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Translate a mod on RPG dungeon

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#1 BohemianReader

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 01:03 AM

Lately, I look at all area dedicate to modding and I've thought that translate english to french is a good idea to learn more about modding. And recently I've found this mod : here

However, I don't be sure that this communauty is always active. So, I'm asking where I must post in order to have some answers to my question about this mod or if I need to contact the person in charge of this mod.

Edited by BohemianReader, 09 May 2010 - 08:21 AM.

#2 the bigg

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 04:02 AM

Let's count the things you did wrong with this single post!

1) posting somebody's e-mail address in the public.
2) Failing to format your link correctly, or mention the mod's name in addition to the URL.
3) Asking questions about site X on site Y.

If you want a more constructive answer, mods on RPGDungeon.net usually suck disproportionate amounts of pigeon penis, so your time is likely spent better elsewhere. If you still want to go ahead with translating said mod, the author (Seifer) logged on a couple of days ago, saying that his mods are up for adoption, so the best course of action would be to post the translation files on the mod's forum and wait for somebody to step in and re-package the mod with your translation (and the predictable hundred of fixes to bugs and glitches that were never addressed).

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#3 BohemianReader

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 06:24 AM

1) posting somebody's e-mail address in the public.

Yes indeed but this mail is in a file which could be dl by anybody, no ? But if you wish that I don't post, I DON'T POST !

2) Failing to format your link correctly, or mention the mod's name in addition to the URL.

No my url is available, it's just that this website seems don't allow this kind of link (without a specific tag at least).

3) Asking questions about site X on site Y.

Yes and so ? I'm posting here because when I see seifer's profile, I saw that he didn't connect on rpg dungeon for three years so I've thought that I hadn't any chance to contact him on this website. And I don't know anything about your discord. I've just come here because I'm interested by modding et because I'm studying translation. And I've found funny that you attack me whereas I'm new and therefore I know not much about modding method about bug about relationship between modder...

But ok, you said me that this mod is bad. I trust you, you are unpleasant and scornful but I trust you. However I would like to know what is a "good mod" ? A Spellhold studios mod ?

Thank you very much for your reply. I hope that shs menbers are more friendly that you.

Edited by BohemianReader, 09 May 2010 - 06:29 AM.

#4 Lollorian


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Posted 09 May 2010 - 08:02 AM

1) posting somebody's e-mail address in the public.

Yes indeed but this mail is in a file which could be dl by anybody, no ? But if you wish that I don't post, I DON'T POST !

While I can't help much with your problem, the problem with posting an email id on a public forum is largely related to online spambots and stuff (and the occasional perverted soul :devil:) They'll get your email and fill your inbox with stuff like "You won 999,999,999 roubles" and shit :D

Also, it'd help to atleast tell us which mod you're referring to (or give a proper link ... using the tags ;))

That said, I personally don't find anything wrong in choosing whatever mod to translate first (we all have to start small, non?? :D)

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#5 -Fennek-

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 08:05 AM

This is too great not to say anything... :whistling:

Well, I think he was at least not less friendly than you were, since he's totally right and you apparently didn't even listen to what he said.
(One can post proper links and shouldn't post mail-adresses for apparent reasons. Somebody might receive a lot of automated spam thanks to you...)

However I would like to know what is a "good mod" ?

One that has no bugs / crazy features / installs correctly / has somebody who cares for it. Mind the last.
And you should also post at RPGdungeon to get in touch with somebody there, if you really like.

#6 BohemianReader

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 08:22 AM

While I can't help much with your problem, the problem with posting an email id on a public forum is largely related to online spambots and stuff (and the occasional perverted soul :devil:) They'll get your email and fill your inbox with stuff like "You won 999,999,999 roubles" and shit :D

Oh ok sorry, I didn't think that spambots are such intelligent. ;) I will correct this immediately.

That said, I personally don't find anything wrong in choosing whatever mod to translate first (we all have to start small, non?? :D)

Yes, I prefer to start by small mod and try gradually to increase the size of mods that I translate. Link corrected.


Well, I think he was at least not less friendly than you were, since he's totally right and you apparently didn't even listen to what he said.

Oh that's not the question. The problem isn't the answer but the way of talk to me. How could I guess all these things that you said me (bug, mail, etc...) ?

Edited by BohemianReader, 09 May 2010 - 08:32 AM.

#7 Graoumf

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 10:27 AM

Hello BohemianReader,

Are you native french speaker? If it's not the case, I think your french translation would be rough. A french community translating mods exists here, you can read this topic to see what's done, what's in progress and what's not translated yet. If you want some help from french tranlators, you can post in La Chambre des Scribes.

#8 BohemianReader

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 10:58 AM

Oh yes French is my mother tongue. (J'aime paris, les jolies filles et le vin rouge... Non je plaisante je suis français je traine pas mal ici pour perfectionner entretenir mon anglais et pour l'aspect programmation bien sur mais je suis français. :P ).

Anyway, I've already translated a mod : mortis. It's a small mod but I hope do more later... Well, I look furtively yours links; your list is really a great job, there are a lot of mods (german, spanish, english..). See you soon !