Playing through BG2 again and decided to install chloe mod to start a romanace.
However I have got to tree of life and all the way through she has not said anything to any other npc in my party or to PC.
The only time she does talk is when the PC is taking to Aran and she will just say something to them.
Also I am at tree of life and where she hasn't said anything to anyone in the party she doesn't like me and just leaves before the final battle.
I have looked through forums for the reason why she leaves at tree of life, have tried the Chloeinterest global thing to 9 but it just says something like lua: not correct, active stack, active stack.
Have had a look with shadowkeeper to find the chloeinterst but there is nothing on there to do with chloe at all.
I have re-installed the mod, un-installed and installed again but the same thing happens.
I also have Narlia Romance, Kesley Mod, Sola Mod, BTL mod, Ninde mod installed.
Have un-installed all and just in-stalled chloe mod but no change.
Any help?? I really wanna try this romance out.
P.s my char is female.

Chloe says nothing and leaves at tree of life
Started by limalama5, Jan 23 2010 04:24 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 23 January 2010 - 04:24 AM
Posted 24 January 2010 - 02:42 AM
Fixed it.
By un-installing all mods.
Installing old chloe mod (v1.2) and then re-installing my other mods.
Killed irencus with chloe and then started a new game to start a romance and she is doing the Getting to know you talks me to
By un-installing all mods.
Installing old chloe mod (v1.2) and then re-installing my other mods.
Killed irencus with chloe and then started a new game to start a romance and she is doing the Getting to know you talks me to

Posted 24 January 2010 - 03:05 AM
If you use the v1.4.1, it's the same problem than in this topic and you've got the fix in this post.