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Known Issues v4.1 (post bug reports here)

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#21 lac

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 07:21 AM

re stackable items -- any reason that the rusty daggers don't stack?

#22 Raven Corax

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 08:01 AM

I think this isn't a very common bug but I have read once that someone else had it, too. I have the 4.0 versions of all your 3 Mods and encounter a problem now. As you didn't write something about this in you changelog I guess it's still existent.
I'm at Fjhull's house and can't rest. When I ask him about this I just get the "Thanks."-option and then nothing happens.
Any idea of how I could fix this? It's really important I rest before I go to Baator as my crew is a little messed up and my mages only have something like 2 spells memorized. I just NEED to rest.
Thanks in advance, and when you need more information for solving this problem, just let me know.

#23 Salk

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 10:28 AM

Baldur's Gate has an option in the configuration menu. I didn't see one for P:T but I noticed that a value is set in the .ini file. Would raising it there be of any benefit?

yes, it would. Look at sticky topic on how to install PS:T, there you'll find a site with a hint about this. ;)

Thanks for the tips. Raising it from 4000 to 32000, as suggested, did improve things. Perhaps the PS:T Fixpack should raise it via WeiDU. After all, everyone would have the CPU power for it today.

#24 -Guest-

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 01:49 PM

I'm at Fjhull's house and can't rest. When I ask him about this I just get the "Thanks."-option and then nothing happens.

Hit the Rest button. ;-) This is like the one place in the game where it actually has any use.

#25 scient

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 02:55 PM

Ugh, looks like there are definitely some issues with quick load.

Also, can anyone tell me whether 4.1 and 4.0 saves are compatible? I noticed couple of bugs in 4.0 and would like to test them in 4.1, but I really dont feel like going through the game again up to that point.

Yes, they should be. I believe none of changes should require a new game.

Also if it was possible to tweak spellbook, because if you max out lvl 1/2 spell slots, you can easily get more slots then you can see and it makes changing your arsenal pain in the ass.

Could you explain what you mean? Not sure I follow.

Edited by scient, 03 May 2010 - 02:57 PM.

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#26 -Xarn-

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 09:06 PM

Actually I tested the compatibility myself the hard way, but thanks for answer :-D

Sure: In my game (pure mage, mage tattoos, bonus spell slots from earrings etc), I actually managed to be able to prepare 16 lvl 1 spells (I had the same problem with lvl 2), however I havent managed to scroll down, so I just had to click and remember what I had there/first "dememorize" most spells before I could change my loadout.

Ofc there is the possibility that I am just blind and couldnt find how to scroll, but...

#27 -Xarn-

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 09:12 PM

Sorry for double posting but some minor corrections

Actually it is 18 lvl 1 spells and 14 lvl 2, and only after I unwear/wear the tattoos, otherwise one spell slot gets lost somewhere (the spell is still there, but if I start reorganizing, I have to drop the tattoo to be able to put something in the slot again)

#28 scient

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 11:01 PM

Ah I see what you mean. If you have items that give you extra spells, you can click the spell icons on right pane in spellbook and it will memorize them in slots which aren't visible. Interesting, I didn't know you could do this. Hmmm, I'm not sure whether max spells should be capped at 12 (visible slots) or just leave it as is. It seems like it was intended for player to only have 12 spells per level. Adding in say a scrollbar so you could view them all would be pain in the ass. It would require editing gui CHU files I think as well as coming up with whole new engine mechanic to display them from scratch. BG2 handles spellbook in same manner so no help there. I'm inclined to just leave it as is. I can see how managing hidden spells would be difficult though.

Does anyone know if there is any limitation in AD&D v2 on max spells?

Edited by scient, 03 May 2010 - 11:03 PM.

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#29 lac

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Posted 04 May 2010 - 04:54 AM

re AD&D rules about spells per level:

Dan Simpson has a good faq here:

Normally a wizard, even one with super-human intelligence cannot memorize more than 5 spells at any level. But (though this guide does not say so) there is no limit to how many spells you can cast per rest period if you store them someplace other than your own brain. So I don't think that these rules help us decide what to do.

Edited by lac, 04 May 2010 - 04:56 AM.

