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#161 jube

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Posted 13 May 2011 - 01:01 PM

Hi all am back from a very long contract with no internet communication, but am back with a vengence, Vecna V16 is uploading, no majour differences but a shed load of bug fixes ( jees what was i thinking releasing v 15 lol ) Will go through this thread to check what i have missed later but please enjoy V16

#162 jube

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Posted 13 May 2011 - 01:39 PM

Damn found more bugs will upload late tomorrow instead

#163 Shaitan

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Posted 13 May 2011 - 10:10 PM

Cool, welcome back

#164 jube

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Posted 15 May 2011 - 11:46 PM

Ok from a brief Examination of the thread i can see there is an issue with a possible conflict am looking into that now.
I think! all the in game bugs are done.
V16 is uploaded.
V15 did not copy any 2da files over, so cant be that ( v16 has the lv 50 patch but as an optional component) can only be some of the resources i borrowed from BW and did not rename with the AA prefix, will rename them for v17 which is here soon.
Whatever it is will have it done for the weekend :)

Also i take everyones point about the lack of docs, doing that to.

I have kept the IA code which i dont see any problem with but will integrate the restores ( which actually threw me first time i set up IA )

#165 jube

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Posted 16 May 2011 - 02:05 AM

Oh and if anyone is experiencing difficulties could you please download VecnaV16 and try again, this will save me lots of time setting up the environment to recreate the fault, and playing the game till i get to the fault !


#166 -ar0n-

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 05:37 AM

one problem with the quest - I've been to twisted rune headquaters (playing kensai/mage solo - wonderful fights with those liches in catacombs!), talked to android 0, killed all the rest, later wisited baator and talked to evil's hand (and killed all the deaths) - what to do now? tried to free android, but nothing works (freedom spell and so on), visited all the places possible (still some problems with the planes portals on astral plane - some lead to nowhere, don't know why): evil's hand mentioned sth about new place to meet but i can't find him anywhere, what should I do? btw, thx for the mod, all the fights are great and truly challenging! :)

#167 -ar0n-

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 08:54 AM

ok I got it - u need to use the astral map found in rune's hq, which I carelessly forgot about :D

#168 jube

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 11:12 AM

Oh thank you so much !!!! , i have been worried for so long that the fights were impossible, thank F there are experienced players out there !!

Yep use the map FROM THE ASTRAL PLANE otherwise it will be wasted.

Are you playing V16? if not download it and install, the saved games should be totally compatible, and i have sorted out a whole heap of bugs.

At the moment the whole Android1 story is not complete, and that room is still in development but it does not affect the story line at all.

Loloths complex in on the astral plane is a REAL challenge, please post how it goes.

To wet your appetite i have just finished clearing all the bugs on the hand and eye, and in all modesty i have to say they are the most powerful, scary, complex items ever seen in any BG2 mod ( and actually in many ways designed for a wizard mage, since like you i play fighter mage solo )

There are still bugs in the final fight ( and the encounter with android2 ) in V16 but am doing them now and will be sorted for V17 at the weekend

Over the next few months i intend to take the project further, adding the first part of the quest for the Rod Of Seven Parts, and clues as to what actually happened to the travelers.

