You have to solve the listed problems since your game may behave strange, get locked up or could crash.
The following mods or components have been removed:
Enable Conversations (
BG2 Charm Patch) v4
Experience Corrections (
BG2 XP Patch) v3
aTweaks v3.42:
0103: Allow Dispel/Remove Magic to take down Globes of Invulnerability
0102: Change Spiritual Hammer into a ranged force weapon
0110: Magical arrows and bolts deal bonus damage equal to their enchantment level
0205: Prevent Project Image and Simulacrum clones from using quickslot items
0204: Prevent Mislead clones from singing Bard songs
BG1 Unfinished Business (
BG1UB) v12:
0027: Poprawki dla pamiętnika Sarevoka
0005: Coran i wiwerny
0007: Branwen i Tranzig
0003: Angelo reaguje na Shar-teel
0004: Możliwo?ć ukończenia zadania Kagaina
0006: Kivan i Tazok
BG2 Tweak Pack (
BG2 Tweaks) v9:
0050: Skrypt przemiany avatarów
0120: Zmień avatara przy noszeniu Szat i Pancerzy(Galactygon)
2270: Zmiana tabeli zaklec Barda -> Tabela nieograniczona (Blucher)
2280: Zmiana tabeli zaklec Kaplana -> Tabela nieograniczona (Blucher)
2290: Zmiana tabeli rozwoju poziomow i zaklec Druida -> Brak zmian w rozwoju poziomow, tylko nieograniczona tabela zaklec Druida (Blucher)
2260: Alternatywna tabela zaklec Maga -> Tabela nieograniczona (Blucher)
2210: Prawdziwe Wielkie Mistrzostwo (Baldurdash)
2240: Nieograniczone tabele trafienia
2250: Nieograniczona tabela zaklec Czarownika
BGT Tweak Pack (31 Dec 09) v9:
1804: Importowanie wi©kszej ilo?ci
NPC do Cieni Amn: Kivan
1807: Importowanie wi©kszej ilo?ci
NPC do Cieni Amn: Xan
1300: Coran reaguje na ?mier? wywerny
1400: Wi©cej skalp˘w bandyt˘w
0600: Druid/owca-przyjazne nied«wiedzie w
Ding0's Tweak Pack v20:
0000: Ulepszone Dobre Jagody
0011: Visual Ioun Stones
0018: Improved Backstabbing
Deeper Shadows of Amn (DSoA) v2.2.4:
0002: Improved Copper Coronet
PnP Free Action v2:
0050: Update spell and item descriptions
P5 Tweaks v5.1:
0060: Increase Spear Range and Damage
Sword Coast Stratagems (
SCS) v16:
1020: Antimagic attacks penetrate improved invisibility -> Only Spell Thrust, Secret Word and Ruby Ray get areas of effect (default option)
1010: More consistent Breach spell (doesn't penetrate Spell Turning)
3010: Szybsze niedzwiedzie
5060: Harder spiders - old version
1040: Reduce the power of Inquisitors' Dispel Magic -> Inquisitors dispel at 1.5 x their level (not twice their level)
1030: Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach)
0020: Allow enemy AI to detect the party's magic items
3090: Prevent party members from dying irreversibly
2011: Zamiana wielu magicznych broni na odpowiedniki wysokiej jakosci -> Bronie wysokiej jakosci nietkniete przez kryzys zelaza
4050: [Ease-of-use] Latwy w uzyciu skrypt SI gracza
4010: Usuniecie animacji rozmycia z plaszcza przesuniecia
Sword Coast Stratagems II (SCSII) v15:
6070: Give Celestials slightly more staying power
3070: Make the healing and resurrection powers of the Rod of Resurrection into separate abilities
3080: Change Carsomyr so that its Dispel on contact power grants a saving throw
5020: Przenies Boo do ekwipunku Minsca
3040: Przenies Szate Vekny do Tronu Bhaala
3010: Usun niewidzialnosc z Kostura Magow
3020: Przenies Helm Vhailora do Tronu Bhaala
3030: Move the Cloak of Mirroring
2020: Antymagiczne ataki penetruja ulepszona niewidzialnosc -> Only Spell Thrust, Secret Word and Ruby Ray get areas of effect (default option)
2030: Zelazna skora zachowuje sie jak Kamienna (moze byc zdjeta Wylomem)
2041: Krzywdzenie zadaje obrazenia zamiast redukowac punkty zycia ofiary do 1 -> Krzywdzenie rzucone zarowno przez przeciwnika jak i przez gracza zadaje 150 punktow obrazen
1020: Bugfix: Fix the Mirror Image spell so it doesn't block area-effect magic
1030: Bugfix: Fix the Dispel Magic spell so it correctly allows for caster's level
2000: Uderzenie Czarow zdejmuje Ochrone przed magia (zielony zwoj)
2090: Slowo Mocy: Slepota oddzialowuje na jedna istote
2140: Slightly increase the power of Mantle, Improved Mantle, and Absolute Immunity
2100: Miniaturowe Meteory Melfa to bron +2
2060: Wieksze Przywrocenie dziala znowu na jedna istote
2070: Bariera Ostrzy i Kula Ostrzy dzialaja tylko na przeciwnikow
2130: Cosmetic change: stop Stoneskins from changing the caster's colour
The Darkest Day (
TDD) v1.14:
0001: Podklasy
Throne of Bhaal Hacks v0.5.1:
0100: Enlarge tooltip scroll
0080: Non-cumulative blindness effect (
THAC0 malus)
0000: Increase songlist limit to 500
0110: Apply profsmax.2da restrictions on char creation (
0031: Fix mirror image effect (#119) to keep caster level
0040: Fix the formula in the dispel effect
0130: Fix cure drunkeness effect (#164)
0120: "Scrollable" mage spellbook
0121: "Scrollable" priest spellbook
Unfinished Business (
UB for
BG2) v19:
0001: Romans Suna Seni/Valygar
0020: Extended
ToB Item Descriptions
Aurora Patch v5.1
BGT Tweak Pack (31 Dec 09) v9:
1815: Importowanie wi©kszej ilo?ci
NPC do Cieni Amn: Will Scarlet O'Hara
BP-Balancer (Beta) v0.33c:
0024: Item and
XP Balancing for 'Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v1.70a)' -> Also randomly remove SOME overpowered custom items (will not affect quest relevanted items)
0027: Item and
XP Balancing for 'Secret of Bone Hill (v2.40)' -> Also randomly remove SOME overpowered custom items (will not affect quest relevanted items)
Grimuars v3.3:
0001: Grimuars dla
BGT NPC Portraits v1.9:
0030: Portraits for Secret of Bone Hill
1340: Portraits for Big Picture
3010: Alternate Portrait for Kim
3000: Alternate Portrait for Goo
0021: Alternate Portrait for Will Scarlet of
2000: Portraits for Ascalons Breagar
0020: Portraits for Northern Tales of the Sword Coast
1330: Portraits for Romantic Encounters
Sword Coast Stratagems II (SCSII) v15:
6210: Smarter Illasera
6220: Smarter Yaga-Shura
6260: Give Ascension demons SCSII scripts and abilities
6270: Give Ascension versions of Irenicus and Sendai SCSII scripts and abilities
Weimer's Tactics v25:
0026: Nowa podklasa wojownika - Łucznik
0027: Nowa podklasa paladyna - Antypaladyn
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