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PnP Free Action v2

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#21 Miloch



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Posted 15 July 2008 - 04:36 AM

This Not Usability Is a PnP rule too?... Sorry I don't know about the rules at all.

The wizard slayer kit cannot use any magic items except weapons and armour as per the game description. This restriction was already there - the Game Text Update just adds it to the description. Many people think this is silly though, since we already know wizard slayers can't use most magic items :).

I marked "limits" because it is not the same as "improves". Could we consider Haste/Improved Haste a limitation?

Not really, but that's the old description - I clarified it in the new description.

I agree with that, although, who wants to cancel a Haste/Improved Haste ability?

The problem with the free action opcode is that it restores the movement rate to normal, thus canceling Haste spells. This is mostly a good thing, since there are negative modifiers we want to remove with it. I could try removing it from the spell, like I've done for the free action items, and just remove specific effects like Web etc., but we might miss some things we want to cancel (Slow being one, for example). It's sort of a double-edged sword, but like I said, since it won't affect items and since you can still get hasted after casting free action, I think it's best this way.

Maybe it is interesting to add the description of this Equpped Ability to other items with Free Action like BLUN30 and SPER12.

Well they both just say they give Free Action, so I think someone can look at the spell or the ring to see the specifics :). Also both descriptions for those items are rather long already.

I suppouse that it should be installed AFTER Fixpack, although I don't know about the alchemy of WeiDU and it could be done in any moment.

Yes, it will need to be installed after Fixpack, like most mods. Otherwise, the Fixpack will just re-add effects this has gotten rid of, and also the Game Text Update will overwrite the changed descriptions.

One thing the Fixpack did do which I'm keeping (or adding if it's not there) is stun cure and protection. There is some basis for that, as the PnP Free Action description says it negates or prevents paralysis, and Remove Paralysis already cures stun. Plus, even before modding, the spell says the recipient becomes immune to *anything* that limits his movement in both BG1 and BG2.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
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BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#22 Lord Psion

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Posted 15 July 2008 - 05:26 AM

The problem with the free action opcode is that it restores the movement rate to normal, thus canceling Haste spells. This is mostly a good thing, since there are negative modifiers we want to remove with it. I could try removing it from the spell, like I've done for the free action items, and just remove specific effects like Web etc., but we might miss some things we want to cancel (Slow being one, for example). It's sort of a double-edged sword, but like I said, since it won't affect items and since you can still get hasted after casting free action, I think it's best this way.

Well, maybe it is complicated to decide what to left and what to modify. Letting the things the more "adjusted" to the PnP rules I believe that it is the most reasonable. The item... is a "permanent" thing and the spell... is a "temporary" thing... so, i think that giving the priority of the effect to items may be more important than giving it to spells. Yes, I think that for the spells Free Action issue you are right.

One thing the Fixpack did do which I'm keeping (or adding if it's not there) is stun cure and protection. There is some basis for that, as the PnP Free Action description says it negates or prevents paralysis, and Remove Paralysis already cures stun. Plus, even before modding, the spell says the recipient becomes immune to *anything* that limits his movement in both BG1 and BG2.

I think that this is important too, apart of having the speed movement factor higher and effective while equipped/using free action items/spells.

After reading Wizardslayer... my thoughts...


* May
not use any magic items except for weapons and armor.

This is not cloncluent, isn't it? So... at the end, the wizardslayer, May use the ring and/or the boots (can we assume that they are part from an armor?). :doh: Maybe this is a mistake by me because of my relative(bad) english.... :huh:

Edited by Lord Psion, 15 July 2008 - 05:37 AM.

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#23 Miloch



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Posted 15 July 2008 - 05:51 AM

This is not cloncluent, isn't it? So... at the end, the wizardslayer, May use the ring and/or the boots (can we assume that they are part from an armor?). :doh: Maybe this is a mistake by me because of my relative(bad) english.... :huh:

It is poor English on the manual's part. It really should say "Restrictions: Cannot use any magic items except for weapons and armor." Which isn't absolutely true, because the wizard slayer can use some magic items, like boots (including Boots of Speed), ioun stones, potions of healing, maybe a few others, but not rings. There are exceptions to every rule I guess...

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#24 Miloch



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Posted 31 July 2008 - 10:37 PM

Ugh. Well, sorry for the delay on this. Making the Boots of Speed and Ring of Free Action play nice together was easy enough, but I got hung up fixing some inconsistencies and bugs with various spells and items related to Free Action, Haste and Slow.

It involved some brutal coding, and the alpha testing was unbelievable. But it works now. I think.

