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BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

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#721 Fouinto

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 10:54 AM

Hmmm, I took a llok at 09_Install.au3 and here is what I found (line 117) :

I think I have understood : this is intended !
I have probably remove the wrong mod :)

Edit : I personally think it's bad idea to change something to the BG1 directory

Edited by Fouinto, 25 June 2012 - 10:55 AM.

#722 dabus

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 11:10 AM

Leonardo views that as essential and Leomar told me they to add that mod in the BWS-installation.
So I just did the same with other text-corrections that were included in the BWP.

If you want to remove that, delete the lines from 165 to 178 (just looking for French might have brought you there ;) ).

Edited by dabus, 25 June 2012 - 11:11 AM.

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#723 Fouinto

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 11:20 AM

RIGHT ! thank you ! I didn't think to look for "French" :)

Full story : I have just found that there is a problem with the current version of BG1correcFR and BG2correcFR : they use the same name for setup.exe and tp2 file... That's why I tried to remove these mods :)
I will find the authors to tell them.

Thank you !

#724 dabus

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 01:37 PM

Well, as long as the one for BG1 is put into the BG1 and the other into the BG2-folder, I don't see a big issue.
As you said, renaming one would make the difference/meaning clearer though.
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#725 -Fraludu-

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Posted 30 June 2012 - 09:12 AM

Hi! I just installed this week the latest setup. Install was Tactics but i removed most BigMods and most NPCs. Basically, i wanted BGT+more difficulty.

After some quick tests all looks ok except i have some bad entries available to learn for my sorcerer, there are still prot from fire and cold spells available (spwi319 and spwi320) at lv3 but they have complete garbage description (dialog from some dude at start of BG1). The level 3 prot from fire spell for priests (sppr306) still seems to be in game when i search with DLTC editor but my priests dont seem to be able to memorize it.

Also when i was installing, when i had the SoA (stone of aroskar or something like that) mod enabled, i was getting weird errors during install, but they all went away when i removed just that mod (i was getting missing creature files, had to go in DLTC and extract them manually).

Anyway, im about to copy my install to a friend who's about ready to replay the game, but would prefer to make those mage spells unavailable to his sorcerer he will play. I<m sure this little issue is no real problem for the game and will be fixed eventually but for right now can anyone teach me how to make a super tiny mod just to hide those 2 spells (spwi319 and spwi320 - protection from fire/cold lv3 with garbage description).

If it matters here's the full weidu.log file of my install:

#726 -Fraludu-

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Posted 30 June 2012 - 09:18 AM

Wooooops, forgot to mention. Also when doing test installs, i found a component, wand of orcus, that added a lv5 spell that was available to sorcerers. I really don't think this spell is meant for PCs, i removed that mod frmo my final install because the spell looked way too overpowered in player hands. It probably should be hidden from sorcerers.

#727 dabus

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Posted 30 June 2012 - 12:55 PM

Thanks to Silent - arcanecoast.ru, the BWS has a Russian translation now.
Reworked descriptions in the download-/extraction-process, fixed some glitches and added a few things here and there.
Get it from this page as usual. Click the archive-link for a more or less complete change-log.
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#728 -Fraludu-

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Posted 01 July 2012 - 07:25 AM

Hi i figured out the problem with the bad spells. Spell Revisions has a component that hides disabled spells, but it cant be activated because TOBex has a similar component. The problem is that TOBex needs the file copied by the Spell Revisions component to hide the disabled spells, so while the TOBex component is working properly, it doesnt have any spells to hide.

The solution is if Spell Revisions and TOBex are both installed, then copy the file 'hidespl.2da' from Spell Revisions to the override folder. It can also be done manually for current installs which will fix the issue on next game start.

#729 -Adrian-

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Posted 04 July 2012 - 09:33 PM

Hi everyone, I've got a question: I've got a list of mods that I wanna install extracted into the folder "Big World Downloads". What I'm not able to understand, is, why, after having chosen the (E)xpert install, the Big World Setup start downloading mods that I don't care about, while I would just like to see installing the mods currently extracted into the folder Big World Downloads.
Any help?

