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BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

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#161 -Akash-

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Posted 30 June 2010 - 12:47 PM

That was my first guess...the install is progressing further than it has in the first two attempts, in that it's actually got past extraction. I'll bring up the debug and all if anything goes wrong, but at this stage I'd doubt it.
Thanks for the help.

#162 Kaz

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Posted 01 July 2010 - 12:47 AM

Forgot to go to the debug -_-

I'll restart the install with the same selection etc and it should happen again (it got to the same point in the previous install with the crash and everything). In the meantime, it's occuring around scsII, stating #3000, which upon checking wasn't selected, then proceeding to skip 3070 and 3080 before closing again.

Well, another 4 hours down the drain.

Attached File  BWS_Trace.txt   1.3K   283 downloads

#163 Miloch



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Posted 01 July 2010 - 01:22 AM

I don't know why Aurora's Shoes might install Svirfneblin Animations and sounds, but maybe Miloch can confirm if this is the case ?

It does because Aurora adds a couple of svirfneblin NPCs (and patches the other svirfneblin while it's at it). Thus, Infinity Animations is coded to skip that component if Aurora is installed, even without BWP/BWS.

Almost didn't see that in a thread like this :P.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#164 dabus

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Posted 01 July 2010 - 06:09 AM

@KAZ: You don't have to reinstall.
The BWS might crash but you can still try to restart the BWS and continue the installation.
Already installed components will be skipped and only if the BWS crashes at the same component all over again, you are screwed.
But you can also edit the BiG World Setup\Config\User.ini and remove the component from the mods selection underneath the [Current]-section and install them manually.

The BWS crashed since it searched for the return-values of WeiDU in the debug-file.
Somehow it did not get what it expects, so I'd like to have a compressed version of your current debug-file - if you still have it.
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#165 Kaz

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Posted 01 July 2010 - 06:46 AM

Mm, I did try to continue the install, but it kept on crashing at the same point, so I just deleted and restarted, so the old debug file is probably lost. I deselected 3070 and 3080, and it's currently on the scsII part of the install. Just saying that, the scsII part is going smoothly, and I think it's past the part where it was buggering up before. Sorry bout not storing the debug, probably would have helped :/
It might happen again, so I'm keeping an eye on it. Just on the removing party's items in spellhold component, but I can't remember if that's before or after the buggered bit.

EDIT~It's doing BG2 tweaks now. Guess I dodged that bullet.

Edited by Kaz, 01 July 2010 - 06:57 AM.

#166 dabus

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Posted 02 July 2010 - 10:22 AM

I thin I owe you an answer:

The following components are skipped :

SKIPPING: [Smarter Illasera]
	The non-Ascension version of Illasera is already improved by the "Smarter Mages" component of SCSII
SKIPPING: [Smarter Yaga-Shura]
	The non-Ascension version of Yaga-Shura is already improved by the "Smarter General AI" component of SCSII

Smarter Illasera (Sword Coast Stratagems II (SCSII) v13) was skipped.
Removing scsII #6210
Smarter Yaga-Shura (Sword Coast Stratagems II (SCSII) v13) was skipped.
Removing scsII #6220

It appears Ascension is not detected for these 2 components. This is strange because I have BP Ascension installed AND all other ascension-related components (like Turnabout) did install successfully. I don't know if there is a bad filecheck in the BWS or if the new BP180 shuffled things so much that SCS doesn't recognize Ascension as installed.

The line SKIPPING: [Smarter Illasera]
The non-Ascension version of Illasera is already improved by the "Smarter Mages" component of SCSII
is returned from the execution of a WeiDU-setup itself. The component was announced as "Ready for installation" before.

If you got a conflict, you'd be asked a question leaving the choice to you. The text is:

The following circumstances prevent the installation:

¹ The mod is required by this component, but was removed of the selection.
² The mod was also selected, but stands in conflict with this component.
Attention: You see this text here, since components that need this mod or have a conflict have most likely made an error.
This is assumed because of the selection of the components within the BiG World Setup and not of data from the weidu.log.
You can try to install the component anyway, skip it or exit the program.
Enter [i]nstall, [s]kip or [e]xit.

If there are IF-statements/conditions written in the Select.txt, the output is as follows:
The condition to install the component at this point could not be matched.

What else... ah yes, ToB Hacks is STILL fixed in Mod.ini, and the fixed-mod on reload is still glitchy. Test case : reload (any) configuration and ALL of the tob_hacks (actually, all fixed mods') components will be selected and fixed, including components 31 and 41, which will trigger a conflict with Spell Revisions if it is selected. Spell revisions is preferred to Tob Hacks, but the Hacks cannot be removed...


But that's just the way it is if you keep mods fixed but don't give them top priority in the conflicts.
I did not set that since I did not want to mess with files that I do not to maintain. Configuration-files should be Leomars to maintain. I might add the NotFixed=31 40-entry that is necessary to make these non-fixed.

