It's hard to figure out the intent here... the way it's currently set up, if Tiresias were the first person you ever choked, then the only person you could choke afterwards that would give you the memory and 250xp would be Awaiting Death. It's just weird. (And, without your fix to the Dustman female dialogue, you could get that partial memory again and again for each female dustman).
I'm thinking the proper way to do this is to base it on Awaiting Death's check... "Choke_Dustman" = "Has received the partial memory", and all the triggers associated with choking need to be based on that variable instead of on Choke.
(NOTE: Iannis State 45 response 0 needs to increment Choke as well)
Edited by Qwinn, 23 January 2010 - 08:37 AM.