BiG World Setup Beta-Testing
Posted 09 December 2010 - 04:10 PM
So since it's possible to set the counter of those elements as selected (e.g. by selecting the tactic version or by selecting the complete mod), there has to be another task to be done to either prevent the selection or check while/before writing the selection to your harddisk. Thanks for the report.
Posted 09 December 2010 - 06:10 PM
Oh man, if I think about it, my solution was only one half of the work. I just forgot that I had rewritten some part I was relying on in this case.
So since it's possible to set the counter of those elements as selected (e.g. by selecting the tactic version or by selecting the complete mod), there has to be another task to be done to either prevent the selection or check while/before writing the selection to your harddisk. Thanks for the report.
Always happy to help. This is a great tool, appreciate all the hard work.
Posted 13 December 2010 - 02:03 AM
Like editing the list, switching version and so on. Then save the selection, open the BiG World Setup\Config\User.ini and see if Jarls Tweaks that add German stuff are still included in the [SAVE]-section or made it into the [DeSave]-section. It worked for me just fine.
- Adjusted _Tree_Purge to prevent the installation of purged foreign mods.
- You can choose if you want to use the new category or the old pdf-like view.
- Mods that are not adding text but aren't translated either are shown as [--].
As said, it's an update, so just run the current version, let the BWS fetch its update-package and see if it works now.
Edited by dabus, 13 December 2010 - 02:10 AM.
Posted 13 December 2010 - 06:08 AM
Could you (someone) test the update?
Like editing the list, switching version and so on. Then save the selection, open the BiG World Setup\Config\User.ini and see if Jarls Tweaks that add German stuff are still included in the [SAVE]-section or made it into the [DeSave]-section. It worked for me just fine.
Sure, I'd like to keep my current installation however. I think I have enough space to do this, but I'm unsure how to keep a complete backup. Would it be easier to just completely copy and paste my BG-II SoA folder or should I use BWS to backup my current mega install?
Ok I tested some selection stuff and it all looks to be working. A couple odd things though Under BGT NEJ2 v1.1 There are 3 components but the last component is the same as the first component with the same code but no description.
Also when selecting component 0 of BGT NEJ2 V1.1 it says that BGT NEJ is preferred to this component. However I can't seem to find BGT NEJ, only BGT NEJ2.
I have these lines under [SAVE] for my exported selection.ini: BWS-Selection 2.ini.txt 11.35K 236 downloads
BGTNeJ=0 2
BGTNeJ2=0 3
I have these lines under my [DESAVE]
BGTNeJ=5 6 4 7 0
I can see BGTNEJ2 in the selection screen but I can't see just the regular BGTNEJ. Can this be clarified? I'm not certain if this is a bug or just a hidden component.
Edited by manwe858, 13 December 2010 - 06:37 AM.
Posted 13 December 2010 - 07:57 AM
That's the only double entry in the entire installation. One is for with NEJ2 and the other without.
BGTNeJ ==> BGT NEJ2 v1.1
BGTNeJ2 ==> BGT NeJ2 Compatibility Modification v1.2
Posted 14 December 2010 - 04:41 AM
im asking here becasue you seem to know about this stuff and maybe i can even help a little by being a test subject hehe
thanks man
the work you guys do here is great, and i would be proud to help in any way that i can
i love all the black isle series and been playing it since i was a child
Posted 19 December 2010 - 02:55 AM
1. I chose at first a tactic setup, to download as many mods as possible, and they're all in the "BiG World Downloads" folder.
2. Then I started again the installation, because I wanted to make an almost minimal installation. But when it must decompress the mods, it actually decompresses ALL mods, not only the ones I selected. Moreover, it decompresses them in the BG1 directory. Why?
Btw, WeiDU 226 is out and it doesn't find anyore 225 to download.
Posted 19 December 2010 - 04:50 AM
I can't reproduce that error.
Open the BiG World Setup-folder and drag the BiG World Setup.au3 onto the AutoIt3.exe.
It will eventually show you an error that I can deal with or it will just work fine.
