Understanding the functioning of statistics in the game Baldur Gate and specially in the creation of a kit .
This discussion will be in 2 parts :
First part, The Theory
Technical Aspect :
Engineering, Computer, Programming, Mathematics Concepts, Statistics, in the computer role playing
Game-Play :
The rules of role play and its implications in the PC role-playing .
General questions :
-What's the use of statistics in baldur'gate
-How it works
-How to use them to create a kit
-How to build a balanced kit
stat ac hp taco xp level reputation etc ...
sources :
2nd part : Practice
Study of a kit in progress :
The Dark-Sun-Gladiator a tribute to the creators of Baldur and Sarevok

... So Let's Go for the First Part , The Theory, and thank you in advance for your kind participation ...
Edited by salomonkane, 09 June 2010 - 04:04 PM.