#730 dabus

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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:01 PM

Read the help that's written in almost every window of the user interface?
Understand what's going on.
Start anew.

Ok, lets sum it up:
-it downloads mods into the download-folder that you selected by selecting a pre-selection or selected by yourself.
-it extracts into the BG2-folder
-it installs those components that you selected and are still available (if download or extraction failed)
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#731 Beleg33


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 07:23 AM

I have installed many BWP manually from the time BWS was unsupported so I already have a folder full of mods I regularly use. I have repackaged some for easier extraction (like IA to include all available packs, or one of the Imoen mods that contain an extra folder layer).
I want to know if I can just use the BWS to create a custom batch file without manual editing?
Will it require me to re-download the whole IA + packages?
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#732 dabus

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Posted 05 July 2012 - 02:31 PM

You can't create custom batches with the BWS cause it's not using the BiG World Install.bat during the custom installation . The batch is used as the reference, but it's not executed if the predefined bwp/batch-install is not used.

You can save/load or export/import a selection from the component-selection screen. So you'd go with the export if you want to save your selection.
You can customize the mod.ini and select to not update mods and do link-updates and skip the download.
Put the name and size of your IA-package into the mod.ini and remove the save-key from the IAContentXX-packages..


Normally you could also force the BWS to use a package that does not fit with the given name or size or insert Manual as the name. It would just skip that download and extraction. But since IA is special and needs the content-packages as a dependency to install some components, they either need to exist (you could use an empty file as a dummy and force the BWS to use that) or you need to remove those dependencies from the Setup.ini and skip those file.

Edited by dabus, 05 July 2012 - 02:48 PM.

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#733 Beleg33


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 02:53 PM

Alright, thanks. If I understand this right, I'd still have to manually edit the batch file to, for example, add new aTweaks components (I don't know if latest installpack has those yet) ?

BTW the latest BWS download is somehow corrupted and fails to extract 7z.exe. Here's error message :

So I extracted previous version saying "no to all" when asked to overwrite
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#734 Beleg33


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 07:02 PM

Holy s...! The BWS has quite evolved since I last used it around 2010~ This is really nice, now the install commands are ran in BWS GUI with preselected mods/components :cheers:

But you aren't prompted with the questions that the batch file had, like no AI selection? I found it weird some SCS components - Smarter Illasera I think -required dependency with BP's similar component - Improved Illasera in this case - which requires BP main component to be selected, while I also picked AI enhancement from SCS~ Has the BWS now overcome the incompatibilities between both AIs?
Why do you now coerce the player into using BGT even if they don't want to?

About previous question I guess I'm gonna go with the regular archives and let the automated extraction deal with them.

Great stuff anyway, I didn't expect that after many manual extractions and tedious batch file editing.

Edited by Beleg33, 06 July 2012 - 03:06 AM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#735 -Guest_Antonidas-

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 06:19 AM

hi, I don't know if this is the right place to ask for help. So I apologize if it is, and if there are some problems I will make a new topic ;)

Problem 1:
I installed via megamod a series of mod, but now I'm meeting a strange issue. I don't know if it is likely part of a bigger problem or a single issue , but the fact that this weird behaviour happened on TOB beginning makes me frankly scared to continue to play.

anyway, let's go back to the game:
Well, as soon as I leave the pocket plane, after having done the first challenge, and I get teleported to Saradush, I will be meeting Melissan talking with some soldiers and persuading them not to kill the peasants. As soon as they are starting to kill these peasant, you know, <charname> gets there and Melissan is surprised to see you inside Saradush walls.
The soldier' chief start to scream : kill them all !

The problem that I experience now, is that only three of these soldiers go hostile, while the other three are still with the blue circle. I noticed that If I don't kill these three "neutral-but-should-be-hostile" soldiers, I cannot progress into the main quest. I wonder what could be causing the problem.

