, I'll come up with a mini-mod that lets you haggle with a merchant to hire a sherpa (using a dwarf animation, probably). At that point, I'll turn it over to you guys. If you can get a packmule animation in-game, you can make whatever changes you want to the dialogue and swap out the mule CRE for the dwarf. OK?

But Kwiat_W has his own script that makes the mule follow the player... so all that's needed is what you'll give.

I have done my own script for moving the mule between areas. I just couldn't come up with a clever idea how to place the mule in the game. You have to buy it somewhere, but I'm not a writer, I can't write even a simple "buy a mule" dialog.

So one of you only has to get what the other has... [inset insane hyper active girl voice]YYYEEEAAAHHH!!! Wel'll have that 9th party member today... well soon.[/voice]

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 20 June 2010 - 09:14 AM.

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#13 berelinde



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Posted 20 June 2010 - 09:10 AM

Tell you what. I'll see what I can come up with for merchant dialogue. You guys can rename files whatever you like, make a merchant CRE, and make up a tp2 as well as I can, so you work on that part, I'll see if I can get a bit of wrangling together.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#14 Miloch



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Posted 20 June 2010 - 09:18 AM

The Haiass code (which may or may not be similar to whatever Kwiat_W has) is fairly simple. There's a block in the CRE's script that has it follow the PC (the first block in scripts/haiass.baf under "Seguir a Charname") and another block in append/haiare.baf that gets extended to every area script (creating any that don't exist) via about 30 lines of code in the tp2 under "Salto de areas de Haiass". Yes, you could also extend baldur.bcs, but that's lame, and the former method has an advantage in that you could exclude the mule from following you into every single house in Amn or Beregost (it would wait outside instead) or even exclude dungeons or any indoor areas, though I think a well-enough trained mule would go into dungeons (who'd've thunk they could cart folks down the sides of the Grand Canyon after all?).

Edit: and indeed, mules were often used in mining, for example, as reported here.

Now you'd just need to detect if Rupert is installed and if so, and the party has a mule, he'll make such comments as:

Rupert: Nice ass.
Charname: Excuse me?
Rupert: I said, "nice ass." It's a bit pale though. Perhaps you'd care to let me dye it?
Charname: Uhh...
Rupert: Oh wait, that's not an ass, that's a mule! Still, it'd be prettier in mauve... perhaps with a few orange polka-dots?

Edited by Miloch, 20 June 2010 - 09:26 AM.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#15 the bigg

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Posted 20 June 2010 - 09:32 AM

Yes, you could also extend baldur.bcs

Actually, according to Japheth ( :rolleyes: ) in the WeiDU tutorial to EXTEND_TOP_REGEXP, you can't script the change-areas behavior with baldur.bcs, but need to extend area scripts.

Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!

Author or Co-Author: WeiDU - Widescreen - Generalized Biffing - Refinements - TB#Tweaks - IWD2Tweaks - TB#Characters - Traify Tool - Some mods that I won't mention in public
Maintainer: Semi-Multi Clerics - Nalia Mod - Nvidia Fix
Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types - Stutter Investigator

If possible, send diffs, translations and other contributions using Git.

#16 berelinde



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Posted 20 June 2010 - 12:14 PM

As promised, here's the dialogue. Just plug in the appropriate file names. Feel free to change the variable names, prices, or whatever. I haven't tested it, obviously, but it shouldn't take too long to do that, once you've got the scripts, creatures, and store files in place.

/* You could put this guy either in Athkatla's city gates or Imnesvale. For Tutu/BGT, maybe in the courtyard of the FAI. He's a prospector who's had nothing but bad luck and thinks he might do better in another career. */ 

BEGIN ##WRANGL  /* Swap ## for whatever prefix you're using for the mod */ 

IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN w0 
SAY ~Heya. Help a prospector who's down on his luck?~ 
++ ~Here's 5 gold. Get yourself a hot meal.~ + w1 
++ ~What seems to be the trouble?~ + w2 
++ ~Who are you?~ + w2 
++ ~Forget it. I've had enough of beggars, thanks.~ + w1 

IF ~~ w1 
SAY ~I'm not begging. I just need a bit of a start, and there's something in it for you.~ 
++ ~I'm listening.~ + w2 
++ ~'A bit of a start,' eh? What are you starting?~ + w2 
++ ~You have nothing I want.~ + w3 

