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BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

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#701 -Casper-

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 10:32 PM

Thanks Sasha and dabus! :) I have been busy lately, but I just tried and the install went well.

It's slow, but a changelog of Finch will come sooner or later :) just a heads up.

It seems (proper) translations have finally arrived for Ascalons Breagar and Ascalons Questpack :) or at least, in the nearby upcoming days (see the fixpack thread for info). I'm just telling you this ahead, since you seem to be a busy person, and it would be awesome if you would be prepared to push just a small update to the BWS to allow installation of them, when it's time :)

#702 -Casper-

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 10:47 PM

Oh and also, Edwin romance just got updated! :) see: http://www.shsforums...a-of-version-2/

So, dabus, could you push a small BWS update to match the changes here? It is now one mod instead of three etc.

#703 ManaYagami

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Posted 09 June 2012 - 11:26 AM


I've been trying to use this installer (latest 4-22 version), but it always seems to stop at some point.
I'm using Windows XP SP3, a clean GoG install of BG2/ToB and did everything on the check-list in the installer (starting game, making a save, etc).

I've tried a 'tactical' install and later a 'minimal' install, but the problem doesn't seem to be with a particular mod.
The part it hangs up is here (click to enlarge):

Posted Image

As you can see the progress bar is completely filled, there are no active prompts open and both the resume and pause buttons are inactive.
The install doesn't advance beyond this point, and pressing Exit doesn't do anything either, the only way to quit is to manually close AutoIt.exe in the task manager.
I suspect it has something to do with the 7z unzip program, as you can see it gives errors during the extracting, even though the files seem to extract properly.

Please help, I've wasted several hours on this already. :(

I've been having the same problem, will the log be of any help to fix this?

#704 dabus

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Posted 09 June 2012 - 11:32 AM

Could be. Open it from the BiG World Setup\Logs-folder or press the Open Debug-Button.
And if you want to post it here, you might want to post only the part around the time/archive the error occurred.

Edited by dabus, 09 June 2012 - 11:33 AM.

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#705 ManaYagami

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Posted 09 June 2012 - 06:21 PM

I'll post the entire log of my last attempt. All the files were already downloaded, so it's just filled with extraction errors, but there was something weird with that. When I went to extract the mods to my Baldur's Gate II folder, they were already there, which means that BWS is having errors when it's extracting the files, even so I deleted all of them and extracted everything by hand. After all that, it still got stuck with a "Testing" message for more than an hour.


Edited by ManaYagami, 09 June 2012 - 06:21 PM.

#706 dabus

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 01:21 AM

Ffffuuuu. I just lost my text. :(

So I'll make it short: I think I can't help you in this case.
There's a function that is called with the command that should be executed and the process that will exist during that command.
The interpreter does not recognize an error while the command is passed to the CMD-process that is running in the background, but the 7z-process did not show up and the 5-second timeout kicked in (see ProcessWait-Error: 7z.exe at the top) . As you noted, 7z did do something in the background.

Then it passes the next command, did not recognize a fail, that ProcessWait error does not show up - so 7z.exe would have to be detected - and it goes on like this. That's very strange since the script should wait until the process does not exist any more and thus the ProcessWait-line should be found a few more times in your log.

I would have to do various tests and I guess that would take some time and I'd have to see things whit the explorer, taskmanager, cmd, 7z and so on.
Because I don't know where AutoIt3 is wrong. I'd have to have remote access to a PC with that behavior and I doubt that you want that.
Since the BWS relies on that function, quitting here and using the tools from the BiG World Installpack would be a better idea.

It would be interesting to know how the file logs\BiG World Download Debug.txt looks like. The BWS reads the output of the wget-program like it would do from the CMD. Since the BWS does not come to that point, I doubt it would be more than a hint, but it would be a start. Hmmm. And you could check if a CMD is spawned by the BWS. And if you get the path of the CMD-command if you launch one and do an echo %COMSPEC%.
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#707 ManaYagami

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 09:52 AM

BiG World Installpack

I tried BWS, because BWI gets stuck when detecting BG1's patch, and if I change the batch file to skip that check, for some reason, it won't install part of the mods.

As for the BiG World Download Debug.txt before those errors happened, it's this:


I've just checked what processes AutoIt3 opens when it gets stuck and I saw a cmd and a wscript.

I will try to delete everything, so that I can have proper logs from a first attempt.

...Now that I took a look at my own command prompt, could it be a problem with Japanese locale? I'll try to change it to English and see if it works.

EDIT: The extraction problems are gone and it's installing, but it will still take while before I can confirm that everything is fine.

EDIT2: It's installed and working, so it was a problem with the locale.

Thanks for the help, I only noticed it when you talked about using cmd and I thought that there could be a problem with the paths because of the dashes being replaced by yen symbols.

Edited by ManaYagami, 10 June 2012 - 10:50 AM.

#708 dabus

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 01:12 PM

Aha. That's odd. I already have a check for non-standard-ascii-characters. I thought that should be enough.
But nice that you found out. :)

Can you run a little test for me after you're done and set the codepage back to your previous default?