You might also add 120 and 121 (scrollable spell-books) to enable the installation of W_GUI. 50 (Disable Stoneskin colouring) also has a conflict.

But you see I really don't want to make those decisions since someone may either tell us that something important was not installed during a minimal installation of (s)he did not look exactly what's going on when w_gui was on the line. (Which moves some controls on the screen and thus disables Taimons math to calculate if up/down was pressed.)

I'd rather wait for other to decide that or tell you what you can do in the Mod.ini so you can hose your install yourself. :D
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#167 Tonton Fred

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Posted 02 July 2010 - 09:47 PM

If you got a conflict, you'd be asked a question leaving the choice to you. The text is:

I'm sorry, I do not understand your answer :unsure:

Do you mean that there is no conflict as far as the BWS is concerned, and that this is an incompatibility between SCSII and BPv180 ?

#168 dabus

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Posted 02 July 2010 - 10:41 PM

Why not? But you still guess right. ;)

As said, the BWS "thought" it should be able to install this component.
It then executed the command.
But the WeiDU-setup did not install it because of some check and returned the SKIPPING:-text.
Since the BWS fetched the skipping-text, the installation-process was not halted and the component is listed as missing at the end.

This is exactly the situation that we discussed early in this thread:
What to do with conflicts when there is not really a conflict.
I (as a user of the BWS) would like to see if the component I want to be installed will be installed and thus add a conflict between the Smarter Illasera from BP and Smarter Mages from scsII.
If Leomar stays out a little longer, I might add these myself.
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#169 dabus

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Posted 04 July 2010 - 08:42 AM

New download

  • Added a few more checks for pending backslashes in pathnames (remove it for checks after changing the path and add one for detecting 25movies.bif).
  • Compressed all executables with upx.
  • Set GUI and TrayIcon if BiG World Setup is launched by local installed version of AutoIt3.exe.
  • Show old > new name of the downloads name during link-tests (the check if files are available).
  • Use a second section in the user.ini to save deselected components of a mod. Useful to save deselected but fixed items.
  • Also used to mark and search new components.

Edited by dabus, 17 October 2010 - 09:10 AM.

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#170 mikebusto

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Posted 04 July 2010 - 08:07 PM

I started clean download and install with the newest beta bws_9-20100704 using a standard installation.

I excluded Solestia NPC mod and Nikita NPC mod in the big world setup checklist.
I was able to download all the other mods automatically without external links except for:

Volcanic Armoury v1.0 - 'VolcanicArmouryV1.0.rar'
Killing Wolf NPC (KWolf) v1.1 - 'KWolfNPC_v1.1_.7z'
Throne of Bhaal Hacks v0.5.1 - 'ToBHacks_v0.5.1.zip'
Tales of Anegh (ToA) v2.0 - 'Tales_of_Anegh-2.0.rar'
Grimuars v3.3 - 'Grimuar-v3.3.7z'
Au service d'Oghma v1.6 - 'ThOghma_v1.6.zip'
Wikaede One-Day NPC v3.4 - wikaede_v34.rar

The volcanic armoury 1.0 link is completely dead, as the host has pulled it and updated and replaced it.

The mod.ini for Volcanic Armoury should probably be updated to:
//The host is the link from the official website with filesize updated accordingly.

Name=Volcanic Armoury v1.1
GE-Ext=Dies ist eine Sammlung von Gegenständen, die verschiedenen vorhandenen Läden hinzugefügt werden.
EN-EXT=This is a collection of items, that are added to different available stores.
SP-Ext=Esto es una colección de objetos, que son añadidos en diferentes tiendas disponibles.

That being said, the links for volcanic armoury, grimuars, and wikaede npc are hosted on mediafire. This hosting site does not allow direct links to files as would be usable automatically in the big world installer in order to profit from ads. With permission from the authors, I think it would be a good idea to post at an alternate mirror that supports direct downloads. All three of those should be able to fit easily on the SHS server.

The other mods that I had trouble with were are hit or miss when using the auto installer. I've downloaded each of them fine without having to go to the website, but each one of them has showed up on that manual list several times as well. Since the files are hosted in Europe, I'm certain they are just timing out and would work with a retry. Again, with permission from authors, It would be a good idea to mirror those all European mods on North America side. This might help overall install time as well. I know the ToB Hacks mod is pretty hefty.
Perhaps at the beginning of the Big World installer you could select your location and the installer would choose appropriate download locations based on distance.

I also have a suggestion for the manual file download process. In a situation like volcanic armoury that has been updated and rehosted. While I love the idea of being able to select the compressed file location, you might want to offer an option to select the file location after attempting to go to the website for the mirror so the installer doesn't get confused when finding/ignoring a different filename/size.

