Hmm. Looks odd.
If you still want to use the BWS, you could download the files from the into the download-folder of the BWS, skip the checking and select the
No download - only report missing mods option later.
You might want to check for the response of the wget-tool that is used to download if you want to check a bit deeper.
Open a cmd prompt, navigate to the BiG World Setup-directory and execute wget.
BiG World Setup\Tools\wget.exe --no-check-certificate --server-response --no-passive-ftp --connect-timeout=20 --tries=1 --spider "§ion=download&do=confirm_download&id=778"
It should return a longer piece of text. There are a few lines that would be important:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Content-Length: 4713046
Length: 4713046 (4,5M) [application/x-7z-compressed]
Remote file exists.
If you don't got those lines, it's quite possible that wget has some problem here and thus the BWS does not fetch the files.
Edited by dabus, 07 April 2013 - 12:58 PM.