I have edited the BiG World Setup.au3 and renamed it so that it will launch the BWS, sets some defaults and tries to change into the BG2-folder. If that fails, I could add this little test before starting downloads and stuff to prevent that error.


Attached Files

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#709 ManaYagami

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 03:02 PM

It's stuck on this screen.

And the log is empty.

Attached Images

  • pathtest.PNG

Edited by ManaYagami, 10 June 2012 - 03:03 PM.

#710 dabus

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 03:44 PM

Aha. So it does not even show anything...

It should display the BWS-path and then change into the BGII-path.

E:\BiG World Project\BiG World Setup>cd /D "E:\BiG World Project\BGII - SvA"
E:\BiG World Project\BGII - SvA>

Hmmm. Maybe I could write a function that just tries to write something and see if it's recognized...
I'll think about that, maybe you could run another test tomorrow? (Have to get some sleep now)
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#711 ManaYagami

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 04:46 PM

Sure. And I tried to run BWS with this file once again, but this time, it crashed.

#712 SkyKnight

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 07:25 PM

Having a couple issues with the mod downloads.

Using the latest 20120422.exe version. Interface and everything else works fine. Categorizing the mods is an awesome move; much more efficient than the older version I used to have that made everything random. Same with the ability to pick and choose mod components.

But when I get to the downloads screen, I have problems. I check the download availability and it saw that every mod I'm looking to install is available (I'm using the megamod-plus option, plus a few extra recommended and standard mods). But when I download, it only fully downloads a small number of the total mods. The others are detected and downloaded, but only a small amount before the downloader skips to the next one. So in my Mod Download folder, I have a full listing of files, but about 95% of them are only 30-40 kb's and are useless.

So in summary, the setup shows that the mods are available for download, and on the download screen it detects them when it goes to fetch them, but they only get downloaded for a second or two before the downloader skips to the next one before finishing.

Has anybody else had the same problems with getting the downloader to do a full job?

#713 dabus

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 10:17 PM

You could check the logfilefor hints.
Maybe tweaking the wget-cmd would help, which has two lines for downloads in includes\11_net.au3.
You could also select to skip the download. This way, the setup would look for the files, see that they are missing (delete them before) and ask you what you want to do. Provide them by download will open the links in your default browser.
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#714 medhbh

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 06:07 PM

Am installing with the 4.22 version. Have had two mods crash on install; Ajoc's Minimod and the Amber NPC. They're both old and apparently no longer supported mods.

The error's the same for both, though, which makes me wonder if it might be something else:

ERROR: BIFF [./DATA/TDD-WAV.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(67, "stat", "./DATA/TDD-WAV.BIF")

#715 Nightfarer

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 06:44 PM

It seems (proper) translations have finally arrived for Ascalons Breagar and Ascalons Questpack :) or at least, in the nearby upcoming days (see the fixpack thread for info). I'm just telling you this ahead, since you seem to be a busy person, and it would be awesome if you would be prepared to push just a small update to the BWS to allow installation of them, when it's time :)

Well. For Ascalons Questpack it is done. I already sent tra files to Gunnar.

About Ascalons Breagar, I'm revising last tra files. Gunnar is checking some things to release a new multi-language version. Once I'm done revising I'm going to send him.

Jarls BGT Adventure Pack is done as well.

#716 -Mystery Box-

-Mystery Box-
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Posted 21 June 2012 - 06:34 PM

Greetings! I've been trying the past few days to get this running, but the same thing keeps happening and I'm not sure why. I am trying to install this using the Standard kit (minus Saerileth and that other NPC that's dependent on her). As soon as I hit ok BWS just closes itself. I've followed the directions on it to the letter and had uac turned off.

Posted Image

Pardon my bad mspaint skills, I've had a long day. Cheers

#717 dabus

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 09:59 PM

Aren't you able to resume the install?
Just start the BiG World Setup.vbs again and it should ask you.
I could also tell you how to edit the script.
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#718 -Mystery Box-

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Posted 22 June 2012 - 05:52 AM

I have tried running it, and it'll say my previous installation was interrupted, and start right over again. I'm going to try the installation again but with that spellpack off

#719 dabus

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Posted 22 June 2012 - 06:26 AM

Um, I fixed that error some time ago on my local disk and you don't have to remove that if you like the mod.
Just open the BiG World Setup\Includes\09_Install.au3 with the editor of your choice. go to line 950 and find

Func _Install_ReadDebug($p_Setup)
	Local $Return[100][3]

And increase the second line to some higher value like 150 or 200.
Local $Return[200][3]

I just never thought that people would have mods with so many components...

Edited by dabus, 22 June 2012 - 06:27 AM.

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#720 Fouinto

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 10:39 AM


I am finally back (I know that nobody realized I was not here :)) and I have decided to take a look at the BWS beta (bws_20120620.exe)...
I have encountered a problem in the Installation part (everything is OK until Installation). Take a look at the bottom of this log file (BiG World Install Debug.txt) :

Got it ? I have highlighted the suspicious part : BWS try to install a mod (that I don't have in my selection) in the BG1 directory !
It takes me hours to understand that :P
Is there a way to fix this ?

Thank you for any help.