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Known Issues v4.1 (post bug reports here)

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#61 Freddy

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Posted 08 August 2010 - 07:21 AM

I think something is weird with the undersigil Greater Glabrezu drop rates for Eye of Vecna and Heaven and Earth.

So, since I had nothing better to do I grinded around 8 levels for my party in undersigil. First I scouted for a Greater Glabrezus and if there wasn't one I reloaded until there was, then I killed it with my party while alternating between fighter and mage. In total I killed around 80-90 Greater Glabrezus like this.

Then I switched to thief and stealthed directly to them to kill them which was much faster. I killed a round 90-100 of them like this.

In total I found:
7 Aegis of Torment
5 Bell's Shield
4 Ring Zero
6 Umei Kaihen
0 Eye of Vecna
0 Heaven and Earth

I thought finding 0 Eye of Vecna and 0 Heaven of Earth to be really strange, and had a theory that maybe Umei only drops if you're a thief, Vecna only drops if you're a mage and Heaven and Earth only drops if you're a fighter. So I switched to mage again and killed 11 Greater Glabrezus until Umei Kaihen dropped again.

Do Vecna and Heaven ever drop? Or is there something else that affects the drops like maybe if thief is your highest level character Umei always drops, and if mage is your highest level character Vecna always drops?

Edited by Freddy, 08 August 2010 - 07:37 AM.

#62 -onemonk-

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 10:41 PM

I am having bad crashes. I run win7 x64 with a Radeon 5750 and running Catalyst 10.6. Mods are just the usual, Widescreen, UI, Fixpack, UB, Tweakpack. I'm running at 1920x1080.

Crash 1: Exiting dialogue with Mebeth or leaving her room crashes me nearly every time.
Crash 2 (which I am currently having problems with): It crashes when one of the NPCs walks to a room at the bottom right corner.

There's also a bug I wish to report, that the delivery boy in the Lower Wards says "at" when he should say "as", or vice versa. I don't remember the specific case.

#63 Syn

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Posted 17 August 2010 - 02:28 PM

Okay, so I joined just to post in this board, because the fixpack is awesome and I love Qwinn for making it <3

And there's just a minor thing that's bothering me. I installed the Subtitled Cutscenes thing and it worked for most of the game, but when I got to TTO and tried to send him to check on the shadows so I could resurrect all my companions, instead of the portal animation appearing and him disappearing he just played the swirly animation from 8th-9th level spells and didn't go anywhere.

I uninstalled the Subtitled Cutscenes bit of the tweak (the loss of animations during cutscene dialogue was annoying me anyway) but now the dialogue plays way too fast. TTO was talking over himself in places and in Ravel's Maze he now tells her that fortune abandoned her before she even gets a chance to say she was fortunate :P

So... one thing definitely needs fixing there, and I'd like it if you could fix the overpaced dialogue after uninstalling the tweak ^^; It's a minor irritation that I can put up with but it'd be nice to see it fixed.

#64 -Pandaemonius-

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Posted 11 October 2010 - 07:49 AM

Hey, I've just got a minor bug report to make. Not sure if it has been mentioned before, but couldn't see it in this thread.

Using the latest versions of Fixpack, UB and tweaks on the GOG version of PS:T.

There's an infinite XP loop (just 2000 a pop, though) in the Karina/Corvus questlet. This is the method:

Tell Karina you don't think she's bad, then take any option.
Talk to Corvus and tell him she's got lots of suitors.
Go back to Karina and repeat.

It seems to register that I've told Corvus about the imaginary suitors, as the Tattoo of Spite is unlocked, so not sure what is up. Anyway, as with all of these things; if you don't like it don't do it. Just thought it was worth mentioning, as it's not in Dan Simpson's walkthrough.

#65 -Laenor-

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Posted 11 October 2010 - 09:35 AM

efore that, Dakkon cast the spell Improved Strenght on himself in three different moments with these erractic consequences: 1st time: Strenght set to 25; 2nd time: Strenght set to 21; 3rd time: Strenght set to 20.

That's the way it should be, actually. The amount of strength boost for that spell (and all the other strength spells) is in fact supposed to be random, as per the spell description.

Are you saying he's doing over 100 damage per swing though? That's definitely not right.


About the Improved Strenght spell. The spell description speaks of these modifiers according to class:

Warrior 1d8+4 (max 25)
Priest 1d6+4 (max 23)
Rogue 1d6+4 (max 23)
Wizard 1d4+4 (max 21)

I assume then that the +4 is totally wrong? Because otherwise the minimum boost should be 5 for each class.

