Polymorph() can specify a change to any animation entry. It does so for a _LOW entry only once in BGT or Tutu, and one other time out of all the mods out there (in NTotSC). It's very easy to fix though, by adding the following to the code:
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~fw0125.are~ BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tst ~_~ //Tutu initial underscore END ELSE BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tst ~t~ END COPY_EXISTING ~%tst%halantr.bcs~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF REPLACE_TEXTUALLY CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH ~Polymorph(MAGE_MALE_HUMAN_LOW)~ ~Polymorph(MAGE_MALE_HUMAN)~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH ~Polymorph(20992)~ ~Polymorph(25088)~ COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS BUT_ONLY ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~ntkeelor.dlg~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~ntkeelor.dlg~ ~override~ PATCH_IF SOURCE_SIZE > 0x34 BEGIN DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D REPLACE_TEXTUALLY CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH ~Polymorph(FIGHTER_MALE_DWARF_LOW)~ ~Polymorph(FIGHTER_MALE_DWARF)~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH ~Polymorph(20738)~ ~Polymorph(24834)~ COMPILE_D_TO_DLG END BUT_ONLY END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~dalbion.dlg~ BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~dalbion.dlg~ ~override~ PATCH_IF SOURCE_SIZE > 0x34 BEGIN DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D REPLACE_TEXTUALLY CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH ~Polymorph(IC_YUANTI3)~ ~Polymorph(YUANTI3)~ COMPILE_D_TO_DLG END BUT_ONLY ENDI think I've managed to include your other updates Erephine, so I'll send you a new version soonish. Was hoping to finish the sounds first but that probably won't happen for a while (and isn't really urgent I suppose). Hmm, maybe we should use git or something if we are editing the same files, though that might be even more of a pain than diffing and merging.
Incidentally, renaming IDS entries doesn't pose an issue with this normally (just renumbering as we've done for the _LOW entries) since .bcs files are compiled with numeric rather than textual values. It would only be an issue if someone installed a mod expecting certain entries *after* IA, which isn't recommended and in any case, the modder would just have to account for the proper IDS values (numerically would probably be easiest).
Edited by Miloch, 27 January 2010 - 05:30 AM.