The Rogue Class Switching Mod (Bard to Thief and vice versa)
Posted 25 May 2010 - 11:03 PM

Posted 25 May 2010 - 11:15 PM

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When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
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Posted 26 May 2010 - 11:15 PM
This doesn't seem to work: applying effect 214 - Select Spell on the character
- Statement pending more investigations. I never got any of the options to work with this.
This works: ActionOverride( etc, MakeUnselectable(1))
- Last time I said I couldn't get it to work, I didn't try actionoverride (stupid!). It works with the override part.
This doesn't work: EquipRanged() or EquipmMostDamagingMelee()
- Equips but no button refresh, just a weaponswitch. It does cancel bardsong though, but you can press bardsong again before reselecting your character rendering the action rather futile.
This doesn't work: applying effect 111 - Create Magical Weapon for 1 second
- Only conjures the weapon but does not refresh the button bar. Besides, it overrides other magically created weapons such as the custom ability or created by a item/spell/polymorph.
I will try a few of the other suggestions and in a few days I will upload a version where at least the MakeUnselectable is incorporated.
PS: thanks again for these suggestions.
Edited by lroumen, 26 May 2010 - 11:15 PM.
Posted 27 May 2010 - 02:09 AM

About effect 111, it seems this trick works only for simulacrum type creatures (or maybe for creatures that are not in your party), to refresh buttons after using effects Disable/Enable Button.
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Posted 27 May 2010 - 05:55 AM
Maybe ClickLButtonObject will already do the job too. It would be fun to see if that action has an effect in the game

Posted 27 May 2010 - 05:58 AM
Edited by Kwiat_W, 27 May 2010 - 05:59 AM.
W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE
Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA
Posted 27 May 2010 - 06:12 AM

I'll check the options. You're welcome for all the help.
Posted 28 May 2010 - 12:49 AM
I have also noticed that restoration does not work and I am implementing a different fix for the bard-spell-slots-not-being-gained-when-you-level-as-a-thief problem.
Future mod will have the following fix:
When you level as a thief and switch into a bard, you lose your switching ability and lose 1 level. This makes your bard-part give you a "level up" star. If you level up you will regain your thief switching ability.
Problems with this method:
- additional HP (which is countered by me deducting 6 or 2 HP from your character in case of level <10 or >10).
- additional weapon prof stars may appear if you level at a certain point (where the thief and bad gain a prof star). Look at it as a bonus. You'll have the availability of many weapons anyway and you only get 1 star prof max anyway, so I don't think this is very imbalancing.
At least it will be an elegant fix for the bard wizard spell slot and you don't have to wait until you level up later on.
I have to test it thoroughly, but a quick test shows that this can work. Now to make it bug-free.
Posted 09 June 2010 - 05:59 AM
Wouldn't you get extra HLAs as well with this method?- additional weapon prof stars may appear if you level at a certain point (where the thief and bad gain a prof star). Look at it as a bonus. You'll have the availability of many weapons anyway and you only get 1 star prof max anyway, so I don't think this is very imbalancing.
Also: have you tried level draining the character and then having Restoration cast on him?
Edited by the bigg, 09 June 2010 - 06:03 AM.
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Posted 14 June 2010 - 11:10 PM
Sorry for the delayed reply. I was at a conference this week. I was able to get the delevel and relevel to work and I am trying to figure out a work-around for the HLAs (as in keeping track and removing all and regaining all), but that is also not very trivial. Not to mention that if you have none of the HLAs memorised, you will regain them all memorised. I think that overcoming the inconvenience is more a problem than a fix. I've been working on it quite some time, but when I come up with a new fix, another problem arises.Wouldn't you get extra HLAs as well with this method?
- additional weapon prof stars may appear if you level at a certain point (where the thief and bad gain a prof star). Look at it as a bonus. You'll have the availability of many weapons anyway and you only get 1 star prof max anyway, so I don't think this is very imbalancing.
Also: have you tried level draining the character and then having Restoration cast on him?
I have at some point tried level drain followed by restoration, but I could not get it to work. It seems you need to manually level up to gain the spell slots. Weird.
Edited by lroumen, 14 June 2010 - 11:10 PM.
Posted 27 June 2010 - 11:04 PM
Coming back to slayer and other polymorphs. There seems to be no compatibility issues for these spells. The button bar refreshes appropriately.
For the next version I will have to figure out how to use different install modes with weidu and how to recode the whole thing to use invisible creatures as to not flood the baldur.bcs file with lots of code (tip from Jarno).
Other suggestions are welcome.