Maybe you can attach a compressed version of the BiG World Setup\Config\User.ini + BiG World Setup\Logs\BiG World Extract Debug.txt so I can have a look at that.
Thanks for the answer. It decompressed all those files only once, actually (see BiG World Extract Debug.7z), and only the mods I really chose were extracted then in my
BGT folder (see BiG World Extract Debug2.7z). I don't think it's a random mistake, because it did it before, then I uninstalled everything and reinstalled, and it did it again. So my
BGT folder is ok now, I just don't understand why it decompressed all mods in my
BG1 folder since it will not need them.
If I've not been clear, this is what I did:
1. I downloaded all mods
2. I ran the setup, and it launched the installation (almost minimal), and started extracting everything (in
BG1 dir), then it extracted (I think) also the mods I chose in my
BGT dir
3. I restored my backup-installation through BWS and installed again, this time it didn't extract all files again and extracted only the chosen mods in the
BGT dir (the
BG1 dir still held all files though, I didn't delete them)
4. I uninstalled everything (
BG2) and deleted all files (except the download folder), reinstalled everything and launched the BWS again, with same result as in 1-3.