In the mean time a few guidelines for modders considering placing a quest or quests off world.
Vecna applies the planeshift spell from AD+D REV1 !, all the plane references are in relation to the manual of the planes REV1 ! I have tried to keep to the letter of the spell and the book so please do the same ( no devas appearing in hades ) the only divergence being planeshift is now a mu not cleric spell, by v14 i will introduce the astral spell for clerics.
The planes contain only high lv monsters and npcs, minimum lv to cast planeshift is 18th so you are not going to find orcs wandering around the astral plane

Finally in my opinion beyond 25th lv no party should be subject to Cutscenes or script which take important stuff from them, or teleport them unwillingly into danger. At this lv they can stand toe to toe with avitars of gods, they would not fall for a simple teleport or the DM taking stuff with no reasonable explanation.They need to be soundly defeated before anything like that is applied.
Thats about it, anyone is free to use any resources included in the archive for any of their mods, or within vecna