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Bioware Romance Expansion

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#41 cmorgan

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Posted 15 December 2011 - 06:20 AM

Essential PID 1 might become available after Lovetalk 2, with Essential PID 1 being a requirement for Lovetalk 5 to begin

Cool idea - I wish I had thought of it.

IF ~lovetalk=1~ THEN BEGIN lovetalkone
	SAY ~heya~
	IF ~~ THEN DO ~setglobal:lovetalk=2 realsetglobaltimer(value)~ EXIT

IF ~lovetalk=3~ THEN BEGIN lovetalktwo
	SAY ~heya~
	IF ~~ THEN DO ~setglobal:lovetalk=4 realsetglobaltimer(value)~ EXIT

/* end of file PID */
IF ~IsGabber(Player1) lovetalk=0~ THEN BEGIN friendshipPID
 SAY ~blah~
 ++ ~reply1~ DO ~setglobal:lovePIDadvance=1~ + nextstate //and so on for a bunch of choices

and to trigger the lovetalks, instead of the standard big block, individual blocks that advance after both vars are incremented
setglobal lovetalk=3

Darned good idea. If you really wanted to get tricky, you could do what Domi and Berelinde do, and make that PID advancing variable a range, tracking the "compatability", so if the player has less than 3 points from PID responses, no advancement; if they have 3 to 6, advance gingerly, if they hve 7 to 9, throw themselves at you, etc.

Then you could have PID responses that de-incremented. For Jaheira:

++ ~[PC] Hey, no worries. It is a tough road being a druid, a half-elf, and a Harper. You go ahead and cry on my shoulder.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("lovePIDadvance","GLOBAL",1~

++ ~[PC] Oh, quit your whining. Khalid was a no-good waste of experience points and really not much more than a stuttering mule. You are lucky I didn't kill him myself..~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("lovePIDadvance","GLOBAL",-27~

#42 Rhaella

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Posted 15 December 2011 - 12:56 PM

How do people feel about player initiated dialogue being integral to romantic progression? I want to add realism by distancing things from the 'she's talking at me again' feeling of the original romance paths (spoiler: you have to emotionally contribute to relationships in real life too), but I want to avoid complicating things to the point of frustrating the players.

I like it in theory, but I can also see it making people panic and go through every PID the moment they become available to make sure they don't miss something important, which I think would then start to detract again. Maybe if the whole tracked romance was still doable without the actual PIDs, but certain non-essential NPC initiated talks don't open up without it?