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BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

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#221 dabus

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 11:43 AM

You can do DllCalls and use COM, VBA, read/write STD-In/Out/Err...
So you can do a lot of stuff with other resources.

The UDF (User Defined Functions) that I use, runs dllcalls to work with winhttp.
That seemed like a good choice since some users reported that SHS refused to open a site, fetch infos and so on which was caused by too many open TCP-connections. Since the old native AutoIt3 TCP-code seemed ok, (handles were close) but the problems were there, I gave the winhttp-solution a shot.
Some of those guys who had problems were able to fetch the headers with a sample script successfully.
That and a speedup were the reason to implement that UDF.

As said, I'm not sure if the port-usage just was a coincidence or a natural behavior. If you want to, you can look at includes\02_UDF2.au3 from top to line 276 for the UDF + 11_net.au3 for the code which fetches headers and files.

The BWP contains SPItems and your linked SPStuff. So I guess it's just another mod.

Thanks for the info.

Ok, I think I'll remove these items from being selected by default. That would solve the problem but would enable the usage of these mods if desired.
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#222 Miloch



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Posted 01 September 2010 - 11:53 AM

The BWP contains SPItems and your linked SPStuff. So I guess it's just another mod.

Yeah, but the former is selected by default in Expert and the latter is not. They both contain the same items only the former overwrites vanilla items with its (different) items IIRC. So if you're going to select either by default, the latter would make more sense because it's safer to install.

(Incidentally, plainab did reply saying he might have a newer Solestia somewhere, will try to find it.)

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#223 dabus

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 12:48 PM

"Creslyn's BG2 Item Pack" from SPSTUFF should be enabled per default when using standard and above.
The mod is splitted and the Kits are not selected, so it may just appear that the is not enabled, though I think you searched your WeiDU.log before writing this.

"Davoran's Spell Pack" and "Shadow Daemon's Spells Pack" of SPItemPack are enabled for expert installs.

Newer means the Solestia-mod was updated? If not, I've got the mod on my disk. If he needs it, just tell me.
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#224 Miloch



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Posted 01 September 2010 - 01:25 PM

"Creslyn's BG2 Item Pack" from SPSTUFF should be enabled per default when using standard and above. The mod is splitted and the Kits are not selected, so it may just appear that the is not enabled, though I think you searched your WeiDU.log before writing this.

I was actually looking at the GUI when I typed it, though I could be wrong. Pretty sure I had to select that component manually though.

Newer means the Solestia-mod was updated?

He thinks so but had to check. Said it should be on his website but I didn't see it there.

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#225 dabus

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:18 PM

Well the first item is selected in my test. You can search for the mods and descriptions if you like to and jump to the next part of the mod by using the context-menu. ;)

The mod is not installed for recommended but for all other selections.

Since I got the lines
Sorcerer's Place Collection Kits=D:SPSTUFF(0|1|2|3|6):Divine_Remix(-) and
Joinable NPC Spellbooks=C:Spell_rev(60)>Divine_Remix(-) in the conflicts and dependencies-section in the Setup.ini, the spstuff items 0,1,2,3 and 6 gets removed since Spell_rev item 60 is preferred to Divine Remix and that is needed for those kits. At last thats what the BiG World Install.bat says and I just stick to that.

Just wanted to add that Stuff of the Magi has the recommended less cheesy option enabled for standard. The mod is not installed in recommended selections. Cheese is enabled for tactic and expert. Guess that makes sense since some of those tactic mods sound like a freak show and thus a little bit more help for the player may be appropriate.

Also Expert is for guys that want all mods, which includes the bugged ones. Unique Artifacts and Exnem are only installed when installing expert. So I don't really know if I should remove them from expert.

Edited by dabus, 02 September 2010 - 01:05 PM.

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#226 dabus

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Posted 08 September 2010 - 03:00 AM

  • Possible crash when trying to update links manually.
  • File-patching does not delete old content and creates a backup.
  • Uncommented program-update (doh).
  • Avoid loops after update.
  • Adjusted cleaning of override since it deleted some mod-files if no biffing is done (removed z#misc.*,dw#*,ION*,IOUNX*).

  • scsII v15, scs v16, DH 2.04
  • disabled Lester, Nikita, abSolestia and Pofkits (no download available)
  • enabled TobEx(1300) to avoid crashes

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#227 -Ashley Penney-

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Posted 10 September 2010 - 11:29 AM

I don't know if I'm doing something really wrong but when I start the beta up it says "Fetching program-updates failed. Probably the file is not available at the moment." I've never seen this before. I can't even find where the location of program-updates is to manually test it. :(

#228 dabus

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Posted 10 September 2010 - 12:24 PM

You can download is at ftp://bwp_update:guest@bwp.bplaced.net/bws_program.7z.
Maybe your firewall blocked that away. Mine asks me, I allow it and then the download starts.