During file extraction I received an error message similar to this:
C:\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>cd /D "C:\BGII - SoA\"

C:\BGII - SoA>
Error during changing into directory C:\BGII - SoA\.
Exiting due to major problems.

I tried installing the 09_install .rar but that failed
The 12_process replacement seemed to work for me linked here:

I had a crash in the middle of the the big world installation a little later with an error pointing to the 09_install file, but I closed it on accident. I'm retrying now with an updated mod.ini and the same download folder I just used. Will post results later.

I am running 7-64 bit with AV disabled and UAC off. Let me know if you need any more info.


Edited by mikebusto, 04 July 2010 - 08:14 PM.

#171 dabus

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Posted 04 July 2010 - 11:01 PM

My interest in another overhaul of the download-section is near to null.
If you want to use other tools, I'd rather export your selection to the clipboard and let you do your thing.

And as I said before:
Please do no replace current files of the program with old code.

Get the original files back and do as follows:
Go to the BiG World Setup\Logs-folder, search for "Error during changing into directory" and post the last 20 lines so that I can have a look at it - if you did not delete them until now.
It's likely that the BiG World Setup\Config\User.ini contains a line like BG1=XYZ\ or BG2=XYZ\. Remove the backslash and save the file.

Then restart the BWS.
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#172 Hellcommander

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 01:27 AM

ive got a similiar error at the end of extraction D:\Hellcommande-PC\games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>cd /D "D:\Hellcommande-PC\games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA"

D:\Hellcommande-PC\games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA>Error during changing into directory D:\Hellcommande-PC\games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA.
Exiting due to major problems.

#173 Hellcommander

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 01:30 AM

Extracting Upper Class Townie Male+\t-tum07.wav
Extracting Upper Class Townie Male+\t-tum09.wav
Extracting Upper Class Townie Male+\t-tum10.wav
Extracting Upper Class Townie Male+\t-tum04.wav
Extracting Zombie Female+\æbmg1.bam
Extracting Zombie Female+\æbmg2.bam
Extracting Zombie Female+\æbminv.bam
Extracting Zombie Female+\t-zmf01.wav
Extracting Zombie Female+\t-zmf02.wav
Extracting Zombie Female+\t-zmf03.wav
Extracting Zombie Female+\t-zmf04.wav
Extracting Zombie Female+\t-zmf07.wav
Extracting Zombie Female+\t-zmf08.wav
Extracting Zombie Female+\t-zmf09.wav
Extracting Zombie Female+\t-zmf10.wav
Extracting Zombie Male+\æbng1.bam
Extracting Zombie Male+\æbng2.bam
Extracting Zombie Male+\æbninv.bam
Extracting Zombie Male+\t-zmm01.wav
Extracting Zombie Male+\t-zmm02.wav
Extracting Zombie Male+\t-zmm03.wav
Extracting Zombie Male+\t-zmm04.wav
Extracting Zombie Male+\t-zmm07.wav
Extracting Zombie Male+\t-zmm08.wav
Extracting Zombie Male+\t-zmm09.wav
Extracting Zombie Male+\t-zmm10.wav
Extracting Aasimar Female+\æang1.bam
Extracting Aasimar Female+\æang2.bam
Extracting Aasimar Female+\æaninv.bam
Extracting Aasimar Female+\t-aas07.wav
Extracting Aasimar Female+\t-aas09.wav
Extracting Aasimar Female+\t-aas02a.wav
Extracting Aasimar Female+\t-aas02b.wav
Extracting Aasimar Female+\t-aas01.wav
Extracting Aasimar Female+\t-aas03.wav
Extracting Aasimar Female+\t-aas04.wav
Extracting Bariaur Male+\æaog1.bam
Extracting Bariaur Male+\æaog2.bam
Extracting Bariaur Male+\æaoinv.bam
Extracting Bariaur Male+\t-bar01a.wav
Extracting Bariaur Male+\t-bar07.wav
Extracting Bariaur Male+\t-bar09.wav
Extracting Bariaur Male+\t-bar01b.wav
Extracting Bariaur Male+\t-bar02.wav
Extracting Bariaur Male+\t-bar03.wav
Extracting Bariaur Male+\t-bar04.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapg1.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapg2.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapinv.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf09.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf07.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf02.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf01a.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf01b.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf03.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf04.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Male+
Extracting Dustman Female+
Extracting Dustman Male+
Extracting Ghoul Female+
Extracting Ghoul Male+
Extracting Githzerai+
Extracting Godsman+
Extracting Large Thug+
Extracting Lower Class Townie Female+
Extracting Lower Class Townie Male+
Extracting Merchant+
Extracting Midwife+
Extracting Prostitute+
Extracting Skeleton Priest+
Extracting Skeleton Worker+
Extracting Thokola+
Extracting Thug+
Extracting Tiefling Female+
Extracting Tiefling Male+
Extracting Townie Wizard+
Extracting Upper Class Townie Female+
Extracting Upper Class Townie Male+
Extracting Zombie Female+
Extracting Zombie Male+
Extracting Aasimar Female+
Extracting Bariaur Male+
Extracting Curst Townie Female+

Everything is Ok

Folders: 27
Files: 257
Size: 29827961
Compressed: 29246378

D:\Hellcommande-PC\games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>cd /D "D:\Hellcommande-PC\games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA"

D:\Hellcommande-PC\games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA>Error during changing into directory D:\Hellcommande-PC\games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA.
Exiting due to major problems.