About Dakkon instead.

He has this problem only against the enemies in Undersigil (Larval Worms and Trelon). He doesn't do 100 points of damage. He has a malus of 100 to the to hit roll! When you play the game and try and hit, there is a floating text of the dice roll and the modifier to the attack. Against such enemies he has a modifier of -94 and I can't understand why. The result of course is that he hits only with critical rolls.

UPDATE: I continued my gaming experience and after some ingame days passed I returned to fight those creatures. The -94 malus to Dakkon was no longer there. I have no idea what might have triggered it.

There is a (vs morph ? Not sure) save when you cast improved strengh
If you miss the save you get -100 to hit for a day or two (not sure if that was intended or not), you can see it with Infinity Explorer 0.85 editing the save.
Might need a fix though, since it's not mentionned in the spell description (at least not the french one...) and the penality is a bit too harsh ... Casting improved str at your ennemies might even be beneficial sometimes :/

#66 Aranthys

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Posted 11 October 2010 - 02:48 PM

efore that, Dakkon cast the spell Improved Strenght on himself in three different moments with these erractic consequences: 1st time: Strenght set to 25; 2nd time: Strenght set to 21; 3rd time: Strenght set to 20.

That's the way it should be, actually. The amount of strength boost for that spell (and all the other strength spells) is in fact supposed to be random, as per the spell description.

Are you saying he's doing over 100 damage per swing though? That's definitely not right.


About the Improved Strenght spell. The spell description speaks of these modifiers according to class:

Warrior 1d8+4 (max 25)
Priest 1d6+4 (max 23)
Rogue 1d6+4 (max 23)
Wizard 1d4+4 (max 21)

I assume then that the +4 is totally wrong? Because otherwise the minimum boost should be 5 for each class.

About Dakkon instead.

He has this problem only against the enemies in Undersigil (Larval Worms and Trelon). He doesn't do 100 points of damage. He has a malus of 100 to the to hit roll! When you play the game and try and hit, there is a floating text of the dice roll and the modifier to the attack. Against such enemies he has a modifier of -94 and I can't understand why. The result of course is that he hits only with critical rolls.

UPDATE: I continued my gaming experience and after some ingame days passed I returned to fight those creatures. The -94 malus to Dakkon was no longer there. I have no idea what might have triggered it.

There is a (vs morph ? Not sure) save when you cast improved strengh
If you miss the save you get -100 to hit for a day or two (not sure if that was intended or not), you can see it with Infinity Explorer 0.85 editing the save.
Might need a fix though, since it's not mentionned in the spell description (at least not the french one...) and the penality is a bit too harsh ... Casting improved str at your ennemies might even be beneficial sometimes :/

Err. I mean in Near Infinity (this is laenor..)
It's quite easy to reproduce the bug.

Just cast a few times Imp. Str on a character with the dice rolls showing.
If you see no Save roll, then the bug happened.

Edited by Aranthys, 11 October 2010 - 02:48 PM.

#67 KFX

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 10:41 AM

I've just noticed that the item "Magus guard" is acting weird. So it's a 6ac item that is for mages only.
The "Magus shield" item is also acting strange. It's a 4ac item that is for mages only. It seems to be a poor mans "Magnus guard"

The "AC 6" and "AC4" in the bracelets do not mean a six or four point bonus to AC (that would read AC +6 or AC +4, note the plus sign). They mean something different entirely - basically they set your naked armor class (normally 10) to that number before bonuses and penalties are counted. This means among other things that the AC4 Magus Shield is better than the AC 6 Magus Guard. Armor works the same way - the jerkin that gives Annah AC 4 is better than the one that gives AC 6. It's a little confusing.

Dakkon doesn't benefit from an AC 6 bracelet because his armor is already AC 5 (better) - he's just going to pick the better bonus of the two. I'm not sure why Ignus doesn't benefit from it, maybe he has something else that counts as armor (like an active Armor spell)

Re: Patch notes:

165. ## Conall no longer sells an infinite number of Stinger Earrings, just one.

What's the reason for this?

Edit: Oh. I just remembered one thing. This was on an earlier version of the patch but in case you haven't fixed it - the descriptions for Abyssal Fury when it's on a scroll and when it's memorized are different. One says it does 5-505 damage. The other says 5d10.

Edited by KFX, 06 December 2010 - 03:44 AM.


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Posted 26 April 2011 - 12:07 PM

Ok, I'm at my wits' end with a problem that won't go away...