Anyway, without further introduction, here is PnP Free Action, beta 1 (also known as "Freebooting" ;)). It's not really even a mini-mod (though the code is certainly larger than some full-blown mods), but it will later be incorporated in a larger mod once it gets tested a little more.

Should be compatible with anything you want to throw it on - BG1, TotSC, SoA, ToB, Tutu, BGT and BWP. I actually tested it with all those. Well I tested it installed as planned anyway, and did in-game testing on 2 or 3 of those platforms.

PnP Free Action (Beta 1) by Miloch
Attached File  freeact_beta1.rar   477.23K   6215 downloads
This component ensures Free Action does not cancel or prevent movement bonuses - it only negates penalties such as Hold, Web, Entangle, Grease, stunning, etc. Among other things, this means you can now equip Boots of Speed and the Ring of Free Action to gain the benefits of both, as per PnP descriptions. It also fixes various bugs and inconsistencies related to Free Action, Haste and Slow in both unmodded and modded resources (creatures, items and spells).

- Creatures cannot be hindered by Free Action spells or items; they can only be helped by them.
- Items and spells with movement bonuses will not be hindered by Free Action spells or items.
- Items and spells that grant movement bonuses display the Haste icon correctly (or Improved Haste if relevant).
- Items and spells with Free Action effects do not hinder movement bonuses and protect against all effects limiting movement.
- Items and spells that apply movement penalties display the Slow icon correctly.
- Items and spells changed so that Haste and Slow icons do not cancel each other. The game engine allows you to be slowed and hasted at the same time. If one state wears off first, you are left with the remaining state, and therefore, that icon should remain as long as it is in effect.
- Relevant item and spell descriptions updated accordingly (Boots of Speed, Ring of Free Action, Potion of Freedom, Remove Paralysis, Free Action, Slow, Haste and Improved Haste).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#25 Salk

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 06:26 AM

Nice job, man!

I bet Demivrgvs would like to "borrow" the code for his SR... :devil:

#26 Lord Psion

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 10:49 AM

Good work!.

Now downloaded and try to test it soon.

Do you want the spanish translation?



It has installed correctly and the items are working well enough.

However, I want to ask something. For example, the Ring of Gaxx, which has 3 uses of Improved Haste... is it activated ALWAYS by wearing the ring? Using it I am always with improved haste active. It is considered a Special Ability for this ring. Maybe a particular case for PnP Free Action mod... :)

Edited by Lord Psion, 01 August 2008 - 11:09 AM.

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#27 Kastagir

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 11:23 AM

I apologize if this seems like a tangent post, but I'm more or less responding to one of the first posts in this topic. Although I've read through the entire thread, so much has been posted between the first and last post it may seem strange and in light of the nature of this mod, irrelevant.

I distinctly remember how the Ring of Free Action and Boots of Speed worked together in Baldur's Gate (back in 1998). If you had the boots on and then equipped the ring, the ring would remove any haste effects. However, if you put on the ring and THEN the boots, you would have protection of free action and remain hasted. I also seem to remember (though less distinctly) that certain circumstances would apply the effects of both items, thus removing the haste effect (e.g. loading a save or entering a new area), thus forcing this re-equipping of items. It was a little strange, but workable. I guess my question is whether this is how they work in BGT without this mod.

#28 Miloch



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Posted 01 August 2008 - 11:43 AM

It has installed correctly and the items are working well enough.

However, I want to ask something. For example, the Ring of Gaxx, which has 3 uses of Improved Haste... is it activated ALWAYS by wearing the ring? Using it I am always with improved haste active.

Hmm, no it shouldn't do that, and I don't touch that item (ring39.itm). There wasn't a need to, since it already should display the Improved Haste icon when you use that ability. Do you have any other mods installed?

If you want, you can hold off on the translation and do it for the larger MixMod this will go into (though that will be more work of course :o). Then again, you might want the translation right away, so it's your choice.

I guess my question is whether this is how they work in BGT without this mod.

Yes, that's probably how they still work in the unmodded games* as I think Lord Psion indicated somewhere in this post. This removes that inconsistency so you can wear both in either order and get the benefits of both.

*Edit: by "unmodded" I mean BG2, BGT, Tutu, etc. without other mods that specifically change this.

Edited by Miloch, 01 August 2008 - 06:05 PM.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#29 Lord Psion

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 01:04 PM

Hmm, no it shouldn't do that, and I don't touch that item (ring39.itm). There wasn't a need to, since it already should display the Improved Haste icon when you use that ability. Do you have any other mods installed?

If you want, you can hold off on the translation and do it for the larger MixMod this will go into (though that will be more work of course :o ). Then again, you might want to translation right away, so it's your choice.

