Known Issues v4.0 (post bug reports here)
Posted 22 January 2010 - 08:54 AM
Posted 22 January 2010 - 09:06 AM
I strongly suspect he wasn't supposed to switch to Crumple2 when you split the inheritance, but I didn't have the courage to make that change (and it would have required more work to block the duplicate items if he never switched away from Crumple1).
Posted 22 January 2010 - 09:10 AM
Posted 22 January 2010 - 09:17 AM
And yeah, you're right, he's clearly not happy when you split the inheritance, it makes little sense that he'd give you improved prices. I'd think it'd be most logical that his prices just stay the same in that circumstance. Bleah. Will think on that one.
Edited by Qwinn, 22 January 2010 - 09:22 AM.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 09:19 AM
Posted 22 January 2010 - 09:27 AM
EDIT: Oh, actually, thieves can use it. On the other hand, even with +6 damage it'd only be an average weapon at that point in the game (base damage is only 3-8 ). Bleah. Such a shame.
Edited by Qwinn, 22 January 2010 - 09:47 AM.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 10:15 AM
Posted 22 January 2010 - 10:19 AM
I mean, it's even labeled as a "Unique, Artifact", yet it's comparable to an enchanted hammer. Ugh.
Edited by Qwinn, 22 January 2010 - 10:26 AM.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 12:04 PM
Edited by nevill, 22 January 2010 - 12:15 PM.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 12:07 PM
Yvana continues to ask for permission to touch TNO face again and again, even after she promises not to.
I can't duplicate this. Can you lay out the lines on how you're doing this? Just the first few words of each state/reply is fine.
EDIT: NM, I figured it out. It's by saying "Never mind, farewell" on subsequent conversations. That really should just exit out of dialogue, it's only appropriate (and unavoidable) during the first time you talk to her, seems to me. Will fix.
Edited by Qwinn, 22 January 2010 - 12:13 PM.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 12:19 PM
'So how is it that you know she [Lady of Pain] created Sigil?'
She didn't create it and the other line that leads to the same STATE clearly says 'stole control'. And Able himself said 'usurped'.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 05:16 PM
This time through I got Annah early just in case I only got one chance to do the ask companions to help with Mourns-for-Trees (I wanted be sure I'd have the 3+ companions effect on the trees) and came back for Nameless' tomb and the Warren of Thoughts after talking to Lothar in the Lower Ward and getting his skull quest. I discovered a dialog bug involving Mantouk. His Lothar-based dialog seems to permanently enable so that even in the Warren of Thoughts he demands you give him a skull instead of going back to Lothar rather than the correct dialog for the area. The fact that this a bug is revealed by the fact that, if you talk to Lothar's wererat skull, it reveals that Mantouk's allegiance is a secret. From a story-based standpoint he should pretend not to know you at least for the benefit of the cranium rats and Many-as-One. Because of the dialog problem I missed the chance to use the Soego sent me option.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 05:18 PM
Something for your 'text fixes' component. One of the lines in Able Ponder-Thought's dialogue is incorrect.
'So how is it that you know she [Lady of Pain] created Sigil?'
She didn't create it and the other line that leads to the same STATE clearly says 'stole control'. And Able himself said 'usurped'.
This is a question of lore, I think, not a typo or grammar issue.
Wikipedia has a page on the Lady of Pain. Quote:
The Shattered Temple in Sigil was a major temple of Aoskar, the god of portals, who attempted to bring the city under his control. After his power had reached a certain point, she killed him with a thought, shattering the grand temple and throwing his priests into the Mazes of her making.
There is therefore at least controversy on the point of whether Aoskar originally ruled Sigil and the Lady of Pain usurped it from him, or if the Lady was the original controller (and possibly creator), and Aoskar temporarily took it from -her-. Perhaps the latter really is the belief of the Guvners, correctly or incorrectly. Given that controversy, I'm going to leave that one alone.
Edited by Qwinn, 22 January 2010 - 05:19 PM.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 05:24 PM
Er, that's very strange. I did the same as you in my last test game, in that I picked up Annah early, and I went to the Warrens of Thought only after seeing Lothar. In that event, Mantuok wasn't even in the Warrens of Thought.
I think you're confusing Lothar's basement with the Warrens of Thought. The Mantuok I think you met really was in Lothar's basement, not the Warrens.
Or are you saying Mantuok stopped you at a bridge, then you took the portal, then you went through the catacombs and entered the Warrens and met Mantuok *again*. If so, that shouldn't be possible. Could you archive and provide me with a save game, please? My email is pescalona@verizon.net.
Posted 22 January 2010 - 06:02 PM
DDustFem, State 42, Response 0 - lady needs to be incrementing "Choke" here
DIannis, State 45, Response 0 - boy needs to be incrementing "Choke" instead of "Choke_Dustman" here
Posted 23 January 2010 - 02:57 AM
Ilquix also said that they were dead while both of them were alive and fighting him, but that might be unavoidable.
Posted 23 January 2010 - 07:04 AM
DDustFem, State 42, Response 0 - lady needs to be incrementing "Choke" here
DIannis, State 45, Response 0 - boy needs to be incrementing "Choke" instead of "Choke_Dustman" here
I disagree.
The triggers on both responses in State 45 need to be checking Choke_Dustman, not Choke, and response 0 needs to increment Choke_Dustman -as well as- Choke.
The purpose of Choke_Dustman, as far as I can tell, is to track whether you've ever gotten the 250 xp and the "you can't quite remember" journal entry. The purpose of Choke is to just track how many people you've choked.
Is it redundant? Absolutely... they could've just given the 250xp and that entry when Choke was 0, and not even have a Choke_Dustman variable, but whatever.
At least, that's how it all seems to me. Agree/disagree?
EDIT: Actually, the triggers can be left alone and it'll work, since as I said the values are redundant as far as equaling or not equaling 0, but the main thing is that both variables need to be incremented. Changing the triggers would make it consistent with how it's handled elsewhere, though.
EDIT 2: First, I was wrong, Choke gets checked as the trigger more often than Choke_Dustman. Second, wow, the drunk harlot dialogue regarding those triggers is totally whacked. At this point, I'm tempted to actively go through and weed out every reference to Choke_Dustman, seeing as it's uselessly redundant, and just base the xp reward on choke being 0.
Edited by Qwinn, 23 January 2010 - 08:16 AM.
Posted 23 January 2010 - 07:05 AM
Posted 23 January 2010 - 07:52 AM
How does Grace's Kiss ability work? Does it allow a save? Why sometimes it fails even on the lowest of opponents and doesn't display the reason?
Posted 23 January 2010 - 08:10 AM
I didn't make many changes to scripts in the Hive, no. I did tweak the Drunk Harlot dialogue, but in a way as to make what you describe *less* likely to happen, and I tweaked one harlot in the northwest Hive so that the two collectors talking to her help her if she's attacked (which was intended). That should be it for my changes though.
Why sometimes it fails even on the lowest of opponents and doesn't display the reason?
My impression during testing was that she actually had to be hurt for it to work, i.e., she had to be *able* to be healed by the ability in order for it to work. Whether it *should* be that way, I dunno (what can we compare it to?), but that's how it seemed to me.
Other than that, no save, and it bypasses magic resistance, so if she is hurt, it should always, always work.
Edited by Qwinn, 23 January 2010 - 08:13 AM.