#169 -ar0n-

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 04:58 PM

1.16, yes. quite competing, true. especially improved-hasted succubs - I checked using ctrl+q and some better ones get circa 1600 hp, not mention about 10 attacks, total magic immunity and so on. I like it :) Zog was suprisingly easy to defeat (so was Android one, but a little bit better, even without help from Hastur). dragon fighting quite competing too, that was good. also fights in the astral plane are pretty cool, though I would add some more high-level summoning spells to the enemies. still nothing can beat twisted rune fight (the only one my kensai 24/mage 40 had problem with - I've beaten that guys only by using mass dispel, aoe spells and time stop immunity) - good idea with etheralness script, maybe you can also add "heal" spell to use when badly harmed - when "near death" use etheralness and fully heal + stoneskin + magic weapons immunity or sth). wonder how it would look like if I weren't playing alone but with a party (I did actually but bugged sime romance pissed me off and I quited).
still I found a bug here - 2 swords are crashing (is it grammaticly correct phrase? I am not a native speaker) the game when used (one from the twisted rune hq and one obtained from a chamber where demons and hags hold marilith demon lord) - I presume that it's because they use two-handed sword animation (but even when used without the off-hand weapon game crashes).
also I like the idea of mixing some hard melee fighters (like your improved cambions) with potent mages (the power of dispel!) and assasins. the icing on the cake could be some archers, maybe fallen solars shooting arrows of dispel. probably you can also add some more level draining (and spells drainig, like haekesher or nishru) abilities to some creatures.
I wonder (cause I forget to check) can hastur machine copy every item/spell or just one which is put in there? forgot to check. also, how can I obtain items from the stone altar (near vodka golem)? it says I need to kill all the guardians but I've already done that.

#170 Miloch



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Posted 18 May 2011 - 07:33 PM

Good thing you're still working on this jube, hopefully you can iron out the more serious bugs. I was wondering if it was a dead mod for a while :o.

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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#171 jube

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 10:55 PM

hi a0ro thanks a lot for the comments as soon as all the bugs done will add your suggestions.
As you noticed have yet to check all the treasure items took a lot of them from other mods, just assuming they worked. Bad assumption :). Will check them all for V16.
The copy machine should work with most scrolls, but not working too well yet :)

yes now have some time am very keen to finish it of, and am in a hurry, if i get called of to contract again the whole thing might bog down again. There is actually very little left to do on the main adventure. ( although a little worried about early reports of issues in a BW install, hope it gets added back to the BW setup so bugs can get reported back here ) just tweaks here and there.
Still hoping other modders take up the challenge and start writing high level mods for the planes, i have 15 or so empty off world areas just ripe for mini quests etc..

#172 -ar0n-

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Posted 25 May 2011 - 08:45 AM

ok guys, still more comments & questions
as it comes to lolth laboratory fights - most of them are tough, especially one near the bones of dead dragon (or sth, location from P:T). But still, since I had time stop immunity (reign of virtue), killing fallen planetars in meantime was pure pleasure. Final fights - dissapointing, sorry. especially lolth (demogorgon and lolth's venegances tough, orcus not even making a move) was very weak.
questions - why can't I use robe of mmysteria when I'm a lawful-neutral kensai-mage? and what are requirements for usage of hand & eye? what is more - hand doesn't give innate abilities as it should. eye's ability to dispell all magic works on caster too and also makes all later spell animations weird (breach-like animation). and - why nothing happens after lolt's death? I mean she is dead and that's all. no signal from gods, no way to return and so on.

#173 jube

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Posted 25 May 2011 - 09:23 AM

ok guys, still more comments & questions
as it comes to lolth laboratory fights - most of them are tough, especially one near the bones of dead dragon (or sth, location from P:T). But still, since I had time stop immunity (reign of virtue), killing fallen planetars in meantime was pure pleasure. Final fights - dissapointing, sorry. especially lolth (demogorgon and lolth's venegances tough, orcus not even making a move) was very weak.
questions - why can't I use robe of mmysteria when I'm a lawful-neutral kensai-mage? and what are requirements for usage of hand & eye? what is more - hand doesn't give innate abilities as it should. eye's ability to dispell all magic works on caster too and also makes all later spell animations weird (breach-like animation). and - why nothing happens after lolt's death? I mean she is dead and that's all. no signal from gods, no way to return and so on.

Hi mate as mentioned final fight not finished yet am just testing v17 which has it finished and all the bugs you mentioned done aswell ( including fixing the items ) will be posting it tonight ( euro time )

quick list of changes for V17

Android0 encounter....done
Observatory room ( AAR050 )... Stat/resistance changing machines and secondary encounter...done
Hastur and Android1 plotline...done
Loloth final fight....done
Hand and eye... done
Treasure item updates... still in progress
AI updates.... still in progress

Thanks lots for the play testing mate :)

Edited by jube, 25 May 2011 - 10:41 AM.