#174 dabus

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 01:40 AM

Thanks for the log.
Do you have a trailing backslash in your User.ini as asked above?

Edited by dabus, 05 July 2010 - 01:41 AM.

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#175 mr fantastic

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 04:34 AM

Hi all :)

I get an odd crash after the selection screen(directories,language selection, type of installation-tactic).
I get an error message saying''A crash was detected. The line were the error occured was modified.Please do what you did before the crash (?? :huh: ) to gather more information.Would like to do this now?''

Puzzling thing for me is that there were no such problems like this in the previous releases.

I'll attach my log file.(BWS trace)

Attached Files

I wanted infravison like the elves...But 'tis more than just taking their eyes



#176 mikebusto

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 04:54 AM

Reinstalling with the default includes as marked noted, saved the errors and log files:

I also confirmed that there is no backslash after the bgII - soa in user.ini or bg1

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>
cd /D "C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA"

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA>
Error during changing into directory C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA.
Exiting due to major problems.

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>"C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" e "C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\IA_PST_paletted.rar" -aoa -o"C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\infinityanimations\content"

7-Zip 4.65 Copyright © 1999-2009 Igor Pavlov 2009-02-03

Processing archive: C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\IA_PST_paletted.rar

//skipping some info to save spam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapg1.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapg2.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapinv.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf09.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf07.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf02.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf01a.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf01b.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf03.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf04.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Male+
Extracting Dustman Female+
Extracting Dustman Male+
Extracting Ghoul Female+
Extracting Ghoul Male+
Extracting Githzerai+
Extracting Godsman+
Extracting Large Thug+
Extracting Lower Class Townie Female+
Extracting Lower Class Townie Male+
Extracting Merchant+
Extracting Midwife+
Extracting Prostitute+
Extracting Skeleton Priest+
Extracting Skeleton Worker+
Extracting Thokola+
Extracting Thug+
Extracting Tiefling Female+
Extracting Tiefling Male+
Extracting Townie Wizard+
Extracting Upper Class Townie Female+
Extracting Upper Class Townie Male+
Extracting Zombie Female+
Extracting Zombie Male+
Extracting Aasimar Female+
Extracting Bariaur Male+
Extracting Curst Townie Female+

Everything is Ok

Folders: 27
Files: 257
Size: 29827961
Compressed: 29246378

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>cd /D "C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA"

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA>Error during changing into directory C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA.
Exiting due to major problems.

Let me know if you need more info.


#177 dabus

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 09:24 AM

@mr fantastic:

Please edit line 362 of BiG World Setup\Includes\17_Testing.au3
If StringRegExp($BG2AliasDir, '\x5c\z') = 0 Then $BG2AliasDir[$b]&='\'
If StringRegExp($BG2AliasDir, '\x5c\z') = 0 Then $BG2AliasDir&='\'


Please edit line 15 of BiG World Setup\Includes\12_Process.au3
If $Test[0] = StringRegExp($p_Dir, '\x5c{1,}\z', '')&'>' Then Return 1
If $Test[0] = StringRegExpReplace($p_Dir, '\x5c{1,}\z', '')&'>' Then Return 1

Edited by dabus, 05 July 2010 - 09:51 AM.

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#178 Hellcommander

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 11:53 AM

Thanks your fix worked :Bow:

#179 mr fantastic

mr fantastic
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Posted 05 July 2010 - 12:59 PM

Thanks Dabus, it worked :lol:

:Bow: :Bow: Just wanted to say that you're doing really awesome work there!!! :cheers: :cheers:
I wanted infravison like the elves...But 'tis more than just taking their eyes



#180 dabus

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 01:15 PM

Thank you, but these were some really silly errors. :doh:

I'm going through my skipped messages to create some new entries for the conflict and dependency-branch and when I'm through with that, I'll upload a fixed version.



  • Fixed: New checks for pending backslashes
  • Updated: Revised translation-numbers and WeiDU-RU.ini by prowler.
  • Added: A bunch of new dependencies and conflicts.

Edited by dabus, 05 July 2010 - 02:19 PM.

THINK! - It's not illegal.