So I just made space and ran it again, then TOB hacks. Everything was ok, game started fine. But when making a character saw all the kits for Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Druid, and Bard were doubled.
Mole whacker
Cow slayer
Squirrel killer
Mole whacker
Cow slayer
Squirrel killer
I don't want to know where these come from but you will have to edit your 2da files that look something like K_H_F. The K is for kit; the H is for human and will be different for the races; the F is for Fighter and will be different for the classes.
Your KITLIST.2da hopefully won't have double entries as well as your KIT.IDS. The row numbers in your KITLIST correspond to the numbers in the K_x_x 2DA files. So if Mole whacker is in row 94 in the kitlist.2da, then you probably have two entries in the K_x_x fiel. Remove one.
The Hopster!
Hey man, I double checked and in my eagerness to install ROT kits I had added component #1 to the install.bat file. I didn't know that the program would ask me to add
TDD or ROT kits right before the install. So I said yes to ROT kits and ended up with two sets. Perhaps that's why Tactics anti-paladin fell off the list.
Also the kits mentioned cowslayer etc. was just a joke...
Hey LOL,
Yeah I have refinements, so I kept it to just ROT kits and Tactics AP. If I could figure out how to use Ascensions nifty new
TOB thing with scrollable kit screen I would add
TDD kits too. Since refinements doubles them (and it will ctd over 255 kits) I skipped that for now. Tell me how that goes if you experiment with it. Maybe
BWP will add that soon.
I'm trying install again, but noticed Oversights Improved Sendai was not installed (pretty sure I didn't touch that). I have this in the bat file.
rem %IFS%1pp%IFNIF%item_rev%S%1pp%L%0%
SK% 2 7 8 9 --logapp | %M%
rem %IFNLS%item_rev%S%item_rev%L%0%
SK% 0 1 | %M%
SK% 0 | %M%
SK% 0 | %M%
SK% 0 | %M%
Does it normally take around 20 hours for other people doing a tactics install? Thankfully with Dabus creation I don't have to sit and watch it install. Thanks Dabus, I appreciate your work. It must have taken days or weeks of effort. It took a couple of days just to check all the components and mods I wanted. Having to install them again manually would be painful. Cheers for the install.bat!