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BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

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#281 -max-

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Posted 07 October 2010 - 06:00 PM

Ok, now I had a chance to look things over and have a couple of comments and questions.

1)In the screen where it checks for conflicts, I had to remove some SCS2 components which it said conflict with Spell Revisions. But I don't have Spell Revisions on install list. (I just removed the SCS2 components to get it to continue the install)

2)The setup wanted Ashes of Embers in order to install the Tactics mod Anti paladin kit. I didn't want Ashes of Embers installed. (Got around it by installing one component of A of E, and it installed)

3)I had unchecked the widescreen mod, because I would put it on the end for easy reinstall. BWS installed it anyway, and the setup somehow figured out the right resolution for my monitor (a 20" widescreen). How did it do that? And can I still run it to change resolution?

4)In general there were a few mods like Item Revisions, Spell Revisions, Cursed Item Revisions, etc. that I prefer not to install. They may be part of the default choices for BWP 9.4, so I suppose the conflict/dependencies checker is looking for that even though they are not installed. Only happened with SCS2 and some tweaks (which the BWP pdf says is handled better by another mod which I didn't choose)

A couple that I missed were:
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1120 // Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items: v9 BWP Fix
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2151 // Wear Multiple Protection Items -> No Restrictions: v9 BWP Fix
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2340 // Remove Summoning Cap for Celestials (Ardanis/GeN1e): v9 BWP Fix

Ended up installing them at the end, hope the game is still ok. :unsure:

Thats about it, things ran pretty smooth. Even Tobex runs ok. Do you have to continue to use it to start up BG2?

5)Which new components from Tobex should be installed? I do have v12.

Thanks again :Bow:

Here are the mods it couldn't find-
Volcano armoury 1.4
Rotb armor set 1.0
Grimuars v3.3

#282 dabus

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Posted 08 October 2010 - 07:28 AM

Thanks for testing and reporting.

1 + 4) If you can reset the BWS so you see the conflict while mods are deselected, export the selection though the options-menu, post the compressed ini-file and I'll take a look. Note that those mods you mentioned tend to be installed in different places and thus are split up. Make sure you have deselected all parts by either pressing the shift-key while clicking the icon or using the context-menu to jump to the next part of the mod.

2) Don't know, but it's in the BiG World Install.bat, so it was added to the BWS as well.
Ask Leonardo Watson if you'd like to know or wait for guys with more experience with that subject then me. ;)
IF EXIST Setup-ashesofembers.exe Call "BiG World Installpack\Install.bat" Tactics "26 27"

3) Widescreen was one of the first mods that the BWP install.bat had additional questions to ask for.
So the BWS does the same on the last screen before starting the installation (in the screen it is asking about how to behave while downloading, extracting and installing). I must admit that I (may) have missed to disable the option in that screen if the mod is not selected.
The BWS fetches the screen resolution, so the widescreen mod gets that size.

4 1/2)
1120 is disabled by default but selectable.
2151/2340 were removed by Leomar, his comments are "Use Item Revisions"/"Cause performance slowdowns"

5) If possible, skip components that are installed by tobex and add everything else it offers.

Edited by dabus, 08 October 2010 - 07:29 AM.

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#283 dabus

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Posted 10 October 2010 - 02:24 PM

  • Export selection to new format (use save/desave).
  • Loading both old and new formated export-selections work as expected.
  • Corrected language-depended prefixes.
  • Set state for "TextHarmonisierung" every time the GUITreeView is build.
  • Hide the "fix non-unicode-button" if you decide to continue (going back had overlayed GUI-elements).
  • Fixed a crash during updates if new sections are added to ini-files.

  • Use first selection for mod-translations to determine which mods should be purged.
  • Same goes for installation a few other mods (Textpatch).

  • First included selection from a user (created by using the export-function), namely "Arkenors quest-selection".
  • Widescreens treeviewitem (selection) and its checkbox (installopts) get synced.

  • Some updates to fit BWP v9.4
  • Added some additional (selectable) tb#tweaks-components


If you have some selections that have some theme or you think they are worth to share, please upload the compressed file with a little description / catchy name here in this thread.

Hope you like it.
Happy testing.

Edited by dabus, 10 October 2010 - 02:28 PM.

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#284 Kosigan

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Posted 13 October 2010 - 11:49 PM

Just signed up to report this bug:

Thrown Hammers is incompatible with Spell Revisions v3, specifically in regards to the Spiritual Hammer spell.  I just tested this using the latest version of BWS from http://bwp.bplaced.net.

