From Debug file:
When it looks at the file and see differences is it because other mads already patched it??[aurora/english/agkaraea.TRA] has 274 translation strings
[aurora/extend/soa/agkaraea.baf] loaded, 17533 bytes
[./override/JOURTYPE.IDS] loaded, 67 bytes
[./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 34143 bytes
[./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4145 bytes
[./override/ASTYLES.IDS] loaded, 33 bytes
[./override/CLASS.IDS] loaded, 2078 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[aurora/batchlog/t-ansi.txt] loaded, 20 bytes
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[BGMain.exe] loaded, 7843840 bytes
BGMain.exe not valid - make sure your ToB .exe is patched to v26498!
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
COPY ~BGMain.exe~ ~BGMain.exe~ //Validity check sz = SOURCE_SIZE READ_LONG 0x40742c c1 READ_LONG 0x40a8da c2 READ_LONG 0x7536e7 c3 BUT_ONLY ACTION_IF (c1 = 0x3db6d84) AND (c2 = 0xc6004c48) AND (c3 = 0x54464958) AND (sz = 0x77a02e) BEGIN OUTER_SET skip = 1 PRINT @454 //BGMain.exe appears to be patched already; skipping .exe modifications END ELSE BEGIN ACTION_IF (c1 != 0xb48f) OR (c2 != 0x3d7c1) OR (c3 != 0x53505700) OR (sz != 0x77a02e) BEGIN FAIL @455 //BGMain.exe not valid - make sure your ToB .exe is patched to v26498! END END
Here is my current BGMain.rar 1.99MB 513 downloads