Maybe you can attach a compressed version of the BiG World Setup\Config\User.ini + BiG World Setup\Logs\BiG World Extract Debug.txt so I can have a look at that.
Posted 19 December 2010 - 08:22 AM
Maybe you can attach a compressed version of the BiG World Setup\Config\User.ini + BiG World Setup\Logs\BiG World Extract Debug.txt so I can have a look at that.
Thanks for the answer. It decompressed all those files only once, actually (see BiG World Extract Debug.7z), and only the mods I really chose were extracted then in my BGT folder (see BiG World Extract Debug2.7z). I don't think it's a random mistake, because it did it before, then I uninstalled everything and reinstalled, and it did it again. So my BGT folder is ok now, I just don't understand why it decompressed all mods in my BG1 folder since it will not need them.
If I've not been clear, this is what I did:
1. I downloaded all mods
2. I ran the setup, and it launched the installation (almost minimal), and started extracting everything (in BG1 dir), then it extracted (I think) also the mods I chose in my BGT dir
3. I restored my backup-installation through BWS and installed again, this time it didn't extract all files again and extracted only the chosen mods in the BGT dir (the BG1 dir still held all files though, I didn't delete them)
4. I uninstalled everything (BG1+BG2) and deleted all files (except the download folder), reinstalled everything and launched the BWS again, with same result as in 1-3.
Attached Files
Posted 19 December 2010 - 12:28 PM
The line that adjusted the filename from a general to language-specific value was a few lines off and so the result was not the expected one/wrong/had no value. Since the files name that gets extracted is build from the download-folder plus the name - and the name being empty here - that resulted in an extraction of the download folder.
As always thanks for those bug-reports."..\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" x "..\BiG World Downloads\" -aoa -o"..\Baldur's Gate"
Can you upload the BiG World Setup\Logs\BWS_Trace.txt or put it into a code/spoiler-tag? The mini-debugger tries to modify a line that's beyond the files line-count, which fails (of course).
Edited by dabus, 19 December 2010 - 02:35 PM.
Posted 19 December 2010 - 11:37 PM
Sorry for the delay, dabus. I tried your earlier suggestion of dragging Big World Setup.au3 onto AutoIt3.exe, and it yielded a different error (attached below). The BWS_Trace.txt is completely empty. I have attached the BiG World Debug.txt instead, if that's of any help.@spanyam:
Can you upload the BiG World Setup\Logs\BWS_Trace.txt or put it into a code/spoiler-tag? The mini-debugger tries to modify a line that's beyond the files line-count, which fails (of course).
Attached Files
Edited by spanyam, 19 December 2010 - 11:37 PM.
Posted 21 December 2010 - 10:48 AM
Posted 21 December 2010 - 01:39 PM
Edited by dabus, 21 December 2010 - 01:40 PM.
Posted 26 December 2010 - 06:03 AM
I'll see to tell how it's gonna go, a lot of mods but not all the content, I guess I will have some time to put on component selection, BWP guide on one screen, BWS running on the other one.
#377 -Codeki-
Posted 02 January 2011 - 04:18 AM
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, the search is throwing up database errors. is a copy of the installed directory from GoG.
Posted 02 January 2011 - 03:04 PM
Can you post the Alias-section of the Baldur.ini?
To bypass the test, edit BiG World Setup\Includes\17_Testing.au3, function _Test_CheckRequieredFiles in line 254 onward, so the return-value is alway 0:
Return 0
EndFunc ;==>_Test_CheckRequieredFiles
Edited by dabus, 02 January 2011 - 03:06 PM.
#379 -Codeki-
Posted 02 January 2011 - 05:59 PM
So it's just the missing bif-file or something more?
Can you post the Alias-section of the Baldur.ini?
To bypass the test, edit BiG World Setup\Includes\17_Testing.au3, function _Test_CheckRequieredFiles in line 254 onward, so the return-value is alway 0:
Return 0
EndFunc ;==>_Test_CheckRequieredFiles
That worked, went to the Alias section and saw that it was incorrect, tweaked it and now the installer works.
Thank you for your help.
Posted 06 January 2011 - 12:41 AM