IF ~~ w2 
SAY ~The name's Stedd. I've been working the hills north of here, panning the streams, doing a bit of mining if I came across an abandoned claim, but my luck's run out. Haven't found a thing in months.~ 
= ~Now I've got this idea, and I know I can make it work, if only I had the coin to make some... acquisitions.~ 
= ~So, here I am, standing next to this fine, strong mule that I won't be needing anymore and you walk up with gear and bits of things sticking out every which way, looking like you could really use a pack animal. It's a sign, I tell you.~ 
++ ~Now that you mention it, I could use one. What are you asking?~ + w4 
++ ~You just said that you won't be needing her anymore. Why don't you just give her to me?~ + w5 
++ ~Thanks, but I'll carry my own gear. It builds character.~ + w6 
++ ~Forget it.~ + w7 

IF ~~ w3 
SAY ~You're wrong there, my friend. I've got something you want very much. I'm standing here next to this fine, strong mule and you walk up with gear and bits of things sticking out every which way. Put the two together over a few coins and a handclasp and we both get what we want.~ 
++ ~Now that you mention it, I could use a pack animal. What are you asking?~ + w4 
++ ~You just said that you won't be needing her anymore. Why don't you just give her to me?~ + w5 
++ ~What's your idea of a few coins?~ + w4 
++ ~Thanks, but I'll carry my own gear. It builds character.~ + w6 
++ ~Forget it. I'm not interested now and I never will be.~ + w7 

IF ~~ w4 
SAY ~I'll let her go for 15,000 gold.~ 
+ ~PartyGoldGT(15,000)~ + ~Sold.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(15000)~ + w10 
++ ~What makes you think you can charge all that for a mule?~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",1)~ + w8 
++ ~You don't want much, do you? I'll give you 100.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",1)~ + w8 
++ ~Whoa, that's too rich for me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",1)~ + w8 
++ ~You're mad! I won't buy her at any price.~ + w7 

IF ~~ w5 
SAY ~I'd like to help you out, but I need gold to start my new venture.~ 
IF ~~ THEN + w4 

IF ~~ w6 
SAY ~It builds backaches, is what it does. Won't you at least hear my pitch?~ 
++ ~Oh, alright.~ + w4 
++ ~I don't have the gold to spare right now. Are you going to be around for a while?~ + w9 
++ ~I said 'no' and I meant 'no.' I am not buying your mule.~ + w7 

IF ~~ w7 
SAY ~Ah, well, it was worth a shot, but it looks like this town has it out for me. I s'pose I'd better try somewhere else. Farewell.~ 
IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeArea()~ EXIT  

IF ~~ w8 
SAY ~Alright, maybe that is a bit steep. How's 12,000 gold strike you?~ 
+ ~Gender(LastTalkedToBy(),MALE) CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),18,CHR) PartyGoldGT(200)~ + ~Does she come with a dancing girl and a camp cook? Because that's what I'd expect for all that gold. I'll give you 200.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(200)~ + w10 
+ ~Gender(LastTalkedToBy(),FEMALE) CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),18,CHR) PartyGoldGT(200)~ + ~Does she come with a personal body servant and a camp cook? Because that's what I'd expect for all that gold I'll give you 200.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(200)~ + w10 
+ ~Gender(LastTalkedToBy(),MALE) !CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),18,CHR)~ + ~Does she come with a dancing girl and a camp cook? Because that's what I'd expect for all that gold. I'll give you 200.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",2)~ + w11 
+ ~Gender(LastTalkedToBy(),FEMALE) !CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),18,CHR)~ + ~Does she come with a personal body servant and a camp cook? Because that's what I'd expect for all that gold I'll give you 200.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",2)~ + w11 
+ ~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),16,CHR) PartyGoldGT(500)~ + ~That's still too high. Make it 500 gold and I'll take her.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(500)~ + w10 
+ ~!CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),16,CHR)~ + ~That's still too high. Make it 500 gold and I'll take her. SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",2)~ + w11 
+ ~PartyGoldGT(12000)~ + ~I guess that will do. I'll take her.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(12000)~ + w10 
++ ~I don't have that much coin on me. Are you going to be here for a while?~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",1)~ + w9 
++ ~If you're going to insult me with these outrageous prices, you can take your mule and go.~ + w7 

