Ok, just documenting here, these are the people that, in the vanilla game, when you kill them, get the Harmonium on your ass permanently, and Diligence can't help you with it:
Giltspur the Auctioneer, in the Lower Ward
ANYONE in the Lower Ward Market
Iannis the Advocate
Gonclaves the Tailor
Pestle Kilnn
Finam the Linguist
In addition, you can get permanent Harmonium hatred during dialogue with these people, but only via dialogue, just force attacking them doesn't do it (except for Goncalves):
Telling Able you're an Anarchist, then attacking him.
Stealing money from the actor's hat and getting caught.
Telling Cafe Patrons ~"You mean I look dead, right? Well, I am, you know. Dead!"~ and following this till they call the guard, then attacking them.
Forcing wandering Clerk's Ward citizens that are in a rush to answer your questions, then attacking them when they call the guard
Daring Goncalves the Tailor to call the guard on you, in dialogue.
Get Malmaner (guy who wants you to buy him costume) angry enough to call the guard, then attacking him.
Finally, here's the ways you can get the Harmonium a -little- mad... a wave of Harmonium comes after you but Diligence can call them off in the vanilla game... or at least, she's supposed to, but in the vanilla game it doesn't actually de-aggro the currently hostile guards and that makes it completely useless as in this state there will be no more waves of guards, I make it so they actually do de-aggro in the Fixpack. If you don't involve Diligence, then once you kill the wave of guards, it's as if the Harmonium forget the whole thing:
Telling Able you're an Anarchist, but choosing the "Try to Leave" option when he calls for the guard.
Annoying the Actor and Poet spectators enough for them to call the guard.
Telling Cafe Patrons ~"You mean I look dead, right? Well, I am, you know. Dead!"~ and following this till they call the guard, then "Try to Leave"
Forcing wandering Clerk's Ward citizens that are in a rush to answer your questions, then "Try to leave" when they call the guard.
Get Malmaner (guy who wants you to buy him costume) angry enough to call the guard, then "Try to leave".
Now, in addition to the above, killing almost ANYONE (besides the few hostiles like thugs and Sarhava) in either the Clerk's Ward or the Festhall gets that single wave of Harmonium after you, but killing that wave ends the Harmonium hate.
There's an exception: Killing Harmonium Guards -themselves-, they call for help from whatever other guards may be nearby, but they do not call for reinforcements or get that wave of Harmonium after you. Bizarre, huh?
That's the status of the vanilla game. Comments? "Sounds legit to me?" "WTF, that needs fixing?"
Edited by Qwinn, 21 January 2010 - 08:07 PM.