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Known Issues v4.1 (post bug reports here)

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#81 Silencer150

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 08:03 AM

do you also have the widescreen mod? I did get some crashes with the 2cd version and the widescreen mod, and I had to get a 4cd version in order to be able to enter some areas

No, those three mods are the only ones I have installed.  I do know about the widescreen mod crash, from looking up this problem on other message boards, but it doesn't apply.  I'm running the 2CD version, but I wasn't aware that the files were any different, and torment.ini still treats CD-2 as the contents of 3 CD's.

I still have to test the game with only the Tweaks Pack and UB, but NOT the Fixpack installed, to possibly rule out that the Fixpack is causing this.  However, this is going to involve starting a new game and manually running all the way back to the Weeping Catacombs.  I had tried simply uninstalling the Fixpack and reinstalling the other mods from scratch, but I got an error in the Tweaks Pack installation.  I'm not sure if the other mods require the Fixpack to be installed first.

So I either have to play the game completely unmodded or, if it's capable of running with only the Tweaks and UB, just play it with those.

Edit: It appears I was wrong.  The Fixpack is NOT to blame, nor are any of the other mods.

I did a complete reinstall of the game, loaded up the vanilla game (v1.1) and ran straight to the Weeping Catacombs from the start.  The Warrens of Thought still failed to load, resulting in the same exact crash as before.

The "full installation" method of copying the contents of CD-2 to the hard drive and redirecting torment.ini did not work.  Copying the map file AR1600.cbf to the cache folder did not work.  Even more confusing is the fact that AR1600 loaded just fine before.

Sorry for posting an erroneous bug report.  However, I don't know what's causing this, and I have no idea how to fix it.

Edited by Silencer150, 10 August 2011 - 11:08 AM.

#82 Silencer150

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Posted 10 August 2011 - 01:41 PM

An update.  I finally figured out what was wrong.  The game could not properly extract AR1600.bif from the AR1600.cbf file on the CD.  I tried using a modding utility to manually extract the file and place it in the cache, and after several attempts, finally got it to work.  So I started the game, loaded my autosave, and entered the Warrens of Thought.  The map loaded almost instantaneously this time.

Edited by Silencer150, 10 August 2011 - 02:23 PM.

#83 scient

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Posted 12 August 2011 - 07:07 AM

Yah, there seems to be faulty code with cbf unpacking function in 2CD version or problematic cbf files. I've yet to be able to reproduce this unfortunately so until I do, best bet is to use method you used by extracting bif. It's prob one of few crashes left in game aside from an extremely rare one with regards to certain spell trap (ignoring problems related to widescreen mod).

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#84 -Ayrus-

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Posted 13 August 2011 - 09:57 PM

I found a small bug! If you have never heard of Fell, and you talk to one of the dabuses on the Sigil streets, you correctly can't ask them about Fell. But if you ask Dakkon to translate for you, you can ask about Fell, even though you don't know him. This might also happen with other translators, if somehow you could play so far in the game that you've never heard of Fell.

#85 delanger

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Posted 24 September 2011 - 03:13 AM

Just setting the thread up for now. Off the top of my head, the only non-engine fix pending I can think of is the Mantuok fixes. Scient's got a few engine fixes planned.


HI, I dunno if this is the right place but I am getting an assertian failure when i launch.

"An Assertion Failed in f:\Torment\Source\chitin\ChVideo.cpp at line 4322. Programmer says : No Valid video modes supported."

What have I done wrong?


#86 Turambar

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Posted 14 October 2011 - 08:32 AM

HI, I dunno if this is the right place but I am getting an assertian failure when i launch.

"An Assertion Failed in f:\Torment\Source\chitin\ChVideo.cpp at line 4322. Programmer says : No Valid video modes supported."

What have I done wrong?


Please post your WeiDU.log.
Are you running the game full screen or windowed? Do you have the widescreen mod? Changing between windowed and full screen after installing the widescreen could lead to problems like this


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(how to correctly report CTDs)



#87 Gilmar

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Posted 06 November 2011 - 01:08 AM

Sorry if these have already been noted, but the Search function on the website does not seem to work.

1. Dialog: wretch/retch. There's a wandering drunk near the Smoldering Corpse bar (not the stationary drunks on either side of the door). After you shake him to get his attention, it says "...He suddenly begins to wretch copiously;...". It should be retch (as in throwing up).

2. The zombie in the Smoldering Corpse has the dialog of the abishai there. It's off in a closed room on the left, though I've seen it out on the floor too.

3. Not a bug, but it would be nice if M or I would toggle the Map and Inventory (close as well as open them).

#88 Matthew S.

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Posted 09 November 2011 - 12:06 PM

I second M and I for toggling Map and Inventory, if doable that would be a nice little bit of polish.

Oh btw scient, is that tab highlighting tweak still on the cards? And how are the ambient sounds/sound sets looking? Those are the big sexy stuffs for the next release I'd think... (though I am a fan of the resistance tweak!)

Edited by Matthew S., 09 November 2011 - 02:36 PM.

