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Proposed TDD - BGT install

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#1 zachD

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Posted 22 April 2010 - 01:21 AM

Been a while, i'd like to try ye ol' BGT again but with TDD since i've never run through that mod.

Been reading the BiG document and various posts on the forums and it seems like you can do custom installs with BiG World Setup, but I fail at understanding when things get too techincal; may just be easier for me to install the mods myself /shrug. Will keep reading more tomorrow, but i'd like to run a possible install order past you guys.

Order follows the general specs in BiG document but there are a couple things i'm not sure on so far.

1) Clean install of BG1, TotSC, BG1 patch 5512, BG2-SoA, ToB, patch 26498
2) Add BG1 Missing Files to override folder, play each game and establish saves
------(this is currently where I am with the install)-----
3) BG2 Fixpack v9.01
4) TDD v1.13 (BiG pdf says this step requires the worldmap installed, unsure what this means since Worldmap is supposed to be installed near to the end of the whole installation?)
5) SCS v14 (BiG says install SCS after BG1 content but before BG2 content)
6) BGT 108 + Beregost crash Fixer 18b
7) Restored Textscreen Music v7b
8 ) SoBH v275a
9) Lure of the Sirine's Call v10
10) Thalantyr Item Upgrade Mod v3.6
11) BG1NPC Project
12) BG1 UB v11
13) BGT Tweak Pack v9
14) Banter Pack v11 + IEP Extended Banter v3.2
15) BG2 UB v18
16) SCSII v13
17) BGT_Worldmap_v7.1 (here I see there is a Bonehill_WM_v7 file also, not sure if I am supposed to use one or the other; tho it says in the BH readme to use the latest version of Worldmap)

I actually downloaded almost all of these files/mods before I found the BiG project and related info, so i'd rather not download the large number of (extraneous) mods involved in using the BiG World Setup. I know there are specific instructions for using the BiG project to do a custom install with these items, but in looking at the instructions well, I may be able to muddle through it, and I may not be able to.

At any rate please let me know if this is a proper order to install in please :)

Edited by zachD, 22 April 2010 - 01:23 AM.

#2 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 22 April 2010 - 03:23 AM


Have you tried to use the BWS? See, it's an Setup program that will download, extract and it starts the BiG World Install.bat that will install everything thus far...

You can choose all the mods freely as long as you remember to select the 'Further Customize your mod selection' or something quite close to it, in the second window the program gives you right after the language selection, this selection will give you an extra window that allows you to select the mods and in the future the components you wish to install.

5) SCS v14(BiG says install SCS after BG1 content but before BG2 content)

Yeah, you need to have the BGT, as it comes with the BG1 in the BG2 engine... so the order above is totally cheesed.

4) TDD v1.13 (BiG pdf says this step requires the worldmap installed, unsure what this means since Worldmap is supposed to be installed near to the end of the whole installation?)

Well, the Worldmap mod is installed at the near end of the list... I see it's at the end of your list, so that's good.

17) BGT_Worldmap_v7.1 (here I see there is a Bonehill_WM_v7 file also, not sure if I am supposed to use one or the other; tho it says in the BH readme to use the latest version of Worldmap)

As said, this needs to be installed after all the other mods that alter worldmap, as this is the cumulative patcher that handles all the other mods so they are compatible with each others, so the whole thing doesn't have to be coded 16 binjon times so they are all compatible with each others.

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#3 -Hoppy-

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Posted 22 April 2010 - 08:09 AM

4) TDD v1.13 (BiG pdf says this step requires the worldmap installed,

TDD requires it but it is just stating that Worldmap needs to be installed sometime after TDD because you may have other mods that have the same requirement (worldmap adding stuff). Also if you try to install TDD, it will look to make sure the Worldmap mod is extracted so it can do some edits to the Worldmap file as of version 1.13. All this is taken care of with the Big World if you follow the PDF manually or use the setup feature.

#4 zachD

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Posted 22 April 2010 - 11:18 AM

Jarno - yes I understand the basics of how the BiG World Setup works, far as I can understand it finds and downloads all the available listed mods then gives you a selection of pre set installs to choose from, or something like that. I have no desire to download the entire list of available mods...since the list of the ones i'd like to use is rather small and i've already downloaded them all.

If there's a way I can use these downloads with the BWS that would be cool, but again when it comes to computers i'm not techinally inclined, and have no experience using BWS, and have a hard time understanding some of the instructions in there (if I understand them at all).

Suffice to say i'm still a noob here.

Edited by zachD, 22 April 2010 - 09:05 PM.

#5 zachD

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Posted 22 April 2010 - 09:01 PM

Hoping this is a more correct order...just SCS and SCSII have been moved, and BH WM patch placed.

3) BG2 Fixpack v9.01
4) TDD v1.13 (extract WM but don't install it)
5) BGT 1.08
6) Restored Textscreen Music v7b
7) SoBH v275a
8 ) Lure of the Sirine's Call v10
9) Thalantyr Item Upgrade Mod v3.6
10) BG1NPC Project
11) BG1 UB v11
12) BGT Tweak Pack v9
13) SCS v14 ----(after BG1 content but before BG2 content mods)
14) Banter Pack v11 + IEP Extended Banter v3.2
15) BG2 UB v18
16) SCSII v13
17) BGT_Worldmap_v7.1
18) Bonehill_WM_v7 (file description says this update is required for SoBH to work properly with WMv7)

Edited by zachD, 23 April 2010 - 12:40 AM.

#6 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 23 April 2010 - 07:13 AM

18) Bonehill_WM_v7 (file description says this update is required for SoBH to work properly with WMv7)

That's for the v7, not for v7.1...

I have no desire to download the entire list of available mods...since the list of the ones i'd like to use is rather small and i've already downloaded them all.

Yeah, but as you do not have the sufficient files nor the knowledge to make the install stable/the most stable it can be... you'll have to download couple extra files.

If there's a way I can use these downloads with the BWS

Well, you can...

For simplicity's sake, I'll tell you how to do this with command words, but you don't have to follow... :P
Uninstall the BG1 and the BG2 games,
Install the BG2 - SoA into the "C:\BWP\BGII - SoA" -directory. Make sure it's a full install, Then install the ToB's Full innstall on it and patch it to the v(2.5.)26498. Start the game with a new character in both SoA and ToB games so it autosaves... then run the BGConfig.exe and set the Hardware -> Enable 3D Acceleration. Display -> 32 bit. 2d & 3d options: enable 3D Animations, 3D Acceleration and 32 bit textures, disable the Disable Vertex Padding option... and the resolution to 1024x768, test the resolution and exit after...
Then install Baldur's Gate(the first game) into "C:\Games\Baldur's Gate" -directory(or somewhere that's not even close to be the Program Files sub-directory), make sure to use the Custom Install option and choose all the boxes so you have everything in it. Then install the Tales of the Sword Coast, also on custom install with everything selected, then apply the patch so the game ends up to be v(1.3.)5512. Test the game so it autosaves, and that it takes about 2.5 GB's in the hard drive.

Then download the BWS.
Make a directory called "C:\BWP\BiG World Downloads" and put all the downloaded mods in it(archives like .zip's, .rar's, .7z's and the .exe's).
Start the 'BiG World Setup.exe' in the download directory, and it will then say that it will extract the program, so give it the game directory(C:\BWP\BGII - SoA),
It will then ask you to give 3 directories after it has downloaded itself to the latest update that might need a closure(so you might need to close the program, but it will restart on it's own)... it will then offer to make a clean backup into a safe logation that will only take about 50 MB's, after you do that or press continue, the program will give you this:
Posted Image
So fill in the 3 directories and select the compilation to be Standard or the Recommended, and tag the "Further customization of your mod-settings" and "Do not install-foreign-language mods", and press continue, it will then give you a selection tree that will have plenty of extra mods you probably do not want to have, unselect them all except the once you cannot...
Then after everything is done, press Continue and it will then begin to download a few needed and essential files, and the files that are required for the installation to complete. Had you all the essential files, the program doesn't download anything and so it will then begin to extract the files and so on until it will then start the BiG World Install.bat, that does all the installing.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 23 April 2010 - 07:19 AM.

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#7 AndrewB

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Posted 23 April 2010 - 07:25 AM

What Jarno's trying to tell you is that the BWS will only download whatever mods you specify at the mod selection screen. You'll get the selection list, and then you'll download only those mods that you've chosen.

edit: doh! Jarno, got here before me again. You sneaky bastard, you snuck your post in as I was typing! :P

Edited by AndrewB, 23 April 2010 - 07:28 AM.


Posted Image

#8 zachD

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 08:29 PM

So anyways, finished my (manual) install a few hours before Jarno posted the above instructions; been playing BGT ever since (when I have time). For the most part i've been kinda surprised how stable it is, aside from a couple CTDs in SoBH content I haven't had any real problems, but i'm still not into SoA/TDD content yet.

Just wanted to shoot you guys a belated thanks for the directions on BWS, as I will be following these if I have problems/need to reinstall etc.

Edited by zachD, 06 May 2010 - 08:30 PM.