This ...
That bloody well did itIF Global("ForgeStuff","GLOBAL",0) Global("CDTime","AR0334",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("CDTime","AR0334",0) ActionOverride("WSMITH01",StartDialogueNoSet([PC])) Continue() END(for the BWP game ... the huge one
) Wrapping up a fix right now (unless BG2Fixpack gets updated
) ... along with a small Crommy typo for the Ajantis Romance
OMG!!!I will steal your code for IU and put on bottom of BCS. heehee.
Glad it worked for you although I would like to know how strong it is as far as other forging mods go and making it work all the time. I don't see direct problems by sight so it's a start I guess. It makes perfect sense as it ads the actions in the other blocks that were getting cutoff due to the advance time. Good to know as that DayNight action will interrupt scripts if there is a conflict.