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#101 Neane

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Posted 15 May 2011 - 01:17 PM

the bigg said:

Wow, talk about another misinformed article.

My Answer:

At some point in the game's development, it was also possible for a female Shepard to romance Ashley Williams or a male Shepard to romance Kaidan Alenko. This was later removed, although the voiced conversations for them remain in the game.

It was designed in the game so that Ashley will romance you if you were a female, but Bioware cut it out.

( Remember, these are the same guys that cut out the Minsc romance from Baldur's Gate, even though the game Coding files are still there.)

The Game Files exist on the CD-ROM for the Same-Sex Romance, all you have to do is use a Game-Save Editor and you can have the Female Shepard Ashley Romance.

It is the same with Tali, if you try hard enough you can unlock the Same-Sex Romance. Bioware is a master at cutting out stuff. That is why Spellhold Studios is here.

My experience working with numerous sites with games is that the code files are Game Canon, unless the game tells us that the Game Code Files are false. There are hundreds of Mass Effect Forum Posts that deal with this topic.

So the website was using all the sources made by the Super-Super-Die-Hard fans fo Mass Effect.

Edited by Neane, 15 May 2011 - 01:32 PM.

#102 Daulmakan


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Posted 15 May 2011 - 01:58 PM

( Remember, these are the same guys that cut out the Minsc romance from Baldur's Gate, even though the game Coding files are still there.)

Really? Care to point me to the relevant files, then?

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#103 Archmage Silver

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Posted 15 May 2011 - 05:20 PM

( Remember, these are the same guys that cut out the Minsc romance from Baldur's Gate, even though the game Coding files are still there.)

Really? Care to point me to the relevant files, then?

Even though this is OT, I wouldn't mind seeing the actual evidence either... I don't recall Gaider ever mentioning any of that.

#104 Neane

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Posted 15 May 2011 - 11:49 PM

Mass Effect 3 wil use Tactical Targeting.

P.S: The Minsc Romance Plot is only talked about on Reference.com nowadays. All my knowledge about cut content is based upon what Baldur's Gate Gamers from the Old Days of early 2000's talked about when they spent days going through the Coding Files and talking about the characters. One Romance that got cut that I know for sure is the cut Haer'dalis Romance that got cut out before they released the game, and the evidence for the Minsc Romance Plot that was talked about is nothing more than some loose code in the game files. And I do not have the time now to go look for the code.It would be best if we just talk about Mass Effect now. I do not want this thread to get out of hand like the BG2 Kari Romance Thread.

Edited by Neane, 16 May 2011 - 12:11 AM.

#105 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 16 May 2011 - 12:35 AM

Mass Effect 3 wil use Tactical Targeting

Nothing new... the ME used the same, in ME2 there was significant bonus damage from a head shot, the legs slowed the enemy down ...etc.
This is actually based on the games engine, not a special feature in ME3. It might have larger enemies and thus more fire immune zones in them, but the last bose in ME 2 had those, and to me it's less pleasing that they have those... but whatever, as I still hope it's the best game of the series, and thus the best game for a long time.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#106 Daulmakan


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Posted 16 May 2011 - 11:00 AM

One Romance that got cut that I know for sure is the cut Haer'dalis Romance that got cut out before they released the game, and the evidence for the Minsc Romance Plot that was talked about is nothing more than some loose code in the game files. And I do not have the time now to go look for the code.

So, in other words, you don't know and just repeat something said by others. There is no Minsc romance "loose code in the game fles".

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#107 the bigg

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Posted 16 May 2011 - 11:05 AM

This thread contains proof enough that, at best, Neane is an incoherent parrot. There's no particular need to continue debunking his statements.

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#108 Archmage Silver

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 12:47 AM

This thread contains proof enough that, at best, Neane is an incoherent parrot. There's no particular need to continue debunking his statements.

Well, this is what came up in a thread posted by a spambot... post points, dude, post points. :rolleyes:

Spambot message CUT

Very Interesting! :wall:

I cannot find any online sources about this Spam-Bot, but will Post so I get more Post Points!

#109 Kwiat_W

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 02:21 AM

And what you just did is much better? So smart, funny and on the subject? Neane post will be deleted (which I'm sure he knows), your probably (and unfortunately) won't.

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#110 Archmage Silver

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 03:00 AM

And what you just did is much better? So smart, funny and on the subject? Neane post will be deleted (which I'm sure he knows), your probably (and unfortunately) won't.

