So I uploaded that and in totally unprofessional way totally botched a few things right from the start, but anyways...
Battle Priest of Tempus (from TDD), Cleric kit.
Charming Rogue (from NEJ), Thief kit.
Cleric of Tempus (from NEJ), Cleric kit.
Firewalker(from NEJ), Fighter kit.
Moon Knight(from NEJ), Paladin kit.
Pit Fighter(from TDD), Fighter kit.
Priest of Sylvanus(from NEJ), Druid kit.
Bladesinger(from TDD), Fighter kit.
Delver(from TDD), Thief kit.
Vagrant... Ranger kit.
Anti-Paladin(from TDD), Paladin kit.
Dark Paladin(from RoT), Paladin kit.
Cleric of Ilmater(from NEJ), Cleric kit.
Amazon(from TDD), Fighter Kit.
Dark Knight(from TDD), Fighter Kit.
Saurial(from TDD), Paladin Kit.
Vampire Hunter(from TDD).
Blademaster(from TDD), Fighter Kit.
Mage Hunter(from TDD), Fighter Kit.
Ravager(from TDD), exclusively Gnome Fighter Kit.
Rhythm Warrior(from TDD), Fighter Kit.
Tactician(from TDD), Fighter Kit.
Sellsword(from TDD), Fighter Kit.
Apprentice(from an old non-WeiDU kit mod), Human and Half Elf Fighter Kit.
Dragonclaw... Human and Half Elf Fighter Kit. A requested kit from the G3 forum.
Drow Ranger(closely matching the TDD kit), Elf Ranger Kit.
Ninja(from TDD), Thief Kit.
Samurai(from TDD), Human Ranger Kit.
Divine Wizard kit, Human Cleric Kit. I conjured up this kit myself.
Dragon Dancer kit(from an old non-WeiDU kit mod), Elf Fighter Kit.
And the kits might be buggy, as I have not changed much of their original content, as a word of caution. And as the original mods had their spells named as they were, there might be quite many compatibility bugs to slash through, but I'll try my best to manage them when someone points them, but please be exact on your reports on what's happening, what race the character is, on what level it's on and other things that might be related to the fact. These were done from requests, and so if someone wishes me to remove one or more of them, I will do so... and more request are always welcome. The only rule I have about the requests is that I'll do them only if the kit is not already installable by a separate component, and the reason for that is that we update the kit to a 'modern way' to install kits.
Change log:
Stupid stupid failures...
BattlePriestofTempus item's -> to be usable by cavalier, and kit back to be cavalier...
Alphabetized the kits install order
Added: Cleric of Tempus
Cleric of Tempus had missing spells in the CLABCLTM.2da(as they were in the original character), and so the description was changes to reflect the proper changes, so the spells are gained on several levels and not at the level 1.
1.01e-1.01f, 3 new kits, added to the end of the install, so there shouldn't be need to uninstall the previously installed kits from the 1.01e or d...
1.01f-1.01G, 3 new kits, added to the end of the install, so there shouldn't be need to uninstall the previously installed kits from the 1.01f or e or d...

1.01G-1.01H, 4 new kits, added to the end of the install, so there shouldn't be need to uninstall the previously installed kits from the 1.01G, f, e or d... I also found a .bam that was intended for the Bladesinger, so now the "Disarm" spell should have an interface icon. I am sure there's a lot of other spells that do not have theirs, but I haven't bothered to go search.
1.01H-1.01I, 5 more kits added to the end of the install, so there shouldn't be need to uninstall the previously installed kits from the 1.01... if you don't wish to update them.
1.01J, the Sellsword Kit added, and a lot of bug fixes, ranging from fixing the Priest of Sylvanus to not overwrite the light crossbows

1.01K, added five more kits, they match closely to what the originals were, but there were a few changes, such as the drow kits do not match the TDD kit identifiers and are not effected by the changes in the TDD and as they are threated as different kits, the effects of the changes can be read from the kits description.
1.01J, added two more kits, the Divine Wizard kit and the Dragon Dancer kit, a few kit description refinements and many spells changed to use my own prefix for further compatibility, WeiDU.exe updated to v226.
So that it's understood, if you already installed this mod, and don't wish to uninstall(& clean the game directory from the file mods files)_extract_and_install the newest version completely, you might not get the newest most updated changes to each of the kits, so you might still be missing the few .bams, and other minor fixes, but you can still use the old kits and the new. Or you could manually go and ... näh, you really shouldn't bother.
And remember to use the ToB Extender if you have more than 10 kits per class and race... or you can of course install these kit selectively.
Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 24 December 2010 - 11:23 AM.