Hi all Vecna V19 is uploaded and ready for DL.
Thats about it for the core adventure, have checked all keys and subquests are there, everything needed to get to the final battle is correct. I think i can now, with some confidence, say we are out of alpha and into beta1.
Cerest.......... will put your revisions into V20, will look at them tonight
.......... Um yes am aware of the planar sphere mod and the "shade of vecna" and at the moment have chosen to ignore it

, if you read through this thread you will soon see that vecna is not only a god but one of the key players in the AD+D universe, In my mod you are facing cosmic powers, and unbelievable creatures, defiantly the hardest array of creatures ever seen in a
BG2 mod yet Vecna never makes an appearance, why ?
Simply if Vecna appears in person ( being one of the rare group of gods and elders who do not use avatars ) everyone else will be dead, in the most ugly manner imaginable, 120 seconds later! Not much of an adventure

Vecna IS painful death

, so defeating him, or any of his schemes, in the planar sphere is a bit rubbish.
As for the countless "xxxxxx of Vecna " from other mods, i would say they are all fakes made by ordinary mages mainly for profit. This will be painfully obvious when you get your hands on the real deal
Mike........... Yes you are totally safe with vecna, the quest is totally separate from
TOB plot lines and any other mod plot line V19 is good to play since V20 will have a few harder fights.
edit......... cant open your zip file Cerest, either corupt or winrar does not like it, can you re-upload in rar format please. also careful with the setup file not to accidentally delete any formatting, also careful not to add or delete any CR's ( carrage return ), the text looks very different in game from that you see on a text editor
Edited by jube, 19 June 2011 - 11:25 AM.