I'm going to ignore your obvious hostility, but are you seriously saying you're ok with the guy posting second hand bogus information as if it was true? The Minsc romance track simply doesn't exist anywhere in the BG II game files and there is no "loose code in the game files" to that effect. Misinformation is just bad.

#111 Kwiat_W

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 03:27 AM

I'm not OK with it, but it has been already pointed out that he was wrong and that should be enough. There is no reason to be rude and mock him.

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#112 Darziak



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Posted 18 May 2011 - 04:49 AM

If you want to continue the debate do it in a PM or make a thread somewhere else.

To bring actual news (although previously posted but from a different site)

Mass Effect 3 Will Offer Same-Sex Relationships @ IGN

#113 Archmage Silver

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 04:16 AM

Fine, as long as there won't be any more bogus information posted by him. And Darziak, no offense, but please leave the moderation to the moderators if you feel there is a need for it.

Casey Hudson Interview or How Your Choices Determine The Ending @ PC Gamer

#114 Darziak



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Posted 03 June 2011 - 09:37 AM

E3 2011
From Cover to Combat @IGN
The Galaxy's Fate is in Your Hands @IGN

#115 Archmage Silver

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Posted 05 June 2011 - 03:54 AM

Simplified ARPG with improved shooter elements. Well, at least I can think about buying it as a sci-fi shooter... and it's probably not that bad, given that the ME series wasn't heavy on RPG elements in the first place.

#116 Archmage Silver

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Posted 06 June 2011 - 11:06 AM

ME3 Will Utilize Kinect for Voice Control @ GameTrailers

#117 the bigg

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Posted 06 June 2011 - 12:05 PM

Simplified ARPG with improved shooter elements. Well, at least I can think about buying it as a sci-fi shooter... and it's probably not that bad, given that the ME series wasn't heavy on RPG elements in the first place.

You say that as if being a solid shooter diminishes the RPG elements. The gameplay is certainly orthogonal to the 'role/dialogue' dimension of Bioware RPGs, and there's no conclusive reason why it should impair the 'leveling/equipment' dimension (although the interviews certainly lead one to assume this). Still, I'm still convinced that ME2 ended up achieving more by doing less in the 'leveling/equipment' dimension, so I'll cling to that hope (and, unlike 80% of people here, I actually like 'pure' FPS gameplay) ;)

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#118 Archmage Silver

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Posted 06 June 2011 - 12:38 PM

Simplified ARPG with improved shooter elements. Well, at least I can think about buying it as a sci-fi shooter... and it's probably not that bad, given that the ME series wasn't heavy on RPG elements in the first place.

You say that as if being a solid shooter diminishes the RPG elements. The gameplay is certainly orthogonal to the 'role/dialogue' dimension of Bioware RPGs, and there's no conclusive reason why it should impair the 'leveling/equipment' dimension (although the interviews certainly lead one to assume this). Still, I'm still convinced that ME2 ended up achieving more by doing less in the 'leveling/equipment' dimension, so I'll cling to that hope (and, unlike 80% of people here, I actually like 'pure' FPS gameplay) ;)

The fact that they're trying to solidify the shooter elements and market ME3 as a shooter ARPG means that they're allocating more development resources to that end, and as much as I'd like to think that those changes aren't made at the cost of the RPG elements, I just don't believe it. I think that BioWare often gets carried away perfecting one aspect of a game at the cost of others.

I have no problem playing shooters either, so I'll still buy the game regardless of how it handles the RPG/shooter balance.

#119 theacefes


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Posted 06 June 2011 - 01:40 PM

I'm with thebigg on the achieving more by doing less philosophy - I think that the problem comes in when players go into Mass Effect (especially 2) expecting a massively micromanaging inventory/leveling up component and they get something far more simplistic that still does the job - to a degree. I can understand that Mass Effect has evolved as a shooter more than a point and click RPG but it's always had the shooter component and I personally don't see the problem with the developer wanting to market it that way, though I it might be cooler to market it as a game with a cool story. :)

Edited by theacefes, 06 June 2011 - 01:41 PM.

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#120 Darziak



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Posted 06 June 2011 - 03:55 PM

E3 2011

Introduction & Gameplay Trailer
New Features Interview
Extended Walkthrough: Part I
Extended Walkthrough: Part II
The Invasion Begins Trailer
Reaper Base Gameplay Demo