I bought PST from GOG.com, and installed the recommended mods from spellhold. When I started playing the game, it all seemed fine apart from a little jerkiness when moving... but shortly after leaving the crematorium, the screen began scrolling up and left of its own accord, and nothing I did would stop it or move it down. The only way I can play it without this happening is by pressing 'c', but I know I can't keep relying on that forever, and the moment I deselect it, the scrolling problem will start again.

I have searched all over for other references to this problem and found none whatsoever. Can anyone tell me what is going on and how I can fix it?? Please!

#69 Daulmakan


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Posted 26 April 2011 - 12:14 PM

Ok, I'm at my wits' end with a problem that won't go away...

I bought PST from GOG.com, and installed the recommended mods from spellhold. When I started playing the game, it all seemed fine apart from a little jerkiness when moving... but shortly after leaving the crematorium, the screen began scrolling up and left of its own accord, and nothing I did would stop it or move it down. The only way I can play it without this happening is by pressing 'c', but I know I can't keep relying on that forever, and the moment I deselect it, the scrolling problem will start again.

I have searched all over for other references to this problem and found none whatsoever. Can anyone tell me what is going on and how I can fix it?? Please!

Try seeing if this helps.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg



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Posted 26 April 2011 - 12:27 PM

Ok, I'm at my wits' end with a problem that won't go away...

I bought PST from GOG.com, and installed the recommended mods from spellhold. When I started playing the game, it all seemed fine apart from a little jerkiness when moving... but shortly after leaving the crematorium, the screen began scrolling up and left of its own accord, and nothing I did would stop it or move it down. The only way I can play it without this happening is by pressing 'c', but I know I can't keep relying on that forever, and the moment I deselect it, the scrolling problem will start again.

I have searched all over for other references to this problem and found none whatsoever. Can anyone tell me what is going on and how I can fix it?? Please!

Try seeing if this helps.

Thanks! That was quick.:)

It says it's for Nvidia cards, though... Will it work for AMD ones, too?


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Posted 04 May 2011 - 08:34 AM

Ok, I'm at my wits' end with a problem that won't go away...

I bought PST from GOG.com, and installed the recommended mods from spellhold. When I started playing the game, it all seemed fine apart from a little jerkiness when moving... but shortly after leaving the crematorium, the screen began scrolling up and left of its own accord, and nothing I did would stop it or move it down. The only way I can play it without this happening is by pressing 'c', but I know I can't keep relying on that forever, and the moment I deselect it, the scrolling problem will start again.

I have searched all over for other references to this problem and found none whatsoever. Can anyone tell me what is going on and how I can fix it?? Please!

Try seeing if this helps.

Thanks! That was quick.:)

It says it's for Nvidia cards, though... Will it work for AMD ones, too?

Sorry, I meant ATI. Dunno why the hell I said AMD...

Edited by YEMETH, 04 May 2011 - 08:35 AM.

#72 ScuD

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Posted 05 May 2011 - 08:33 AM

Well, AMD has bought ATI, so basically ATI brand is gradually disappearing.

#73 peripatetes

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 11:49 AM

Two bugs:

I purchased an engraving for Es-Annon from Death-of-Names but Fell is offering the Tattoo of Dreams of Es-Annon (which you're supposed to get if you tell the Crier to stop mourning) instead of the Tattoo of Graves of Es-Annon.

The fixpack says it makes Lowden a lot easier to talk to in the Weeping Stone Catacombs, but I can't see him at all anywhere, and I looked quite carefully in the crypt of dismemberment's underchamber ("hover over every individual pixel multiple times" carefully).

Any ideas what might be going wrong/how to fix these, or are other people facing these problems as well?

I have the widescreen, interface, fix, unfinished business, and tweak mods installed; I'd be happy to give more details.

#74 Erunno

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Posted 22 May 2011 - 08:39 AM

Despite Quinn being missing I'll file the bug just so it doesn't get lost:

The Post (zombie): It's no longer possible to ask him about directions despite fulfilling the requirements (according to Dan Simpson's guide you need 12 Wisdom or 12 Intelligence).

#75 peripatetes

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Posted 23 May 2011 - 04:43 PM

Well, I found I might be wrong about the Es-Annon tattoo question. It does seem odd that the "better" way to accomplish the quest would give an inferior tattoo.

Another bug I found: if you become a Godsman before you deliver Giltspur's note, Keldor doesn't say anything and the conversation is immediately terminated. You do still get the XP from Giltspur though.

Edited by peripatetes, 23 May 2011 - 04:43 PM.

