Anyway, I was always slightly irked by the fact that every other Bhaalspawn in the known universe had these ubercool unique abilities and immunities which supposedly stem from their divine heritage while our Protagonist and Imoen got stuck with Cure Light Wounds and Slow Poison. Cute.

Healing Touch (was Cure Light Wounds)
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
By laying his hand upon a living creature, the Bhaalspawn can channel positive energy which cures 5 points of damage +1 point per level (up to a maximum of 25). This ability has no effect on constructs, undead or extraplanar creatures.
Drain Life (was Larloch's Minor Drain)
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Through this ability the Bhaalspawn can drain 5 hit points of life energy +1 point per every two experience levels (up to a maximum of 15) from a single living creature within his line of sight. If the Bhaalspawn exceeds his maximum hit point total in the process, he loses them after 10 rounds have passed. This ability has no effect on constructs, undead or extraplanar creatures.
Cure Affliction (was Slow Poison)
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
By a simple touch, the Bhaalspawn can lift an affliction from a single living creature. The potency of this ability increases as the Bhaalspawn becomes more experienced:
Level 1: cures poison
Level 6: cures poison and disease
Level 12: cures poison, disease, blindness and deafness
Level 18: cures poison, disease, blindness, deafness and feeblemind
This ability has no effect on constructs, undead or extraplanar creatures.
Cause Affliction (was Horror)
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
By a simple touch, the Bhaalspawn can bestow an affliction upon a single living creature unless it makes a saving throw vs. death. The potency of this ability increases as the Bhaalspawn becomes more experienced:
Level 1: the target is poisoned (taking 5 hit points of damage + 1 per every two levels of the Bhaalspawn, up to a maximum of 15)
Level 6: the target is poisoned and diseased (taking a 2 point penalty to its strength and constitution scores)
Level 12: the target is poisoned, diseased, blinded and deafened
Level 18: the target is poisoned, diseased, blinded, deafened and feebleminded
This ability has no effect on constructs, undead or extraplanar creatures.
Divine Might (was Draw Upon Holy Might)
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Through this ability, the Bhaalspawn can tap into the divine spark buried deep within his soul and gain a burst of power for a short time period. The Bhaalspawn's strength, constitution and dexterity scores are all raised by 1 point for every 3 levels of experience.
(Note: this ability is essentially unchanged from the unmodded game. I've merely altered its name.)
Divine Wrath (was Vampiric Touch)
Range: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10' radius
Saving Throw: Special
Through this ability, the Bhaalspawn can tap into the divine spark buried deep within his soul and release a portion of the raw power in a single, concentrated burst. The unleashed energy damages all enemies in the immediate vicinity of the Bhaalspawn and has a chance to push them away, knock them prone and make them flee in panic. The potency of this ability increases as the Bhaalspawn becomes more experienced:
Level 1: deals 2d8 damage to all nearby enemies
Level 6: deals 4d8 damage to all nearby enemies pushing them away from the Bhaalspawn
Level 12: deals 6d8 damage to all nearby enemies pushing them away from the Bhaalspawn and knocking them prone for 1 round
Level 18: deals 8d8 damage to all nearby enemies pushing them away from the Bhaalspawn, knocking them prone for 1 round and making them flee in panic for the following 3 rounds
A successful saving throw vs. breath halves the damage and negates all secondary effects. Exceptionally large creatures (Giants, Dragons, Iron Golems...etc.) are immune to all secondary effects.
As you can see, this revision generally strives to retain the basic roles which the Bhaalpowers had in the original game while simultaneously making them scale a bit better with the Protagonist's level. In brief, what I've tried to do was to make the Bhaalpowers slightly more useful and unique, hopefully, without making them too overpowered. Considering some of the wacky stuff that some of the other Bhaalspawn got (i.e. Sarevok, Sendai and Yaga-Shura) I don't think this is too much. Lastly, here's a preliminary screenshot to show off the shiny new icons:
Revised Bhaalpowers
Edited by aVENGER, 13 May 2010 - 07:44 AM.