You don't need that anyway. There isn't really anything in the package. It's just a self-test to show that the update works. (I've chosen ftp since I had problems downloading stuff with BWS from bplaced.)

Successfully tested selfupdate...

Saving and installing the updated files.
You can find the backup at E:\BiG World Project\Beta\BiG World Setup\Update\20100910221100.

The program-update was successful.
To enable the changes, the "BiG World Setup" will restart after this window is closed.

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#229 Arkenor

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 12:06 AM

Trying the beta setup out for the first time. Currently mid-install.

I was a bit taken by surprise by it launching straight into installation after extraction! I was expecting it to have written to a batch file like the regular version. I've probably messed things up as I was also expecting the Choose AI question which, in the regular install, would skip the SCS AI bits automatically, so I had not taken quite as much care over picking my AI modules as perhaps I should have done. I think I'll need to start over once this is done.

Anyhows, it just paused on Yikari, component 3, which needs the Acid Kensai component from Tactics. I'm using the BP version of Acid Kensai like the loyal minion of Horred that I am. It should probably have caught that during the incompatibility-detecting section of the setup, or just skip the component automatically.

Other than those minor things, it seems to be a very nice bit of work. Beats fiddling around with editing install.bats.

Edit: All done. Some weirdness, though that may have been due to my component choices. I messed things up with the AI picks anyway, so will need another try. I've attached the debug.

Attached Files

Edited by Arkenor, 11 September 2010 - 12:59 AM.

Arkenor Oakshadow
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#230 dabus

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 01:43 AM

The regular version just takes the BiG World Install.bat and replaces the "Baldur's Gate"-path.
So it did not really create a batch-file.

Since the batch does not take possible multiple-selections or other subcomponents into account, I either could have rewritten the batch with some effort or written a new solution. So I ended up running the hole installation in the BWS.

Maybe some mods need some altering to go with the new BP180.
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#231 Arkenor

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 02:02 AM

The regular version just takes the BiG World Install.bat and replaces the "Baldur's Gate"-path.
So it did not really create a batch-file.

Since the batch does not take possible multiple-selections or other subcomponents into account, I either could have rewritten the batch with some effort or written a new solution. So I ended up running the hole installation in the BWS.

Maybe some mods need some altering to go with the new BP180.

Oh I'm sure you made perfectly wise design decisions. It just confounded my expectations briefly.

I've just gone through a regular install bat, and made note of the bits that are skipped over with BWP_No_SCS_AI. Have turned them off now, and trying again.

Edit: All seems to have worked splendidly!

Edited by Arkenor, 11 September 2010 - 05:31 AM.

Arkenor Oakshadow
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#232 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 08:35 AM

Just a quicky. I don't need to download many mods as I have them already. However it didn't recognise that I had shed's mods in my Big World Download folder as it was looking for the file Shed\s_mod_1.3 when in fact the file itself is Shed_'s_Mods_1.03.exe

You can't change the filename as it has a \ in the name :doh: So you have no choice but to leave it out of the installation. (I am aware that you can just run it after BWSetup finishes)

I think some updating is happening at the mo so I am going to hold on a bit before running my bat file...

#233 dabus

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 10:13 AM

You can look into the BiG World Setup\Logs\BiG World Download Debug.txt to see why the BWS loaded files.

>WinHTTP = BiG World v9.3 english.pdf = 2484696
<= BiG World v9.3 english.pdf = 2484696
BiG World v9.3 english.pdf has been downloaded before.

So you can see that the BWS fetched the info from an URL with the WinHTTP-method and got the name and a size. (> - line)
The local file was found and had the same size. (< - line)
Conclusion was that the file was downloaded before and the download is skipped.

Yours may look somewhat different. If you like to, I can have a look at your zipped log-file.

Edited by dabus, 11 September 2010 - 10:14 AM.

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#234 -Ashley Penney-

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 03:38 PM

I just finished a full installation but sadly using TobEx makes it crash when I pick a class. Not sure what went wrong but I'll poke around until I figure it out.

#235 Arkenor

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 03:45 PM

I just finished a full installation but sadly using TobEx makes it crash when I pick a class. Not sure what went wrong but I'll poke around until I figure it out.

Tobex 8, the one we get from BWP, is apparently fatally bugged and the creator has requested we revert to version 7.

I can't get either to work, mind you! But I'm not a heavy kit user anyway, so I just use BGMain.

Edited by Arkenor, 11 September 2010 - 03:46 PM.

Arkenor Oakshadow
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#236 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 09:05 AM

:lol: I did not know that BWSetup had a debug log! Right, found the relevant text and it reads...

progress=dot:binary --output-document="C:\Bioware\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\Shed\'s Mods 1.03.exe" "http://www.shsforums...ownload&id=755"
C:\Bioware\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\Shed\'s Mods 1.03.exe: No such file or directory

C:\Bioware\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>An error occured while downloading Shed\'s Mods 1.03.exe.|Do you have trouble with your network?