Yes. You're right. Sorry. After doing a fresh install it worked properly. Maybe I have the ring modded by my own when doing some testing... ^_^ Sorry, sorry, sorry... :D

About the translation... well.. if you say that there is (or there will be) a MixMod then I think is better to translate directly all this mod, isn't it?
Can you direct me where is the mod (links or whatever)? I want to see if the translation is big or it could be done in a day....

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#30 Miloch



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Posted 01 August 2008 - 02:14 PM

About the translation... well.. if you say that there is (or there will be) a MixMod then I think is better to translate directly all this mod, isn't it?

Yes, I think so, since the string references will need to change when everything is merged.

Can you direct me where is the mod (links or whatever)? I want to see if the translation is big or it could be done in a day....

The old version (v5) is here, but that might not help you much. It doesn't have .tra files, but frankly, there wouldn't be much to translate - just component names and messages, mainly. The new version will have substantially more, but not dialogue or anything heavy like an NPC mod. So I'd estimate roughly it might take 2-3 days, maybe less depending on how quickly you can translate. If you did DSotSC, it's nothing near that large ;).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#31 Ascension64

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 03:39 PM

Hmm, I wonder if this topic should go to the Misc Mods forum.

Retired Modder
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Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
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Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)

#32 Miloch



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Posted 01 August 2008 - 06:03 PM

Hmm, I wonder if this topic should go to the Misc Mods forum.

Fine with me... it's not really BGT-specific (is also relevant for and compatible with BG1, BG2, Tutu, etc.). Hopefully once I aggregate all this miscellaneous stuff it can justify having it's own subforum somewhere rather than be scattered about 3 or 4 different fora.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#33 Ascension64

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 07:04 PM

OK, let's put it in Misc for now, since you have released the mod.

Retired Modder
Note: I do not respond to profile comments/personal messages in regards to troubleshooting my modifications. Please post on the public forums instead.

Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)

Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)

#34 Lord Psion

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 07:28 AM

About the translation... well.. if you say that there is (or there will be) a MixMod then I think is better to translate directly all this mod, isn't it?

Yes, I think so, since the string references will need to change when everything is merged.

Can you direct me where is the mod (links or whatever)? I want to see if the translation is big or it could be done in a day....

The old version (v5) is here, but that might not help you much. It doesn't have .tra files, but frankly, there wouldn't be much to translate - just component names and messages, mainly. The new version will have substantially more, but not dialogue or anything heavy like an NPC mod. So I'd estimate roughly it might take 2-3 days, maybe less depending on how quickly you can translate. If you did DSotSC, it's nothing near that large ;) .

Waiting for the new release to translate it (if i can)...


Edited by Lord Psion, 02 August 2008 - 07:28 AM.

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#35 Sasha Al'Therin

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 12:17 PM

Okay, Miloch...
I took a look at this as you suggested...

I'm currently looking at t-itm_eff_add.tpp

I am curious about something... you've got offset 0x6e described as //Feature block offset
IESDP describes it as Index into equipping feature blocks

Which is correct? Offset or Index? I'm thinking it's an index value (which is almost always 0 as global/equipping effects are listed before ability effects)

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#36 Miloch



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Posted 08 June 2009 - 01:16 PM

Which is correct? Offset or Index?

I don't know, but it works. Index, offset, what's the difference? :P It is almost always zero but for some reason I thought it was an offset (separate from the feature block table offset at 0x6a) - maybe I hit a non-zero value at some point for some items or spells.

Might want to start a separate thread for Item Macro Discussion or whatever if this is going to carry on as a technical discussion (otherwise unrelated to the mod).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#37 Leomar

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 01:10 AM

Attached is the German translation of PnP Free Action.

I saw, that the descriptions of the items and spells are in there. Will these be replaced with the current ones? If yes, so the descriptions changes the descriptions of other mods. For this case it is Item_Rev and Spell_Rev and Free Action will overwrite them. Perhaps Free Action looks for the installed Item_Rev and Spell_Rev. If FA don't find them, the BG descriptions get replaced with updated FA descriptions and if it detects the both revision mods, then the revision mods descriptions get replaced with the updated FA revision mods descriptions... But if the Free Actions descriptions are the same as the ones from the revision mods and FA uses them, then is all fine until the descriptions in the revision mods gets an update...

Greetings Leomar

Attached Files

Edited by Leomar, 22 December 2009 - 01:16 AM.

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#38 Miloch



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Posted 22 December 2009 - 07:19 AM

For this case it is Item_Rev and Spell_Rev and Free Action will overwrite them.