To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists;
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#89 scient

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Posted 04 December 2011 - 10:17 AM

@Gilmar: Good catch with retch/wretch. Will make a note of that to add to Qwinn's dialog fixes section.

As for the zombie, this sounds like a place holder used when NPC can't be spawned (I think). But I'm not sure what area you're talking about. There are no rooms/doors in Smoldering Corpse. There are two named abishai in top right.

Well, for me M/I already do this no? Maybe you need to check your keyboard map in game settings. The hotkeys don't close the window however, just open. I usually just use ESC to exit out of any of those windows.

@Matthew S: Yah, thats still on table. I haven't worked on it tho but it is on my list.


I noticed a slight bug with one of my patches related to UB restored sounds. If party has a key for door that's locked, when you open it you'll still hear the audio clip for "Locked". Just required a slight revision to trigger playing the audio clip only when the door is really locked and can't be opened (ie. party doesn't have key).

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#90 Matthew S.

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Posted 04 December 2011 - 12:07 PM

Well, for me M/I already do this no? Maybe you need to check your keyboard map in game settings. The hotkeys don't close the window however, just open. I usually just use ESC to exit out of any of those windows.

Yeah, I figured Gilmar was asking that the keys not only open the windows but close them as well, so you don't need to use ESC if you don't want to. Also if you can both jump from Map to Inventory to Map etc. and toggle the windows with the two buttons it would make going through the interface really fast. It's a really optional tweak though.

Good to hear the other stuff is still on the table! ^_^
To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists;
and may each and every one of us always give the devil his due.

#91 scient

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Posted 04 December 2011 - 10:01 PM

Well, I've restored a sound set for thieves when trap is detected. It only happens the first time a trap is detected, Annah or TNO (whoever detected it) will play their corresponding audio clip along with "Trap Detected" floaty text. You'll need to have Misc Feedback enabled in settings (on by default I believe). You'll only hear Annah or TNO tho but I'm using built in function that references all other PC's. So it is possible if one of other PC's detected trap it would theoretically play their clip.

This actually required very little patching because there is code already there to play the "trap detected" sound set. It just is never referenced or used. It was only matter of tracking down correct area to add in new function call when trap is detected. It will only work first time it's detected. So if you've detected a trap but didn't disarm it then leave and come back, you won't hear audio clip when you re-detect it but trap will still show up like it normally does.

ANA481C: "Hey... I spotted a trap."
NAM099: "I spotted a trap."
<referenced but unused>
MRT427A: "Spotted a trap."
DAK179: "I have detected a trap."
NOR244 : "Trap detected, exercise caution"
VHA236: "I see a trap."
IGN228: "Trap!"

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#92 scient

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 06:54 PM

Ok, I tracked down the problem with "Ice Knife". Basically, the duration of spell is set to a VERY large number for some reason. I'm not entirely sure whats going wrong. It's using two values that I'll have to try and identify from current game state to create duration value by subtracting them and dividing by 15. The problem it seems is that the final value rolls over into negative and become very large. Effectively, the spell never expires but I think if you left the game running long enough it would. It is possible to remove the THAC0 hit if you edit an ITM to use "dispell effects" effect. So it is possible to remove without dying, it's not like it's permanently stuck. I've tracked down area where the spell EFF is created and looks like there is definitely something wrong with how it creates the duration.

Ice Knife THAC0 spell EFF:
0x00 36 00 02 00 FE FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 11 E8 FF 6..þÿÿÿ.....èÿ
0x10 FF FF 64 00 48 5F 4C 45 43 54 55 52 00 00 00 00 ÿÿd.H_LECTUR....
0x20 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............

0x0000 : 36 00 (54 -> Base THAC0 bonus)
0x0002 : 02 (present target)
0x0003 : 00 (power)
0x0004 : FE FF FF FF (Value: -2 -> THAC0 hit)
0x0008 : 00 00 00 00 (Modifier type: Increment)
0x000c : 00 11 (flags: 0x1100 -> instant/limited (0x0000) ; dispel/not bypass resistance (0x0100); toggled after casting, something to do with area? (0x1000) )
0x000e : E8 FF FF FF (time param: ends up being very large, not a fixed value changes slightly)
0x0012 : 64 (prob1: 100)
0x0013 : 00 (prob2: 0)
0x0014 : 48 5F 4C 45 43 54 55 52 (Resref parameter -> H_LECTUR)
0x001c : 00 00 00 00 (dice count)
0x0020 : 00 00 00 00 (dice sides)
0x0024 : 01 00 00 00 (saving throw type -> spell)
0x0028 : 00 00 00 00 (saving throw bonus)
0x002c : 00 00 00 00 (unk -> null?)

I believe that effect "duration" is in game seconds? Does anyone know how IE handles time? It seems the value stored in EFF is multiple of 15? I guess I'll have to read more about it. By patching "Ice Knife" duration to something more sane like "10" (similar to "Chromatic Orb" THAC0 hit), the -2 THAC0 effect sticks for a little while then goes away. If anyone knows about time handling in IE, I'd be interested to hear. Otherwise, will plod along and figure out what they were trying to do with setting duration for spell. Unfortunately, there is nothing to go on in spell description of how long THAC0 hit should last.