IF ~~ w9 
SAY ~Aye, I reckon I'll be around for a while, if you change your mind.~ 

IF ~~ w10 /* Replace the creature code as appropriate */ 
SAY ~You've bought yourself a mule. Come on, Arveene, come out and meet your new friend. And if you'll excuse me, I've got some business to take care of.~ 
IF ~~ THEN DO ~CreateCreatureObjectOffset("##mule",LastTalkedToBy(),[10.10])~ EXIT 

IF ~~ w11 
SAY ~Be reasonable, my friend, she's a highly trained animal. She'll follow you anywhere, even into tunnels. You don't find mules like her every day! We'll make it 10,000 gold, alright?~ 
+ ~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),16,CHR) PartyGoldGT(1000)~ + ~I don't care if she brays the Amnish anthem, it's still too much. I'll give you 1000, and that's being generous.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(1000)~ + w10 
+ ~!CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),16,CHR)~ + ~I don't care if she brays the Amnish anthem, it's still too much. I'll give you 1000, and that's being generous.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",3)~ + w12 
+ ~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),14,CHR) PartyGoldGT(2000)~ + ~That is worth a bit more gold, I'll grant you that. I'll go as high as 2000 gold.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(2000)~ + w10 
+ ~!CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),14,CHR)~ + ~That is worth a bit more gold, I'll grant you that. I'll go as high as 2000 gold.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",3)~ + w12 
+ ~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),10,CHR) PartyGoldGT(7500)~ + ~You know we're going to wind up meeting in the middle. Let's save ourselves a bit of a haggle and just agree on 7500 gp.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(7500)~ + w10 
+ ~!CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),10,CHR)~ + ~You know we're going to wind up meeting in the middle. Let's save ourselves a bit of a haggle and just agree on 7500 gp.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",3)~ + w13 
+ ~PartyGoldGT(10000)~ + ~That sounds fair. We have a deal.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(10000)~ + w10 
++ ~I don't have that much coin on me. Are you going to be here for a while?~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",1)~ + w9 
++ ~I didn't want her for 15,000, I don't want her for 10,000 and I won't want her for 1000, either, so you can take your mule and go.~ + w7 

IF ~~ w12 
SAY ~I can get more than that from the butchers, and that would be a crime. Look how strong she is! She carries everything I give her, and she'll still be rested and ready to go when you're dead on your feet. But hey, maybe you're down on your luck, too. I might let you have her for 9,000 gp.~ 
+ ~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),14,CHR) PartyGoldGT(3000)~ + ~That's a little better, but it's still too much. I'll go as high as 3,000 gp.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(1000)~ + w10 
+ ~!CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),14,CHR)~ + ~That's a little better, but it's still too much. I'll go as high as 3,000 gp.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",4)~ + w13 
+ ~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),12,CHR) PartyGoldGT(5000)~ + ~I'll go as high as 5,000 gold, no more.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(2000)~ + w10 
+ ~!CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),12,CHR)~ + ~I'll go as high as 5,000 gold, no more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",4)~ + w13 
+ ~PartyGoldGT(9000)~ + ~That sounds fair. We have a deal.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(9000)~ + w10 
++ ~I don't have that much coin on me. Are you going to be here for a while?~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",4)~ + w9 
++ ~I'm out of patience. Take your mule and go.~ + w7 

IF ~~ w13 
SAY ~It's a wrench, letting her go for so little, but I'll let her go for 8,000 gold pieces. I'm sorry, but I really can't part with her for anything less than that.~ 
+ ~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),12,CHR) PartyGoldGT(6000)~ + ~I'll give you 6,000 gp for her, and that's my final offer.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(6000)~ + w10 
+ ~!CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(),12,CHR)~ + ~I'll give you 6,000 gp for her, and that's my final offer.~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",5)~ + w14 
+ ~PartyGoldGT(8000)~ + ~That sounds fair. We have a deal.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(8000)~ + w10 
++ ~I don't have that much coin on me. Are you going to be here for a while?~ DO ~SetGlobal("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",5)~ + w9 
++ ~Forget it. Take your mule and go.~ + w7 