Well, I wrote this mini-mod before those other mods were public. After those mods came out, someone (Salk as I recall) suggested those guys should include PnP Free Action. I said something like "Fine, go ahead, but you can't really do that because it patches all relevant items and spells, even mod-added ones, whereas SR/IR overwrites vanilla items and does little or nothing about mod-added ones." I said they could still have it if they were willing to change their approach to be at least somewhat more patch/megamod friendly, but I don't think that's happened as yet. I'm not intimately familiar with SR/IR but I think the conceptual approach is basically the same, to bring stuff more in line with PnP (or whatever Demivrgvs deems "appropriate" :P). Hence, I think he used the same descriptions, or similar ones anyway. But they need to be overwritten* one way or another, because they're completely wrong, even before you apply any of these mods. The spells and items don't do what they say. In some cases, there's no way they can in the engine. So whichever one you end up with should be better than none. In PnP Free Action's case, it tries to stay as close as possible to PnP within the constraints of the engine, and without butchering the original descriptions completely (only where necessary).

Edit: * the descriptions need to be overwritten that is, not the items themselves. It is perfectly feasible to patch the items, and in most other cases, even the descriptions.

Edited by Miloch, 22 December 2009 - 07:23 AM.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#39 Leomar

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 10:46 PM

I've compared the Free Action descriptions with the descriptions from Item Revisions and Spell Revisons. There are some differences in the descriptions and it looks like for some differences in how the things work.

Free Action description:
Boots of Speed: "The Paws of the Cheetah"
These enchanted boots were once the property of an order of deadly assassins fond of chasing down their prey. They moved with such speed that their targets often didn't have the opportunity to respond, even on horseback. Over time the order's infamy spread, and though its name was never known, all knew to fear the words last heard by their victims: "you can hide, but you cannot run!"


Equipped Ability: Movement rate doubled
Weight: 4
Item Revisions description:
The Paws of the Cheetah
These enchanted boots were once the property of a deadly Sword Coast assassin who purportedly moved with such speed that his targets often didn't have the opportunity to respond, even if on horseback. Over time the assassin's fame spread, and though his name was never known, all knew to fear the words last heard by his victims: "You can hide, but you cannot run!". These boots were the source of his ability, though it is also believed that he formed an elite guild wherein each member was equipped identically, thus explaining why he was not just fast, but could seemingly appear in several places at once.


Equipped Abilities:
 Movement rate: +5 bonus

Weight: 2
Usable By:

Free Action description:
Ring of Free Action: "Edventar's Gift"
This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as Edventar by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in routing the "Pirate Queen" Yenandra of Dambrath was instrumental in their survival, though Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the water meets land.


Equipped Ability: The wearer is immune to everything, magical and otherwise, that limits mobility in any way, including Web, Hold Person, Grease, Entangle, Slow, paralysis and stunning.
Item Revisions description:
Edventar's Gift
This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as Edventar by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in routing the "Pirate Queen" Yenandra of Dambrath was instrumental in their survival, though Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the water meets land.


Equipped Abilities:
 Free Action: the wearer is immune to everything, magical and otherwise, that limits his mobility in any way

Not Usable By:
 Wizard Slayer

Free Action description:
When consumed, this potion acts like the spell Free Action. The drinker becomes completely immune to any effects which hinder action or movement, whether magical in origin or not. Any such effects will be removed from the recipient as well (except Slow, which requires a Dispel Magic). The potion's effects last 10 turns.
Item Revisions description:
Not included, yet.

Free Action description:
Remove Paralysis (Abjuration)
Level: 3
Sphere: Protection, Necromantic
Range: Sight
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: None

By the use of this spell, the priest can free several creatures from the effects of any paralyzation or related magic (such as a ghoul touch, stunning or a Hold spell).
Spell Revisions description:
Remove Paralysis
Level: 3
School: Abjuration
Sphere: Necromantic, Protection
Range: Long
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: None

By the use of this spell, the priest can free several creatures from the effects of any paralyzation or related magic (such as a ghoul's touch, Hold spell, or Power Word Stun).

Free Action description:
Free Action (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

While under the effects of this spell, the recipient becomes immune to anything that limits his or her movement, such as the effects of Web, Hold Person, Grease, Entangle and Slow spells. Any such effects will be removed from the recipient as well (except Slow, which requires a Dispel Magic). Free Action also negates and prevents the effects of paralysis and stunning.
Spell Revisions description:
Free Action
Level: 4
School: Abjuration
Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

While under the effects of this spell, the recipient becomes immune to everything, magical or otherwise, that limits his mobility in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, Entangle, Grease, Web, Hold, Slow, and Stun. This effect will last for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.