#30 Daulmakan


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Posted 04 May 2010 - 06:59 AM

The rule limits are for "natural" spells only. Bonus spells granted by items have no restriction that I know of in 2E.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#31 -Felipe-

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 09:52 AM

It would require editing gui CHU files I think as well as coming up with whole new engine mechanic to display them from scratch.

talking about engine, i dont know if Paul talked to you about an email i sent to him talking about this tool http://ollydbg.de/ a pretty good one for debugging i guess, i believe it could be a great help for debugging planescape in case you dont use this one, in case you dont and you wish to try it, i recommend the 2.0 beta final since it's the version that contains the debugger ;) - i sent Paul a list of things and suggestions that him or you or both could find useful, i wont post them here since i dont remember much and it was a lot of words written.

that's all, thanks for all of the work of all the ppl involved with planescape and for your attention. ;)

#32 scient

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 04:50 PM

talking about engine, i dont know if Paul talked to you about an email i sent to him talking about this tool http://ollydbg.de/ a pretty good one for debugging i guess, i believe it could be a great help for debugging planescape in case you dont use this one, in case you dont and you wish to try it, i recommend the 2.0 beta final since it's the version that contains the debugger ;) - i sent Paul a list of things and suggestions that him or you or both could find useful, i wont post them here since i dont remember much and it was a lot of words written.

that's all, thanks for all of the work of all the ppl involved with planescape and for your attention. ;)

Ya I use Olly but not v2.0 since it doesn't support plugins yet. I use plugin that lets me export information from my PST IDA db and load it into Olly. I wish it did though because yes v2.0 is far superior. I really need to learn more about IDA's internal debugger which is even better. Thanks for the tip, I'll see about getting copy of email and post any potential engine patches here. I'd be interested to see if there are any other engine bugs I've missed. :)

Edited by scient, 05 May 2010 - 04:56 PM.

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#33 scient

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 05:13 PM

re AD&D rules about spells per level:

Dan Simpson has a good faq here:

Normally a wizard, even one with super-human intelligence cannot memorize more than 5 spells at any level. But (though this guide does not say so) there is no limit to how many spells you can cast per rest period if you store them someplace other than your own brain. So I don't think that these rules help us decide what to do.

Ah ok. Once again PST devs make items that pushed boundaries of IE and it fails on them. I think BG1 has like 1-2 items that give one extra spell slot. With PST, easy to get over 12 with first couple levels because of items that double.

Since bonus spells don't have any restrictions, capping it at 12 would be lame and not justifiable nerf. I'll add to my know issues post to some how in spellbook display hidden bonus spells past 12. The engine handles extra spells correctly, so problem ends up being display. An idea would be to add scroll bar of sorts to display extra pages. But this is pretty low on priority scale since that kind of engine hack I imagine will be pretty difficult.

Edited by scient, 05 May 2010 - 05:13 PM.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#34 lac

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 07:09 AM

Ah ok. Once again PST devs make items that pushed boundaries of IE and it fails on them. I think BG1 has like 1-2 items that give one extra spell slot. With PST, easy to get over 12 with first couple levels because of items that double.

Since bonus spells don't have any restrictions, capping it at 12 would be lame and not justifiable nerf. I'll add to my know issues post to some how in spellbook display hidden bonus spells past 12. The engine handles extra spells correctly, so problem ends up being display. An idea would be to add scroll bar of sorts to display extra pages. But this is pretty low on priority scale since that kind of engine hack I imagine will be pretty difficult.

One thing that might be a lot easier to do is to change the display so that spells stack. Right now, if you want to memorise a spell 4 times, it takes up 4 graphical slots. If, instead, it took up one slot (with the number 4 written below it) then it might be that scrolling would be in practice unecessary. You would have to do something so that the number of free slots would decrease as you repeatedly learned the same spell, but to my completely inexperienced eye that sounds a whole lot easier than implementing a scroll bar. It would make for a much _nicer_ user interface as well, since scrolling is unpleasant.

According to http://shrines.rpgcl...ge.shtml#level1 there are 17 1st level spells, and 16 2nd level spells, (and fewer than 12 of all the rest). Some of these 1st and 2nd level spells are 'Dak'kon only' and 'Ignus only' and 'Ignus and TNO only' spells, but there are still enough of them that it may be possible to still overflow one screen with my proposed interface change if you decide to bring one of each. But how often would that happen in practice? For me, there are some on those lists whom I rarely, or never use, while others I always want multiple copies of.

Edited by lac, 06 May 2010 - 07:10 AM.