IF ~~ w14 
SAY ~I'm sorry, I really am, but I won't go any lower than 8,000 gp.~ 
+ ~PartyGoldGT(8000)~ + ~Alright, if that's the way you want to be. Here's your gold.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(8000)~ + w10 
++ ~I don't have that much coin on me. Are you going to be here for a while?~ + w9 
++ ~Forget it. Take your mule and go.~ + w7 

IF ~NumTimesTalkedToGT(0)~ THEN BEGIN w15 
SAY ~Hello again! Come back to talk about Arveene? Finest pack mule in Faerun!~ 
+ ~Global("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",1) PartyGoldGT(12000)~ + ~Aye. Last time I was here, you were asking 15,000 gp for her. I'll give you 12,000, but no more.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(12000)~ + w10 
+ ~Global("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",2) PartyGoldGT(10000)~ + ~Aye. Last time I was here, you were asking 12,000 gp for her. I'll give you 10,000, but no more.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(10000)~ + w10 
+ ~Global("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",3) PartyGoldGT(8000)~ + ~Aye. Last time I was here, you were asking 10,000 gp for her. I'll give you 8,000 gp, but no more.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(8000)~ + w10 
+ ~Global("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",4) PartyGoldGT(7000)~ + ~Aye. Last time I was here, you were asking 9,000 for her. I'll give you 7,000 gp, but no more.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(7000)~ + w10 
+ ~Global("B!PackMuleWrangler","GLOBAL",5) PartyGoldGT(6000)~ + ~Aye. Last time I was here, you were asking 8,000 for her. I'll give you 6,000 gp, but no more.~ DO ~TakePartyGold(6000)~ + w10 
++ ~No, I just wanted to see if she was still for sale.~ + w9 

Edited by berelinde, 20 June 2010 - 02:43 PM.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#17 Chevalier


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Posted 20 June 2010 - 04:09 PM

So many replies! Kwiat_W mule is really cool. As for the mule always fallowing you, you should be able to tie the mule (order it to stay with a dialog option) to a rock or something. This would keep him out of houses. Mules should fallow you into dungeons and other underground realms.

If I would use the conversation method the game wouldn't detect items carried by the mule as being in party possession, witch could brake many quests. Besides using item container is much more convenient for players.

That's ok. Just put a note in the readme (to get players to read the readme call it secret cheat codes or nude pics) that players need to have the quest items on them. Having quest items on the mule might really help defeat lag in the game.

Other quest ideas. Late in BG I Kagain needs you to help guard a caravan of mules from Nashkel Mines up to Baldur's Gate. Success would depend how many mules you get there alive. Many cool encounters. ;)

The mule refuses to move. Put apples, sugar cubes and other treats in the game. Some in stores & others found. Or if evil put a few 2x4s. :devil:

Encounter a group of Dwarfs taking their gold or weapons to town. For good players it could just be a cool dialog encounter and for evil players they could try to rob it (hard fight).

While sleeping in the right forest Pixies (or others) could free the mule not understanding the the mule would have the best protected life with its owners (the mule is not a wild animal and would not survive). Need to teach the Pixies a joke is a joke, but some animals need to be taken care of by humans (and others).

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#18 Miloch



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Posted 22 June 2010 - 01:50 AM

Sounds like maybe it's time you took up modding for real, Chev <_<.

Nice dialogue, b. Coupla minor things - you probably want to deduct 1gp from the PartyGoldGT checks, so that PartyGoldGT(999) for example, meaning greater than or equal to 1000. Also I think there's a couple commas in some of those amounts - not sure if the engine likes those outside of text. Looks like a missing stop in a couple spots in w8 before "I'll give you 200."

The merchant should have a mule next to him that does nothing (but chomp grass I suppose). Then if the bartering is successful, that mule gets destroyed and the functional one that follows the party gets created (making it look like he hands over the reins, so to speak). If he does an EscapeArea() without selling, the mule should do the same I guess.

So is someone going to make this mod or what? (Kwiat_W, I think, since it was his idea and animation port.)

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#19 Kwiat_W

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Posted 22 June 2010 - 03:18 AM

Yes, I'll make it very soon. Many thanks to Berelinde for the dialog. :Bow: :cheers:

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#20 -BG Fun-

-BG Fun-
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Posted 29 June 2010 - 05:20 AM

Hello, these is the best mod idea of all times!
Can I ask, who is the 8th party member (haiath is 7th, mule 9th), familiar? or you know some mod, that makes familiar realy useful? Thanks