Problem 2:
Am I the only one who was forced to uninstall SCSII because it causes so much stuttering while I play? The lag that I experience is kinda unbearable. I wonder if there is a single component that is causing so much troubles ---> maybe the fact that as soon as mages appear they launch x spells in a row to simulate a pre-battle launch of spells?

Problem 3: is there a .txt inside my Bg2 folder to check all the mods I installed via the megamod?

Thanks a lot for help

#736 Beleg33


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 06:47 AM

1. Seems like a script issue, be it from dialogue, shout script, area script... depends how that fight is triggered. The soldiers are not innocent so you can attack them without reputation loss. They should turn hostile as soon as you start attacking.

2. I haven't installed SCS2 AI components in a while because of this. I'm currently playing with BP AI and the game still sometimes hangs when I pause at the exact moment the contingency/triggers are applied. Also currently installing SCS2 AI in another megamod to see if it's playable.

3. WeiDU.log located in your game main folder. Whenever you have an issue with megamod install you should provide it, either its content in spoiler tags or as an attachment if you use a registered account.

PS : You could/should have started a new thread instead but now is too late I guess. Make a new one if you have further questions & issues.

Edited by Beleg33, 06 July 2012 - 06:49 AM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#737 dabus

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Posted 06 July 2012 - 06:42 PM

The BWS does not have those questions since it's got the component selection.
If you'd select some components and then have a set of questions that go in another direction would be a bit wired. So I tried to include those connections between the mods as always and since the batch includes a mix with both mods, I ended up with nothing being excluded.
You can select the AI by selecting the items from the treeview or using the groups-menu. Adding SCS AI that way should be as simple as using the add-menu>special>Normal SCS AI.
But I guess you guys know better than me what to select if you want a tactical install.
If the pre-selections are missing some aspect in your opinion, I'll include your exported selection if you attach it to a post here and write a little description like this one:

Arkenor's Adventure Picks - Adds the maximum amount of adventure while leaving out items and mods that make the game just easier, unbalanced or more unstable. It uses the BiG Picture AI rather than SCS and some strict XP reduction. Thus don't feel bad if you may want to bump yourself a level at the beginning.

The components Illasera and Yaga-Shura need some files from BP to work. Some guys posted installation-errors here because those files were missing and I searched and found them in the corresponding BP-components.
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#738 Sai

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 04:27 AM

Does this meant he BWS has be revived? Are there any download links?

#739 dabus

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 04:34 AM

No, it's not revived. I'm constantly linking to my porn stash. :wacko:
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#740 Beleg33


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 07:29 AM

The components Illasera and Yaga-Shura need some files from BP to work. Some guys posted installation-errors here because those files were missing and I searched and found them in the corresponding BP-components.

Alright here's how I believe it works :

These tactical components from SCS2 : "Smarter (Illasera/Yaga Shura/Abazigal)" require either Ascension-WeiDU (not installed by BWS/BWP) or BP "Improved (Illasera/ Yaga Shura/Abazigal)" components, which require BP-Ascension to be installed, >> not BP Core. <<

Smarter Gromnir/Melissan only require Ascension-WeiDU or BP-Ascension. BP Improved Gromnir not required for Smarter Gromnir.
BP Improved Demogorgon requires BP-Ascension, not BP Core.

Going to test it to confirm after fixing dependencies locally.

EDIT : Change made to setup.ini at line 189 from

Improved fights/scripts need AI=D:BPv180(3|17|18|19|20|21):BPv180(0)


Improved fights/scripts need AI=D:BPv180(3|21):BPv180(0)

The reason is that BP components 16/17/18/19/20 install the few BP scripts they use without need of BP Core.

Example with installation of component 19 Improved Illasera in Setup-BPv180.tp2, line 28545


Edited by Beleg33, 07 July 2012 - 08:37 AM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc