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VBScript with BiG World Setup

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#1 ethelion

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 08:01 AM

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to install the BiG World Project but it comes upwith an error of - cant find script engine "VBScript"...
I read this - "Either run regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings to set the value of the key enabled to 1 or just go into the path you extracted the BWS to and drag the BiG World Setup.au3 onto the AutoIt3.exe". and tried it put it didnt work.
I have tried it on my laptop (which dosnt have much Gig to install) and it worked. I compared the laptops HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE settings with my PC and they where the same?
I dont understand what is wrong?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
(I have also posted a picture of the problem)

Attached Files

#2 dabus

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 09:20 AM

Well, you may have played with tweak or cleaning tool that crippled your PC so vbs does not work.
Dragging the icons should mostly do the same; it just does not use the additional script for improved debugging.
THINK! - It's not illegal.

#3 ethelion

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 10:14 AM

Thanks for getting back, yeah I reinstalled my computers VBScript and it works now!!