Known Issues v4.1 (post bug reports here)
Posted 06 May 2010 - 07:57 PM

Posted 06 May 2010 - 09:41 PM
err, i have other solution, you can go to C:/windows/system32 and click 2x on drwtsn32.exe and change the place where the changelogs and memory dumps are saved, or you can download inspector IIXII which will allow you to do the same in the folder where it is and the crashlog with dlls used and stuff and the memory dump are stored inside the same file.
Cool, will have to check those out.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 07 May 2010 - 12:55 AM
Edited by Markus Ramikin, 07 May 2010 - 01:18 AM.
Posted 08 May 2010 - 08:42 AM
Posted 08 May 2010 - 11:11 AM
Edited by lac, 08 May 2010 - 11:18 AM.
Posted 08 May 2010 - 05:47 PM
Posted 15 May 2010 - 09:18 AM
Before that, Dakkon cast the spell Improved Strenght on himself in three different moments with these erractic consequences: 1st time: Strenght set to 25; 2nd time: Strenght set to 21; 3rd time: Strenght set to 20.
I tried saving, quitting and restarting the game and the problem is still there.
Any advice?
Edited by Salk, 15 May 2010 - 09:19 AM.
Game Over Only on Party Dead (BGT/EasyTuTu/BG2)
WTP Familiars(BGT/BG2)
Posted 15 May 2010 - 10:00 AM
efore that, Dakkon cast the spell Improved Strenght on himself in three different moments with these erractic consequences: 1st time: Strenght set to 25; 2nd time: Strenght set to 21; 3rd time: Strenght set to 20.
That's the way it should be, actually. The amount of strength boost for that spell (and all the other strength spells) is in fact supposed to be random, as per the spell description.
Are you saying he's doing over 100 damage per swing though? That's definitely not right.
Posted 15 May 2010 - 09:54 PM
efore that, Dakkon cast the spell Improved Strenght on himself in three different moments with these erractic consequences: 1st time: Strenght set to 25; 2nd time: Strenght set to 21; 3rd time: Strenght set to 20.
That's the way it should be, actually. The amount of strength boost for that spell (and all the other strength spells) is in fact supposed to be random, as per the spell description.
Are you saying he's doing over 100 damage per swing though? That's definitely not right.
About the Improved Strenght spell. The spell description speaks of these modifiers according to class:
Warrior 1d8+4 (max 25)
Priest 1d6+4 (max 23)
Rogue 1d6+4 (max 23)
Wizard 1d4+4 (max 21)
I assume then that the +4 is totally wrong? Because otherwise the minimum boost should be 5 for each class.
About Dakkon instead.
He has this problem only against the enemies in Undersigil (Larval Worms and Trelon). He doesn't do 100 points of damage. He has a malus of 100 to the to hit roll! When you play the game and try and hit, there is a floating text of the dice roll and the modifier to the attack. Against such enemies he has a modifier of -94 and I can't understand why. The result of course is that he hits only with critical rolls.
UPDATE: I continued my gaming experience and after some ingame days passed I returned to fight those creatures. The -94 malus to Dakkon was no longer there. I have no idea what might have triggered it.
Edited by Salk, 17 May 2010 - 11:34 AM.
Game Over Only on Party Dead (BGT/EasyTuTu/BG2)
WTP Familiars(BGT/BG2)
Posted 17 May 2010 - 11:37 AM
1) I talked to the Advocate and I could ask about the fire before the subject was ever discussed.
2) To claim the legacy (Dodecaedron) is necessary to ask the Advocate about "legacies". It's a poor dialogue choice since in all other cases new possibilities are never hidden into the dialogue but are always first choices.
3) I can ask about Morte before his banter with the owner of the Curiosity Shop triggered. In my case both Fall-from-Grace and Morte were in the party and the only banter that ever triggered was Fall-from-Grace's. Despite that, like I said, I can ask the shop owner about things that I have never heard.
Game Over Only on Party Dead (BGT/EasyTuTu/BG2)
WTP Familiars(BGT/BG2)
Posted 22 May 2010 - 01:10 PM
i hope these can help ya with your task.
Posted 19 July 2010 - 11:45 PM
I've just finished with the lower ward and I was looking through my quest log and i've noticed I still have the "Find key and sneak out of tenement" quest.
What I remember doing was talking to sybil and saying i would get the key, finding the key and then fighting my way through anyway for the experience, but I never ran into sybil again anywhere. Going back to the alley doesn't trigger her appearance so it seems that i'm stuck with this quest in my log forever.
Posted 22 July 2010 - 04:28 AM
Posted 28 July 2010 - 10:25 PM
I uninstalled the tweak pack and the Unfinished Business pack to check, when I reinstalled them I got this error
"An Assertion failed in D:\Torment\Source\chitin\ChDimm.cpp at line number 809"
It is not a huge inconvenience although it doesn't let me complete a couple of quests and I can't shop there.
Posted 31 July 2010 - 06:31 AM
I have found an infinite experience loop.
Kitla in curst wants me to settle a problem for her in exchange for a part of a key, I can kill 2 people or get their legacies or both.
I got both legacies then killed them both.
When I go to her I can tell her "they are both dead" or "I have both their legacies".
I told her "they are both dead" and then said farewell and then realized I can repeat it as much as I want. If I say anything except farewell after getting the exp boost the loop breaks.
Edited by Freddy, 31 July 2010 - 06:32 AM.
Posted 03 August 2010 - 08:36 AM
Fhjull was given 2 lines for when you are leaving his house after visiting the skulls in 4.0.
However if you then go back to him after he says his line all he will say when you try and talk to him is those 2 lines, you cant get the normal conversation options back.
Posted 03 August 2010 - 08:55 AM

Posted 03 August 2010 - 12:58 PM
If you stealth in the Modron maze as a thief constructs spam you with dialog over and over until you are out of stealth. Once you finish the dialog the thing just starts it again.
Another bug on stealth. Annah sometimes seems to fail entering stealth when nothing is nearby to see her, yet TNO manages to enter it every time.
Edited by Freddy, 04 August 2010 - 01:28 AM.
Posted 06 August 2010 - 06:16 AM
On TNO it only gives -3 ac instead of -6.
On Dakkon it seems to do nothing at all. It doesn't do anything for ignus either. I removed all AC items on all 3 characters before I tested it to make sure I didn't hit the AC cap.
The "Magus shield" item is also acting strange. It's a 4ac item that is for mages only. It seems to be a poor mans "Magnus guard"
On TNO it seems to give -5 ac instead of -4.
On dakkon and ignus it gives -1 ac instead of -4.
Here is something strange that just happened to me. I lured a greater glabrezu with mort, set him to attack it and then paused. I paused while he was making his attack sound and it continued looping so I thought it was just a sound loop. I queued a number of spells on the glabrezu but before I could unpause mort says "my skills have increased" and the glabrezu drops dead. It looks like if you pause during an attack the attack loops over and over even though the game is paused.
Edited by Freddy, 06 August 2010 - 08:03 AM.
Posted 06 August 2010 - 01:28 PM
I am in a party without annah (I remember she had a very annoying banter where she would leave the party if fall from grace was in it, and you had to kick grace to get her back and then invite grace back). I remember that annoying banter could play multiple times, but I don't have Annah with me and i've noticed the banters have completely run out for my party and that they don't replay.
I can load to an old save where 3-4 were unplayed, those exact 4 will play when I rest 4 times and then banter is gone forever.