Now it is going to have a problem as there is a \ in the file name. (I think you cannot name a file with the following characters \ / : * ? < >) I think some other people had a prob downloading the mod... When It asks you later to try for yourself you can get it, the link works, but you still can't save the file with the name it asks for... it has the \ still in the name! :wacko:

I don't think it is a big issue. You can still open it and extract it to your BG - SoA folder at the end yourself.

#237 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 14 September 2010 - 11:21 AM

Cause I had a bit of time I did another install with bws_9-20100908. Wow! :woot: I think thats a much better way to install a megamod!

I messed about with a lot of the of the components. It is just fab. It was mega quick too... Well far quicker than me messing about with the bat file :whistling:

I did have a couple of issues. Yikari required Wiemers Component 8, some acid thingy. It was not on the conflict/need table (that I also thought was like, cool. How much time and effort did you put into this :lol: )

Also a few components from Wiemers Tactics did not install and few other bits and bobs. Nothing Game breaking. In fact it worked fine after a quick whizz around to check that my settings had installed right.

Anyway a couple of well meaning questions...

Are you planning to have it work with the widescreen mod? (I saw some suspicous boxes that look like you could put in your x and y axis...)

I like to put NeJ on my install list because of the NoCD extra that comes with it (not even played the mod yet!), can you incorporate that into the BWSetup?

Lastly, when are you gonna drop the beta dude? It already rocks!

Fab work Dabus :cheers:

Just in case its important, I ran it on Windows 7. On the current standard version of the BWSetup. I sometimes have issues with the bat file finding the mods extracted to the BG - SoA folder... They are there but windows does something and the bat file can't find them. I have to re-install the mods, copying over, and get the bat file to repeat it's search. With the beta version it found everything first time! If anyone else using windows 7 can confirm this that would be great (hope it's not my duff computer :huh: )

#238 dabus

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Posted 14 September 2010 - 12:15 PM

Thanks for testing and your kind words. :)

If you got stuff that was left out/skipped, please tell me or upload the Debug-package somewhere.

From the help on the right side of that screen:

The widescreen-mod makes it possible to play the game in not intended resolutions. So one can get 16:10 now apart from high 4:3 resolutions. The current resolution is given as proposal.

So it does work.

No, won't do. And I really don't understand why it's in Leonardos batch.
I know it's an old game, I know that modding seems to be patient by the publisher, but nevertheless:
Removal of copy-protection is (probably in most cases) illegal and so executing such as program does seem to help to do illegal things.
If you want to have that, click for yourself.

Not now. I've found a glitch concerning the import of an export. I'd also like to wait for someone who is willing to maintain the data/help to keep that current.
Leomar wanted to do that, but he's out for some time and Leonardo has other stuff to do (mostly testing and providing new BWP releases/guides). And regarding that: I think should also implement the old BWS/BWP-mechanism. I mean having a choice between a proven batch and the new stuff. There's a lot that I've changed and cannot be easily back-ported to the stable version, like killing the WeiDU-Setups of NSIS-mods (which probably where those mods that the batch was unable to find).

Since I realized that the stable BWS has about 27.000 downloads (in 1 1/2 year), using the beta as a normal download seemed like a workload. You know "Can you add this...?" , "Why isn't that working...?", "I always used to add that component..." and so on.

So if anyone is willing to start (to help) maintaining the data I'd be really grateful. :)
You don't have to learn scripting anything in AutoIt3. The configuration of the mods, translations, links and so on are stored in plain text and ini-files. They are pretty strait-forward after you've read them once or twice. And I've created some helpers to assist those tasks.

Edited by dabus, 14 September 2010 - 12:16 PM.

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#239 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 14 September 2010 - 12:44 PM

The widescreen mod selection was already there :huh:

Looks like I am already gonna test it again :lol:

Maybe put in some info above the boxes instead of the sidebar? I don't think everyone is as dumb as me but it might help :doh:

Actually the NoCD thing is not important. You can just leave the ToB disc in anyway. (Just gotta remember to take it with me :lol: )

I am willing to help if at all possible. I can open .ini and .txt files at least, even if I am dumb enough not to read the sidebar.

P.S. I am actually in my 30s and can follow instructions very well when needed, I have usually a whole Thursday afternoon I can give to the cause. What needs doing?

#240 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 14 September 2010 - 01:03 PM

I like to put NeJ on my install list because of the NoCD extra that comes with it (not even played the mod yet!), can you incorporate that into the BWSetup?

No, as the NoCD.exe doesn't support the Throne of Bhaal Extender, it's impossible to make the two samelike execution files to work together/at the same time(as you can start only one), unless A64 makes the ToB Ex have that feature... I think he isn't.

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