I had an install previously with both Thrown Hammers and SpellRev v3 installed, and the spiritual hammer did not act as a ranged weapon as per the spell description.  With Thrown Hammers installed, it defaults to a normal melee weapon without the 20ft range.  I saved my current game progress, and restored my original installation via the BWS utility.  I then removed Thrown Hammers from my installation list and kept everything else the same.  Luckily I was able to load my previous game without any errors after a re-install and - voila - the spiritual hammer acted correctly as a 20ft ranged weapon.

Thanks for this excellent utility by the way!   :Bow:

Edited by Kosigan, 13 October 2010 - 11:51 PM.

#285 Creepin

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Posted 14 October 2010 - 12:49 AM


  • First included selection from a user (created by using the export-function), namely "Arkenors quest-selection".

Just noticed it trying out nev version. Since it's probably first, but not the last custom picked selection, perhaps it's possible to add some kind of info about selection or link to such info so that those using BWSetup might know in advance what to expect from this or that custom selection.

Also, during initial run of 20101010 version I was eventually prompted to change my codepage, at which stage I chose "Exit" option. Now, all the consecutive runs aren't displaying this window anymore, with initial (always unsuccesfull, semi-disabled intentionally, as i get it) attempts to update stuff followed directly by paths & mod selections window. Any way to invoke codepage changing window of BWSetup without reinstalling it?

Upd: Both "Expert Version" & "Arkenor Adventure Picks" comes up with pretty much everything deselected, with the exception of BG1 Music, Resource fixer and BG2 Fixpack. It can't be intended behaviour, right?

Edited by Creepin, 14 October 2010 - 01:03 AM.

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#286 Dakk

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 05:00 AM

Just signed up to report this bug:

Thrown Hammers is incompatible with Spell Revisions v3, specifically in regards to the Spiritual Hammer spell. I just tested this using the latest version of BWS from http://bwp.bplaced.net.

I had an install previously with both Thrown Hammers and SpellRev v3 installed, and the spiritual hammer did not act as a ranged weapon as per the spell description. With Thrown Hammers installed, it defaults to a normal melee weapon without the 20ft range. I saved my current game progress, and restored my original installation via the BWS utility. I then removed Thrown Hammers from my installation list and kept everything else the same. Luckily I was able to load my previous game without any errors after a re-install and - voila - the spiritual hammer acted correctly as a 20ft ranged weapon.

Reported on Thrown Hammers forum.

#287 dabus

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 05:18 PM

I've rewritten large junks of the code.
The most important part is this:

Posted Image

Now the sorting is done by "themes". So if you like more NPCs, tactical encounters and so on you can view them all underneath another tree/folder. I hope I've got them all sorted to the right categories.
So the selection will be more steam-lined as people asked for.

Please note that the fixed mods cannot be removed from the BWS (if you really want to, read the FAQ and do it manually). Thus, the icons from the category-trees with fixed mods will be empty if fixed items are in there. It was the most logical way to me, since you want to have a click-behavior that adds and removes mods. If some are selected, the BWS will remove those mods. That would never happen if fixed mods are taken into account.

Here's the (more or less complete) changelog:

  • Don't use Winhttp on fastshare.org to prevent lags and failed connections.
  • Use updated wget on ftp-files (replaces AutoIt-function) to get better results without temporary files.
  • Fixed crashes during reloads.

  • Added "chapter trees" into the mod-selection-tree to improve visibility.
  • Modified AI to fit with new chapter-trees.
  • Added click-behavior to new trees (borrowed from add/remove menus).
  • Conversion from install to selection-view if selection-GUI may be shown.
  • Download may be skipped.
  • Note about not patching BG1-SAGA-Box.

  • Using a variable for the "component-replacement-holder" speeds up the building of the GUI => 500 ms.
  • Speed up startup by using StringRegExp to fetch setups and their names => 740 and 500 ms.
  • Speed up while building the treeview by not searching component-descriptions (currently there aren't any) => 500 ms; using a variable instead of loading the value every time speeds up fetching item-connections => 180 ms.
  • Translation-tokens are displayed in the treeview to see through faster.


Happy testing.
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#288 mr fantastic

mr fantastic
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Posted 04 November 2010 - 06:25 AM

The last Beta version is running really nicely, and I had more time than lately to play BG.

Ehhmmmm...maybe it's time to announce an official version release soon???Then we can open champagne, order go-go dancers etc :lol:

Just wanted to say well done :cheers: :cheers:
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#289 greymark

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Posted 04 November 2010 - 01:34 PM

I am not sure exactly why I cannot install Beta version. I am able to successfully install standard version.

If I understood directions at beginning of post I am not to run updates. So when you get to first screen the continue button is grayed out. So I hit HINT and then had to wait a bit and it then flipped to next screen. From there I hit continue and it bombs. I redid install more than once. Bombed all three times, same area. Logs attached.