#35 lac

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 07:52 AM

re: crash to desktop

sorry to post in the 4.0 bugs note. I was reading it yesterdayt to see if this problem had been mentioned there, and then forgot what I was doing. I am trying to get a save that is right before a crash, because right now it is very flakey. It's only been happening to me at the Hive merchant store, so far, but I haven't made it through the Tenements yet, so my store selection is still quite limited. But Fell's shop and Mebbeth's hut have so far been immune to the problem, which is one reason I think that it may be related to the overhead comments -- at both Fell's and Mebbeth's, there aren't any.

I should have more time to play over the weekend. This week I have been quite short of free time, which is why I haven't progressed very far.

#36 -Felipe-

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 09:53 AM

re: crash to desktop

sorry to post in the 4.0 bugs note. I was reading it yesterdayt to see if this problem had been mentioned there, and then forgot what I was doing. I am trying to get a save that is right before a crash, because right now it is very flakey. It's only been happening to me at the Hive merchant store, so far, but I haven't made it through the Tenements yet, so my store selection is still quite limited. But Fell's shop and Mebbeth's hut have so far been immune to the problem, which is one reason I think that it may be related to the overhead comments -- at both Fell's and Mebbeth's, there aren't any.

do you have a Dr. Watson crashlog or Inspector IIXII one? It could help scient and paul to fix the problem. ;)

#37 scient

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 12:15 PM

I'll make a note of spell stacking memorization as potential idea. But doing this will probably be just as difficult if not more so. Adding in functionality to IE at assembly level that doesn't exist in any of IE games is hard because you don't have example code to look at. There is spell stacking of memorized spells but porting that over to spell book I doubt is easy task. If I had source code that would be another story. Even importing features like Quick Load is pretty complex and as you can see there are plenty of issues which still need to be ironed out.

Regarding crash, I take it that it's a crash to desktop versus PST popping up an error and closing. If you tell me what version of windows you're running I can try to help you navigate where crash logs are stored. Getting the offset that caused crash might be useful in identifying the issue.

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#38 lac

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 01:32 PM

re: crash to desktop

sorry to post in the 4.0 bugs note. I was reading it yesterdayt to see if this problem had been mentioned there, and then forgot what I was doing. I am trying to get a save that is right before a crash, because right now it is very flakey. It's only been happening to me at the Hive merchant store, so far, but I haven't made it through the Tenements yet, so my store selection is still quite limited. But Fell's shop and Mebbeth's hut have so far been immune to the problem, which is one reason I think that it may be related to the overhead comments -- at both Fell's and Mebbeth's, there aren't any.

do you have a Dr. Watson crashlog or Inspector IIXII one? It could help scient and paul to fix the problem. ;)

Definitely Dr Watson is talking with me about do I want to send things to Microsoft. So I assume there is one someplace, but my skills at using windows -- which I only use to play games with -- are so non-existant that I don't know how to find such a crashlog. I'd be happy to send one if somebody could explain to me how to do it, or point me at a url that explains the same.

#39 lac

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 01:42 PM

I'll make a note of spell stacking memorization as potential idea. But doing this will probably be just as difficult if not more so. Adding in functionality to IE at assembly level that doesn't exist in any of IE games is hard because you don't have example code to look at. There is spell stacking of memorized spells but porting that over to spell book I doubt is easy task. If I had source code that would be another story. Even importing features like Quick Load is pretty complex and as you can see there are plenty of issues which still need to be ironed out.

I understand. It was probably naive of me to hope that the engine issues were separate from the
how to display it issues.

Regarding crash, I take it that it's a crash to desktop versus PST popping up an error and closing. If you tell me what version of windows you're running I can try to help you navigate where crash logs are stored. Getting the offset that caused crash might be useful in identifying the issue.

I'm running windows XP, with, as far as I know all the latest fixpacks and updates from microsoft.
If you could teach me what to type to find out the definitive answer to 'what version of windows are you using' I would run it.

#40 scient

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 04:48 PM

I'm running windows XP, with, as far as I know all the latest fixpacks and updates from microsoft.
If you could teach me what to type to find out the definitive answer to 'what version of windows are you using' I would run it.

Start menu -> right click "my computer" -> click "manage" -> in panel, system tools -> event viewer -> application

Sort by type, or if it's recent should see it near top. Look for instances of where torment exe stopped working, should be red error icon. If you double click an event, it will pop up with more info. There is a copy button which will copy all details of event into clipboard.

Also, the next time it crashes there should be a button in windows crash message like "details". If you click this it should bring up a display with information about crash. One of these is an "address" or offset. Or even better if you take a screenshot of details panel. Sorry for being vague on this part, it's been awhile since I've seen WinXP crash message since I moved over to win7 awhile ago.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.