#76 -Ayrus-

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 05:48 AM

I saw messages from Qwinn, I was beginning to worry that perhaps something had happened to to him. Good to know you are still alive! :)

Anyways, not exactly a bug, and hardly worth mentioning, but the readme still states that the fixpack version is 4.10, not 4.11. Also, version history for 4.11 is missing. Additionally, the .tp2 file and Weidu.log refer to version 4.10. Lines like these:


// Last Modification Date: April 11, 2010 - v4.10
VERSION ~v4.10~


~SETUP-PST-FIX.TP2~ #0 #0 // PS:T Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack, by Qwinn: v4.10
~SETUP-PST-FIX.TP2~ #0 #1 // Dialogue Spelling/Grammar Corrections (English Only): v4.10
~SETUP-PST-FIX.TP2~ #0 #4 // Subtitled Cutscenes: v4.10

.debug file:

Installing [PS:T Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack, by Qwinn] [v4.10]

I had some hesitations when I saw those, I thought maybe I had older version or something. If you are going to update those, perhaps you could update Weidu to 229 while you are at it, it seems it has some changes related to PST.

Widescreen has similar issues with version 3.05, it says that it is 3.02, but that is not your project.

#77 snarfbot

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 02:56 AM

hey, i installed the fixpack and it has one fix in it that kinda messed my game up. its the one involving the wizard in the rubikon. if you run into the wizard before you find nordom, which is pretty likely theres no way to become his creative director, because if you reset the maze and talk to the wizard he refuses to talk about killing the old director. anyway not sure if its a bug or not but its annoying.

#78 scient

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 08:11 AM

Ok, I updated all three packages which can be found in downloads section. Fixpack includes fix for bug regarding morale function when resting for NPC's. I doubt anyone really noticed this and there would be limited situations where this might cause problems. Still, I recommend everyone to update since it won't break your existing saved games and might prevent potential problems. As part of this same bug fix, the bug where Fixpack would cause game to crash under Wine has also been sorted.

I updated the Russian translation for all three packages (thanks to Macbeth and Refiler), this is only real change in Tweak Pack or UB. I updated WeiDu to latest version (229) and corrected version info strings for all packages so there is no confusion looking at WeiDu log file. Oh, and I marked Quick Load as not recommended in Tweak Pack installer until I can work out some of kinks related to it.

Edited by scient, 08 August 2011 - 08:20 AM.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#79 Silencer150

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Posted 09 August 2011 - 04:36 PM

The game crashes when trying to enter the Warrens of Thought (AR1600).

I have the Fixpack, Tweaks Pack, and UB installed, in that order. Prior to this, I was playing the game unmodded, and ran into a similar crash when trying to enter other areas, specifically AR0105, Pharod's Secret Treasure Room. The load screen would get to 25% and then crash. I was able to remedy this by copying the area file from the CD directly into the cache folder. This time however, with the mods installed, the solution of copying AR1600.cbf into the cache folder does NOT help. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mods, in the same order, but the problem still occurred. AR1600 loaded fine in the unmodded game, but my current savegames are incompatible with that now.

I know the Warrens of Thought is an optional area, but I hate to miss out on the treasure at this stage of the game. The Fixpack is the only mod that changes the Warrens. Any help resolving this issue would be appreciated.

Edit: I just tested it with the latest Fixpack version, and it still happens.

Edited by Silencer150, 09 August 2011 - 04:55 PM.

#80 Turambar

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Posted 09 August 2011 - 11:26 PM

The game crashes when trying to enter the Warrens of Thought (AR1600).

I have the Fixpack, Tweaks Pack, and UB installed, in that order. Prior to this, I was playing the game unmodded, and ran into a similar crash when trying to enter other areas, specifically AR0105, Pharod's Secret Treasure Room. The load screen would get to 25% and then crash. I was able to remedy this by copying the area file from the CD directly into the cache folder. This time however, with the mods installed, the solution of copying AR1600.cbf into the cache folder does NOT help. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mods, in the same order, but the problem still occurred. AR1600 loaded fine in the unmodded game, but my current savegames are incompatible with that now.

I know the Warrens of Thought is an optional area, but I hate to miss out on the treasure at this stage of the game. The Fixpack is the only mod that changes the Warrens. Any help resolving this issue would be appreciated.

Edit: I just tested it with the latest Fixpack version, and it still happens.

do you also have the widescreen mod? I did get some crashes with the 2cd version and the widescreen mod, and I had to get a 4cd version in order to be able to enter some areas


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