Free Action description:
Slow (Alteration) 
Level: 3
Range: Sight
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

A Slow spell causes creatures to move and attack at half of their normal rates unless a save vs. spells is made with a -4 penalty. Spellcasting time is doubled, though spell effects are not affected. Furthermore, the rate at which the creature is regenerating or suffering damage from poison is halved. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all hostile creatures in a 30-foot radius from a point selected by the caster (thus, creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not). Slow can "coexist" with Haste, thus negating each other until the duration of one or the other expires. Slowed creatures have an armor class penalty of +4, and an attack penalty of -4.
Spell Revisions description:
Level: 3
School: Alteration
Range: Long
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: Spell negates

A Slow spell causes creatures to move and attack at half of their normal rates unless a save vs. spell at -2 is made. Slowed creatures also suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and saves vs. breath. Spellcasting time is doubled, though spell effects are not affected. Furthermore, the rate at which these creatures regenerate or suffer damage from poison is halved. At the instant the spell is completed, all hostile creatures in 30 foot radius of a point selected by the caster will be affected (thus, creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not). It negates the effects of a Haste spell, but does not otherwise affect magically speeded or slowed creatures. This spell is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic.

Free Action description:
Haste (Alteration)
Level: 3
Range: 15'
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level 
Casting Time: 3 
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: None 

When this spell is cast, all creatures affected function at double their normal movement rates, gain a -2 initiative bonus and receive an extra attack each round. Thus, a creature moving at 6 and attacking once per round would move at 12 and attack twice per round. Furthermore, the rate at which the creature is regenerating or suffering damage from poison is doubled. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all allies in a 30' radius centered on a point selected by the caster (thus, creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effects; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not). Note that affected creatures expend as much energy during this spell as they would normally in a whole day, significantly raising their fatigue levels.
Spell Revisions description:
Level: 3
School: Alteration
Range: Medium
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, all creatures affected function at double their normal movement rate, gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, armor class, and saving throws vs. breath, and can make an extra attack each round. Furthermore, the rate at which the creature is regenerating or suffering damage from poison is doubled. Spellcasting and spell effects are not affected. At the instant the spell is completed, all allies within a 30 foot radius of a point selected by the caster are affected (thus, creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not). Haste negates and counters the effects of a Slow spell. When the spell ends, affected creatures become winded for 5 rounds. While winded they receive penalties of -2 to hit, damage, and armor class. This spell is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic.

Free Action description:
Improved Haste (Alteration) 
Level: 6
Range: Sight
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level 
Casting Time: 3 
Area of Effect: Target Creature
Saving Throw: None 

When this spell is cast, the target creature functions at double its normal movement rate, gains a -2 initiative bonus and receives an extra attack each round. Thus, a creature moving at 6 and attacking once per round would move at 12 and attack twice per round. There are three major differences between the third level wizard spell Haste and this spell. The first major difference is that there is no period of fatigue following the expiration of the spell. The second major difference is that this spell will only affect one creature. Third and finally, Improved Haste actually doubles the number of attacks for the hasted creature.
Spell Revisions description:
Improved Haste
Level: 6
School: Alteration
Range: Long
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

The recipient of this spell will function at double its normal movement and attack rates. A hasted creature will also gain a -2 initiative bonus. Furthermore, the rate at which the creature is regenerating or suffering damage from poison will be doubled. There are three major differences between the third level wizard spell Haste and this spell. The first major difference is that those affected do not suffer from being winded following the expiration of this spell. The second major difference is that this spell will only affect one creature. Third and finally, this haste spell actually doubles the number of attacks for the hasted creature. Note that this spell negates the effects of a Slow spell. Improved Haste is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World

#40 Leomar

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 11:00 PM

Sorry for the double post, but I think it is better if I separate it.

After those mods came out, someone (Salk as I recall) suggested those guys should include PnP Free Action.

Normally it would fit to the revision mods and it sounds better, if it handle this all of its own in the case of the changes and the updated descriptions.

" I said they could still have it if they were willing to change their approach to be at least somewhat more patch/megamod friendly, but I don't think that's happened as yet.

As example, Item_Rev has two installation processes. The main components, which must be installed early and the optional components, which should be installed lately. So normally the revision mods could handle it as an component which should be installed lately.

Otherwise, if Free Action handles the changes like the revision mods, then FA could include their descriptions and use them.

I think I should show Demivrgvs and Mike1072 this discussion. ;)

Greetings Leomar

Edited by Leomar, 22 December 2009 - 11:15 PM.

A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

BiG World Project - Big Baldur's Gate World