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BigWorldSetup with antivirus

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#1 raphaelem

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 11:26 AM

I've tried to install the BWS(BigWorldSetup)in my XPsp3 and it crashed so I had to format c: once again, I'd like to know with is possible to install the BWS with ANY antiviruses turned on or more specificly with the Avast antivirus turned on. If not, can you tell me if it will be possible in the future, are the updates being made for that too?Tks

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#2 dabus

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 11:31 AM

Uh, why would you format C: if the BWS crashes? :blink:
Also, when exactly did this happen?

Besides, I have also read about several issues with avast, so I think it's not well suited for infinity-modding anyway. I'm running AVG here and don't have that problem.
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#3 raphaelem

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 11:38 AM

Thanks for the answer Dabus, but you installed the BWS with the avg turned on? No, the windows XP crashed a little days latter, I am afraid it were 'cause the BigWorld intallation.

#4 dabus

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 12:23 PM

Well, I develop the BWS with virus-protection, and I don't have had crashes.
So your crash occurred before or after the black cmd-window popped up, right?
And if it did, can you look in the BiG World Debug.txt to see when it happened?
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#5 Fennek

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 01:23 PM

I think we talk about problems which are not linked with each other at all. There's a possibility that the installation of BWP stops because of (false) warnings, coming from antivirus programs. Normally the next day (or a couple of days later) the antivirus program's company has solved the problem and if one updated one's progam there are no problems anymore. I had this only two times in about two years.

Short answer: Antivirus-programs can produce problems, for example avast.

Longer answer: The probability that this actually happens is very low.

Additional answer: Your PC doesn't crash because of BWP. Your PC crashes because it is overheated / infected by a virus / old etc.

I once installed BWP on an external drive of an old laptop. It took 7 days (one week!) but nothing crashed during installation or afterwards. :cheers:

#6 raphaelem

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 02:06 PM

Fennek wrote:
Short answer: Antivirus-programs can produce problems, for example avast.

Longer answer: The probability that this actually happens is very low.


But tell me, is it a general rule to turn off antivirus before install BWS or you can install BWS with antirus. I don't bother turn off antivirus after the installation because the game is faster and the"system files" won't be changed but if the BWS changes"windows and system files" in its installation I think wiser to install very few mods and one at a time!Pls, whats your antivirus Fennek? Tks.

#7 dabus

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 02:30 PM

What system files? :blink:

The BWS comes as a bunch of script/source/configuration/documentation-files (plain text). To make it run on your PC, the packages includes a few icons, 7zip (extraction), wget (download) and AutoIt3 (the interpreter).

It runs from every PC with windows 2000 and above and likely under linux with the wine-package. You can start it from any folder you like. To prevent windows vista and 7 to hinder the installation, we suggest to not install in the "program files"-folder. Also, some anti-virus-suites tend to treat the WeiDU- and patch-program as a virus (they are not), so we suggest to turn them off after you downloaded the files and logged off the internet.

That's all.
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#8 raphaelem

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 03:26 PM

Well I'll try again and have the avast with 7 of his 8 protections turned off. Hope it works. cya

#9 Lollorian


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Posted 09 May 2010 - 05:30 PM

raphaelem, just turn off the:

1) Standard Shield (for avast v4.8 )
2) File System Shield AND Behaviour Shield (for avast v5 and above)

That's everything that scans your system :cheers: Also, I've never found the BWS to set off the antivir (is yours updated??) ... it's just the mods that modify the .exe and stuff that avast picks up.

Edited by Lollorian, 09 May 2010 - 06:01 PM.

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