File Submitter: Adul
File Submitted: 27 Apr 2010
File Updated: 10 May 2010
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods
2010/05/10: Ninja update to version 1.3. Added text notification to indicate when someone has been blinded by smoke bomb. Also corrected the recharge notification text to say "Smoke Bomb Ready" instead of "Smoke Bomb ready" for better consistency with how notifications are capitalized in the rest of the game.
The retaliator is an offense oriented, light armored, executioner type character. He has the ability to ignite enemies by spitting fire on them or get out of eye's sight in the middle of combat and turn up behind the enemy line, stabbing at their backs. In short, he is a very nasty fellow and a lot of fun to play.
New abilities have new icons and also some new animations. Yay!
Judge and executioner in one being, the retaliator has committed himself to the cause of those who are no longer in the position to carry out justice for themselves. The core tenet of retaliation is that the end always justifies the means. Advantages: - Bonus +2 to damage - Bonus -4 to speed factor - Immune to fear and morale failure - When camouflaged, the Retaliator can backstab foes for double damage, and triple damage from 10th level onwards - Smoke Bomb once each turn (twice from 8th level, three times from 15th level): blinds nearby creatures and provides brief camouflage - Fire Breath once a day for every 6 levels (every 10 levels from 18th level onward): spit flaming oil at foes to cause them fire damage and set them on fire for a short period of time Disadvantages: - May not wear armor greater than studded leather - May not achieve mastery with ranged weapons Version history: ---------------- v 1.0: Initial release v 1.1: Tweaked the ability distribution among levels Added more Fire Breath uses at higher levels v 1.2: Increased initial damage output on the Fire Breath ability Now Fire Breath pauses the caster for less time Fire Breath is no longer affected by magic resistance Made minor changes to the Fire Breath projectile v 1.3: Added text which notifies the player of Smoke Bomb's recharge
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