The fix only worked with TDD so far which was the first suspect. I will try the code with TDD and CtB installed together to see how things turn out.Should I revert the WeiDU fix (which causes CtB to fail) or are you going to fix & upload CtB soon?
If everything is cool, then I will repackage the two (same version numbers) and reupload at DragonsHoard. Also I will try to reupload to the Temp server here but K'aeloree has had troubles updating the last two updates, so SHS versions are already out of date. These are things beyond my control and they (admin) have been working on it.
EDIT: Golden good with CtB and no warnings after TDD. I think it was TDD initial hosing that screwed CTB.
You guys are rockin' the house!
Edited by Hoppy, 25 March 2010 - 11:07 AM.