I have given some thought and decided Conductor should be a separate installation from Hidden Kits. I think it deserves that much

On playtesting, have found that the lightning effect triggers after 6 seconds, so there's no fear for the tap-untap abuse.
However, there is a need to implement a "break invisibility" effect so the Conductor will be revealed when he sings his bardsong, otherwise its too cheesy.
I was fiddling about with ideas for 2 upgrades to Lightning Fury... this is what I got. Its pretty nifty I think, and it might not look powerful initially, basically it is a self-propagating version of Chain Lightning :
Lightning Wrath
Lightning Wrath releases a surge of lightning at every enemy within the caster's sight.
For every target struck by Lightning Wrath, they take lightning damage and have a certain
chance of casting Lightning Wrath at every enemy of the Caster within their sight.
The first strike has a chance of stunning a target for 12 seconds that fails a Save vs Spells.
The first strike does 4d6 damage and has 75% chance of spawning another wave,
the second strike does 2d6 damage and has 50% chance of spawning another wave,
the third strike does 1d6 damage and has 25% chance of spawning another wave,
the fourth strike does 1d3 damage and has no chance of spawning another wave.
Note that the Caster takes 5d6 damage immediately and is stunned for 6 seconds.
Lightning Tempest
Lightning Tempest releases a surge of lightning at everyone within the caster's sight.
For every target struck by Lightning Tempest, they take lightning damage and have a certain
chance of casting Lightning Tempest at everyone (inclusive the Caster) within their sight.
The first strike has a chance of stunning a target for 12 seconds that fails a Save vs Spells.
The first strike does 4d6 damage and has 75% chance of spawning another wave,
the second strike does 2d6 damage and has 50% chance of spawning another wave,
the third strike does 1d6 damage and has 25% chance of spawning another wave,
the fourth strike does 1d3 damage and has no chance of spawning another wave.
Note : it applies to "within the Caster's Sight" as opposed to "visible to the Caster"
Now, it may not look like much, but check out these numbers based on Excel Spreadsheet (yes the math is that complex)
Lightning Wrath
vs 3 opponents : 12 - 68 damage per target, avg 40 damage
vs 5 opponents : 26.5 - 136.5 damage per target, avg 81.5 damage
vs 10 opponents : 128.69 - 544.5 damage per target, avg 336.5 damage
(Assuming all opponents are within sight of each other, have 0% Electrical Resistance, do not die, and the 75/50/25 works exactly as it is stated.
Actual results may vary TREMENDOUSLY due to the 75/50/25, and of course, enemy death)
The strongest ability, Lightning Tempest, is much the same, with one difference - your party members are targeted, and the Conductor takes no (immediate) damage on casting. So, why should anyone in their right mind upgrade from Lightning Wrath to Lightning Tempest?
Simple - it "transforms" your own party members (and the Conductor himself) into basically, Enemies.
Yes they take damage, but the net result is that more Lightning goes off, and more damage is dealt (to everyone).
I will go home and try to create and fiddle this abillity "live" into a scroll, that'll be technical implementation.
But feedback, thoughts?

I'm considering making the 2 HLA upgrades an optional installation with Conductor.
For those wondering at the Math, it works like this (based on Lightning Wrath)
Conductor with 10 opponents casts LW, each opponent takes 4d6 damage from the LW cast at them.
Out of 10 LWs cast at 75% propagation, 7.5 (statistically) re-cast LW.
Since they can all see each other, 9 LWs are created from each re-caster, 1 at each opponent.
Each opponent is now struck by 7.5 LWs, each doing 2d6 damage, approx 15d6 damage.
Since 9 x 7.5 = 67.5 LWs created, at 50% propagation, there are now 33.75 LWs recast.
Each opponent is now struck by 33.75 LWs, each doing 1d6 damage, approx 33.75d6 damage.
Since 9 x 33.75 = 303.75 LWs created, at 25% propagation, there are now 75.94 LWs recast.
Each opponent is now struck by 75.94 LWs, each doing 1d3 damage, approx 75.94d3 damage.
So that's 4d6 + 15d6 + 33.75d6 + 75.94d3 for 10 person.
Of course, if it works properly, the ability should "propagate" across the battlefield ( say Oasis) and damage most of the enemy before you ever see them.
The beauty of Lightning Tempest is that by increasing the number of "enemies", the damage done is increased tremendously (if your party doesn't die...) especially in Boss Fights where there are relatively few opponents. On other hand, Abazigal might be an ub3r cakewalk, except of course he has Lightning Resistance.