Looks like it's real time seconds. So, default "Ice Knife" duration is something like ~286297150 seconds or running PST for ~9 years straight. :lol:

Edited by scient, 07 December 2011 - 07:09 PM.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#93 i30817

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Posted 08 December 2011 - 09:33 AM

I think those things (effects, duration) are not hardcoded, that is they can be viewed and replaced by DLTCE. It might just be a corrupt file? Or is it a code bug?

#94 scient

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Posted 08 December 2011 - 10:28 AM

I think those things (effects, duration) are not hardcoded, that is they can be viewed and replaced by DLTCE. It might just be a corrupt file? Or is it a code bug?

You are correct that in most cases that effect data is stored inside the file structure (item, spell, area traps/triggers). However, for this spell and a few others the effects are hardcoded into the exe. You can look at SPWI207.SPL in NI and you'll see that only the damage and BAM animation are stored in SPL not the THAC0 debuff. If that was the case, Qwinn or platter could of easily fixed it.

Edited by scient, 08 December 2011 - 10:30 AM.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#95 i30817

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 12:13 PM

Do all the sound trap files exist? Or are they just strrefs?

#96 scient

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Posted 11 December 2011 - 09:30 AM

For the trap sounds there is a function already built into game for handling them, it is just never used. It accesses a set of strref which have audio clips already linked to them.

36965 : Trap Detected [Nameless One] : NAM099.WAV
36972 : Trap Detected [Vhailor] : VHA236.WAV

The ones in between are for all other PC's. The only one without audio clip is Fall from Grace. Not that it matters because the only ones that will be used in a normal game are Annah or TNO.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#97 scient

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Posted 14 December 2011 - 10:23 AM

Ok, I've tracked down the problem with Ice Knife duration and fixed it! This bug that has plagued the game forever can finally be laid to rest without any haxie work around. Basically, there is a timer value that never gets set if a creature is immediately hit with an ice dagger. However, this timer is correctly set if the dagger misses and then hits you when you walk into it. The duration equation works out like this:

((3 * caster_spl_lvl) + spl_cast_time) - dagger_hit_time = duration in seconds

The dagger hit time is when creature walks into dagger, whether instantly when spell is cast or later if it misses. So the duration of THAC0 debuff is based on when the spell was initially cast and starts counting down from there. If the creature gets hit immediately, then the hit time should be the same as the cast time so the duration would work out to be 3 * caster_spl_lvl (caster level has minimum of 3, so you can never have shorter time than 9 seconds from initial cast).

The bug in original version is caused by that the caster spell level value plus cast time is never set. So you have it calculating the duration as (0 - dagger_hit_time) which ends up being a very large number (negative rolls into positive). That's why the spell never wears off over time.

To fix it, I just added some code that makes sure that initial value gets set when creature is immediately hit with an Ice Knife dagger. The duration will be the maximum for getting hit right away, so 3 * caster level in seconds.

Many TNO's died in the process of testing Ice Knife traps. :D

Edited by scient, 14 December 2011 - 10:27 AM.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#98 -bwlf-

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 12:26 PM

Apologies if this is known, I only searched this topic, as the search function said it found nothing. It's about exiting Ravel's maze, the cutscene doesn't play completely if subtitles are enabled.

I have the GOG version of the game with mods installed according to the guide, v4.12 of the fixpack. When exiting the maze there's the dialogue between Ravel and the green guy (TO? first playthrough, I don't wanna know). With subtitles enabled it stops after she gets up and says that dying at my hand would fulfill the requirements, that line isn't subtitled. He's supposed to say "You cannot have thought that..." but nothing happens. The dialogue plays too fast, with each of them cutting off the other's lines. I have a savegame at that point if it helps. Uninstalled the subtitle part of the mod, the cutscene was still too fast but it played fine otherwise.

Since I'm here, there was another one. When entering the Lower Ward for the first time Morte was supposed to be kidnapped. That part didn't play either. As with Ravel's maze, I lost control over the game and nothing was happening. Disabling subtitles didn't fix that one, uninstalling the mod completely crashed the game. I just left Morte outside then went back for him, no idea what went wrong. But I have a savegame there too.

Thank you so much for not making me register to post this, much appreciated.

#99 -Gilmar-

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 08:17 PM

As for the zombie, this sounds like a place holder used when NPC can't be spawned (I think). But I'm not sure what area you're talking about. There are no rooms/doors in Smoldering Corpse.

Is the placeholder Ubiquitous Zombie literally named "Ubiquitous Zombie"? This one is only named Zombie. There is in fact a door just north of the bar. It opens into a room with another door that you can't open; when you click it, it gives the text "This once functional door is now nailed shut and barred on the inside to protect against thieves".

I took a screenshot but don't know how to post/link it here. The Image button for editing posts only allows me to enter a URL.

#100 Gilmar

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 02:14 AM

I'm attaching the image of the door in the Smoldering Corpse Bar, where the zombie is with the Abishai dialog.

Attached Images

  • Bar.png