Windows 7 64 bit (and I did prep software per instructions as far as turning of prompts etc.)

Attached Files

#290 Dakk

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Posted 04 November 2010 - 05:47 PM

Looks fantastic (have yet to use it "live", as it were)!

#291 Fouinto

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 05:32 AM

I've rewritten large junks of the code.
The most important part is this:
Happy testing.


Just a simple bug report :
  • this version crash (on my computer) just after the "build dependencies" screen if I don't update it (see attached file),
  • this version download 0 byte files as update (if i try to update it).
More informations :
  • Win 7 x64 (as usual),
  • this is the first version of BWS that crash on my computer.
Hope this helps.

Edit : OMG, this must have something to do with your message : "Menus are a bit off. I'll investigate that.". Sorry.

Attached Files

Edited by Fouinto, 06 November 2010 - 05:35 AM.

#292 dabus

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Posted 06 November 2010 - 06:38 AM

Yes, I put the wrong file in the build and discovered some other things.
I've removed the download until that's fixed.
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#293 dabus

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Posted 08 November 2010 - 04:31 PM

New build 20101108
  • No more crashes during startup caused by select.txt.
  • Selecting mods of the same theme works as it should using menu and treeview-items.
  • If a "special" search is done, hits are expanded properly.
  • If old hits are reseted, those aren't expanded any more.
  • Don't fetch false defaults during first first build or language-change.
  • Append an asterisk to the label if mod is splitted (for better visibility).
  • Dropped Spanish and French translations because second was a template and the first needs a lot of work. (No disrespect to the translators. I just asked when they wanted to do their work and we agreed that they'll do it when it's close to a release some time ago. I think it'll be included then.)

Edited by dabus, 08 November 2010 - 04:32 PM.

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#294 Fouinto

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Posted 08 November 2010 - 11:52 PM

New build 20101108

Sorry to tell you that, but it still crash on my computer as soon as I execute it, even sooner than the last time : no window has enough time to show.
Few days of vacation give me some time to test :rolleyes:;

[*]Dropped Spanish and French translations because second was a template and the first needs a lot of work. (No disrespect to the translators. I just asked when they wanted to do their work and we agreed that they'll do it when it's close to a release some time ago. I think it'll be included then.)

I am still close to the end but can't update as often as you :Bow:

Edit : as these two events something related ? I mean, until now, anytime I launch BWS he chose "French" for me... I think it still try to do this...

Attached Files

Edited by Fouinto, 08 November 2010 - 11:57 PM.

#295 dabus

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Posted 09 November 2010 - 01:23 AM

Ah, that explains the crash. My bad. :doh:

Edit Includes\17_Testing.au3 and add a ; in front of line 21:
If StringRegExp(@OSLang, '(?i)040c|080c|0c0c|100c|140c|180c') = '1' Then $g_ATNum = '4'; french OSLANG

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#296 Fouinto

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Posted 09 November 2010 - 01:35 AM

Edit Includes\17_Testing.au3 and add a ; in front of line 21:

If StringRegExp(@OSLang, '(?i)040c|080c|0c0c|100c|140c|180c') = '1' Then $g_ATNum = '4'; french OSLANG

It works ! Thank you ! :hug:

#297 Fouinto

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Posted 09 November 2010 - 04:22 AM

Well... today, I am the bad guy providing bad news...
I have new problems :
  • Export seems to work but Import crashs when trying to import the exported file (the file seems to loaded and parsed),
  • If I go further, after setting the resolutions, impossible to go to what I recall to be the "download step" : the window disappears without message nor crash. Same thing if I try again.
Sorry :crying:

Edit : log folder contains only BiG World Debug.txt, BiG World Link Debug.txt and BiG World Checking Debug.txt

Hope this helps.

Edited by Fouinto, 09 November 2010 - 04:24 AM.

#298 amazinggameguru


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Posted 09 November 2010 - 08:37 AM

[*]If I go further, after setting the resolutions, impossible to go to what I recall to be the "download step" : the window disappears without message nor crash. Same thing if I try again.

I'm having the same problem.
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#299 dabus

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Posted 09 November 2010 - 12:56 PM

Seems like I was too absorbed to fix the selection so I had forgotten to remove my test-entry that stops the BWS after the mentioned position.
I've also found a few errors while running an installation.

Please fetch the re-uploaded file.

@Fouinto: I cannot reproduce the export > import error.
Could you upload the compressed export-file and tell me your language-selection so I can try to do that?
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#300 -max-

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Posted 09 November 2010 - 01:48 PM

Hi Dabus

I had the same problem so I redownloaded today the 11-08-2010 version like you said. Same problem happens, once I have everything set and it is about to start downloading the mods (after it ran a check to see what I had already) hit continue and it quits the program.