My interpretation of the whole Ostagar thing was he knew Cailan was starting to become a problem and had in place various plans to deal with it (putting Eamon out of action being one of them), but I don't believe he was planning regicide. He could have done that a lot easier without sacrificing half of Fereldan's troops, had he so wanted. Obviously he had considered he might have to leave Cailan to die, but as DG says, didn't make the decision until the beacon was lit late. If you've read Stolen Throne then you'll know Maric tells him not to risk the entire army for one man, even if he happens to be king (Loghain leaves the battle of West Hill to find Maric after the Orlesians discover his camp - Maric is saved but the army is routed). Loghain promises Maric it won't happen again and that's the choice he makes at Ostagar.
I definitely don't find Loghain ugly, but then I'm a sucker for dark-haired, blue-eyed, hawk-nosed guys. (By contrast, I find Alistair very bland-looking). His facial animations could use some work though - they way his eyes are animated gives him too much white above the iris, which people don't usually have unless they are surprised of scared, and makes him look a little crazy. (Ser Jory has that problem too, but then he is a scaredy cat).
No accounting for taste though, I guess.