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Weidu Mods

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#1 Bossk

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Posted 08 September 2003 - 07:37 PM

How can I install multiple mods without getting weird weidu syntax and parse errors?
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#2 Rastor


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Posted 10 September 2003 - 12:00 PM

You should be able to run the install programs for each of the mods.

How about telling what mods you're trying to install and which are giving you the errors? Some may not have been updated recently and are incompatible with the new format.
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#3 Bossk

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Posted 10 September 2003 - 02:54 PM

I tried installing redemption and I got these errors. Heres what was in my setup-redemption.debug

WeiDU v 120 Log

C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Setup-Redemption.exe
[C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Setup-Redemption.exe] this file time = 1.05225e+009
[Setup-Ease.exe] file time = 1.06245e+009
[Setup-Ascension.exe] file time = 1.06245e+009
[Setup-Redemption.exe] file time = 1.05225e+009
[./chitin.key] loaded, 590551 bytes
[./chitin.key] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
[dialog.tlk] loaded, 8824092 bytes
[dialog.tlk] 74494 string entries
[./baldur.ini] loaded, 3174 bytes
Possible CD Path: [C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\CD1\]
Possible CD Path: [C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\CD2\]
Possible CD Path: [C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\CD2\]
Possible CD Path: [C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\CD3\]
Possible CD Path: [C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\CD4\]
Possible CD Path: [C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\CD5\]
[./Autorun.ini] loaded, 1452 bytes
[./Mplaynow.ini] loaded, 230 bytes
[./Keymap.ini] loaded, 5615 bytes
[dialog.tlk] claims to be writeable.
[dialog.tlk] claims to be a regular file.

[WeiDU.log] PARSE ERROR at line 5 column 1-16
Near Text: ~SETUP-EASE.TP2~
syntax error

[WeiDU.log] ERROR at line 5 column 1-16
Near Text: ~SETUP-EASE.TP2~
ERROR: parsing [WeiDU.log]: Parsing.Parse_error
WARNING: parsing log [WeiDU.log]: Parsing.Parse_error

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"big deal, death comes with the territory......see you in disneyland." - Richard Ramirez

#4 MagusWizardo


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Posted 10 September 2003 - 10:20 PM

Run Setup-Ease.exe again, without changing anything. That should update Redemption's version of WeiDU, so it reads the newer WeiDU.LOG format. Once you've done this, run Setup-Redemption.exe again, and it should work. :)

#5 -Guest-

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Posted 11 September 2003 - 06:03 PM