#174 jube

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Posted 28 May 2011 - 02:10 PM

Hi all V18 is up for download, the only things not checked now are Android1 encounter and final fight, all other reported bugs should be done with this version.


Ps Hand and eye must be equiped/activated again to apply fixes

#175 jube

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Posted 15 June 2011 - 12:44 AM

Hi all, am just about to release vecnaV19 , i was checking things in a BW tactics setup when noticed a fairly serious slowdown on my admittedly underpowered umpc, after much investigation i found it was due to many mods writing reams of code to BALDUR.BCS, CTB being the worst offender. Vecna no longer writes anything to BALDUR but would love to for encounters in the rest of bg2 as result of owning the hand/eye. But with all the other crap in BALDUR dont think it is a good idea, so got thinking cap on as to applying encounters without BALDUR, going to script creatures in various areas with behavior scripts to find players as soon as they are on screen.

An update on this, although ctb does write reams of code to BAULDER i dont think its the main culprit here, is there any other scripts scanned automatically apart from player script, BALDUR and BALDUR25?

Ok used Jarno's LStest code, no scripts are firing continuously so not a script thing, ok now puzzled!!!!!

Have no time to take this further must get back to vecna :)

Edited by jube, 15 June 2011 - 01:17 PM.

#176 Cerest

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 08:51 PM

You know you are a weirdo when you F5 every 5 hours waiting for an update so you can reinstall BWP...

Hey Jube, there seems to be some typos and improper English usage in the .tra files... would you be willing to accept revisions? I'm waiting for V19 to come out since I'm assuming you have fixed some stuff too. :ph34r:

I would like to see Vecna 'done' soon, and I can help with some of the proofreading. It is taking me forever to get to ToB content since I reinstall every time I find a bug @_@

I can upload a word .docx file with tracked revisions along with the edited .tra file when v19 comes out if you would like.

#177 jube

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Posted 17 June 2011 - 10:50 AM

You know you are a weirdo when you F5 every 5 hours waiting for an update so you can reinstall BWP...

Hey Jube, there seems to be some typos and improper English usage in the .tra files... would you be willing to accept revisions? I'm waiting for V19 to come out since I'm assuming you have fixed some stuff too. :ph34r:

I would like to see Vecna 'done' soon, and I can help with some of the proofreading. It is taking me forever to get to ToB content since I reinstall every time I find a bug @_@

I can upload a word .docx file with tracked revisions along with the edited .tra file when v19 comes out if you would like.

YES PLEASE :) anything you find just feel free to revise, then post the tra files and i will integrate to next update. V19 is very nearly there, it is taking a long time to play each room for checking and i really want the whole thing to work for V19. I think should be good to go late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Once your playing V19 please take mental notes as you go along, i will be taking all suggestions and integrating them to v20

#178 -new(mike)-

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Posted 18 June 2011 - 07:10 AM

i have installed vecna V15 with bwp and i have played BWP for a mouth.
now i am in the BG1 part and not finished BG1.
if i installed vecna V18 with bwp,ican i used my saved file continue my game or i must begin a new game to play.

i like vecna and want to play it,but i am not sure if i can use my saved file,

plz help


#179 Cerest

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Posted 18 June 2011 - 07:18 AM

You should always start a new game when installing mods, but since no part of vecna has fired yet, it should be safe to reinstall over.

Unless you biffed... then that can create problems.

It really depends on what mods were installed after vecna.

#180 Cerest

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Posted 18 June 2011 - 09:48 PM


PSPOT05.itm is an item in the Planar Sphere mod...
Called the "Eye of Vecna."

What a qwinky dink.
Oh look! Vecna is a creature in planar sphere! :o

Oh wow! I can kill him!

Coooool I can have BOTH eyes of Vecna?

I've uploaded the .tra files and the item files if you wanted to take a look at them. You can call Planar Sphere conceptually incompatible and be done with it or do a dialogue edit and a creature swap :P

Attached Files

Edited by Cerest, 18 June 2011 - 11:18 PM.