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Diablo2 Kit Pack for BG2 - The Paladin Ver 0.7

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#1 shohy

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 03:01 AM

Further version will not be released here, please go to
V0.7 The problem that some skills disappear with Ctrl+R is fixed.
   Some overpowered skills are weaken.
   Adjusted damage of some skills.
   Five Skill Point can be obtained after 3,000,000 exp from interface of choosing High-Level skills.
V0.6 Auras' swithing no longer takes an extra round.
   Effecting mode of Conviction become the same as auras of regeneration.
V0.5 Sacrifice now increases damage at the cost of 8% health on hit, and no longer kill character on rest.
V0.4 Fixed auras' temporary noneffective to friendly creatures.
V0.3 Improved the effect of Prayer.
   Fixed auras' effecting modes to:
   1. Auras of enhancing abilities (Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Defiance, Vigor, Salvation, Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration, Fanaticism): Take effect any time after being chosen.
   2. Auras of regeneration (Prayer, Meditation, Redemption): After being chosen, only take effect when enemies are insight.
   3. Auras of direct attack (Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, Sanctuary): Immediately attack once when being chosen, then only take effect when enemies are insight.
   4. Auras of curing negative states (Cleansing): The same as 1.
   5. Auras of indirect attack (Thorns):The same as 2.
   6. Auras of weakening abilities (Conviction):The same as 2.
V0.2 Fixed the start bonus. Fixed some details in Readme.
V0.1 Finished the Paladin kit.
  Set the mode of getting and casting skills to: 
  Automatically get various auras at different levels. The auras, which take effect during battles, can be switched freely.
  Gain one "Skill Point" each level until 3,000,000 exp, player can gain one Combat Skill that you like to learn by consuming each "Skill Point".
  *Attention: If you do press a "Skill Point" at skill table but do not make your choice from the arisen skills, the "Skill Point" will be wasted!
  Some skills do not appear at low level. Maybe you'd store the "Skill Points" up to high level to purchase powerful skills.
  The auras are compatible with the "Jamella's Diablo2 Item Store for BG2TOB". If there is an aura on items from Jamella's Store, and the same aura casted by character from "Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Paladin" exists at the same place, only the aura casted by Paladin works.
Known bugs:
  If several Paladins open the same aura, the effects will pile up.
  Paladin's auras of enhancing abilities may not take effect until there're some other creatures around. This problem may be ignored in team work, yet may bring a little trouble to solo play.
  After choosing Redemption and Fanaticism in High-Level skills, buttons of Defensive Auras and Offensive Auras may be doubled.
  If you enter the Character sheet without pausing the game, auras may temporarily work abnormally.
  Paladin's auras may work together in case that MOD items which have immunity from "Removal: Remove Secondary Type" are equipped. Some of the Combat Skills may also work together.
The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of mighty Leoric are pure at heart and closely follow the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, the Paladin fights for what he believes to be right. His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light. 
-  Has three skill trees: Defensive Auras, Offensive Auras and Combat Skills.
-  Automaticly get two slots on sword and shield class at start.
-  May not use 'lay on hands' ability.
-  May not cast priest spells.
-  May not turn Undead.
-  Only can put one slot on single weapon, two weapon and two handed class.
-  Only can be proficient in two-handed weapons and ranged weapons.
-  May not learn high-level skills of original Paladins.
Defensive Auras
Required Level: 1
Effect: Heals all party members. 
  LV1: Heals 2 HP/round; LV5: Heals 4 HP/round; LV10: Heals 6 HP/round; LV15: Heals 8 HP/round.
 Resist Fire
Required Level: 1
Effect: Increases the Fire resistance of all party members. 
  LV1: +30% Fire resistance; LV5: +45% Fire resistance; LV10: +60% Fire resistance; LV15: +75% Fire resistance.
 Resist Cold
Required Level: 5
Effect: Increases the Cold resistance of all party members. 
  LV5: +30% Cold resistance; LV10: +45% Cold resistance; LV15: +60% Cold resistance; LV20: +75% Cold resistance.
 Resist Lightning
Required Level: 5
Effect: Increases the Lightning resistance of all party members. 
  LV5: +30% Lightning resistance; LV10: +45% Lightning resistance; LV15: +60% Lightning resistance; LV20: +75% Lightning resistance.
Required Level: 10
Effect: Boosts the Defense of all party members. 
  LV10: +4 Bonus to AC; LV15: +5 Bonus to AC; LV20: +6 Bonus to AC; LV25: +7 Bonus to AC.
Required Level: 10
Effect: Reduces Poison and Curse duration for all party members. 
Required Level: 15
Effect: Increases Speed, Stamina, and Stamina recovery for all party members. 
  LV15: +10 to Speed; LV20: +12 to Speed; LV25: +14 to Speed; LV30: +16 to Speed.
Required Level: 20
Effect: Boosts Mana recovery for all party members. 
  LV20: 12% recover a casted spell; LV25: 15% recover a casted spell; LV30: 18% recover a casted spell; LV35: 21% recover a casted spell.
Required Level: 25
Effect: Increases all Elemental resistances for all party members. 
  LV25: +30% All resistance; LV30: +40% All resistance; LV35: +50% All resistance; LV40: +60% All resistance.
High-Level skill.
Effect: Redeem corpses for health and recovering all casted skills. Only affects the Paladin himself.
  Before LV30: 5D6 HP each round, 7% chance to recover skills; LV30: 6D6 HP each round, 8% chance to recover skills; LV35: 7D6 HP each round, 9% chance to recover skills; LV40: 8D6 HP each round, 10% chance to recover skills.
Offensive Auras
Required Level: 1
Effect: Increases damage dealt by party members. 
  LV1: +3 damage; LV5: +4 damage; LV10: +5 damage; LV10: +6 damage.
 Holy Fire
Required Level: 5
Effect: Periodically does Fire damage to nearby enemies. 
  LV5: 2~3 fire damage to nearby enemies, and +1 fire damage to attack; LV10: 1~3 fire damage to nearby enemies, and +4~5 fire damage to attack; LV15: 1~4 fire damage to nearby enemies, and +6~7 fire damage to attack; LV20: 1~5 fire damage to nearby enemies, and +8~9 fire damage to attack.
Required Level: 5
Effect: Enemies take damage when they cause melee damage to party members. 
  LV5: 2D6 damage; LV10: 4D6 damage; LV15: 6D6 damage; LV20: 8D6 damage.
 Blessed Aim
Required Level: 10
Effect: Increases Attack Rating. 
  LV10: +4 to THAC0; LV15: +6 to THAC0; LV20: +8 to THAC0; LV25: +10 to THAC0.
Required Level: 15
Effect: Reduces the chance that party members' attacks will be interrupted by 20%.
  LV15: +5 damage; LV20: +6 damage; LV25: +7 damage; LV30: +8 damage.
 Holy Freeze
Required Level: 15
Effect: Periodically slows enemies nearby. 
  LV15: 1~2 cold damage to nearby enemies, and +4 cold damage to attack; LV20: 2~3 cold damage to nearby enemies, and +6 cold damage to attack; LV25: 3~4 cold damage to nearby enemies, and +8 cold damage to attack; LV30: 4~5 cold damage to nearby enemies, and +10 cold damage to attack.
 Holy Shock
Required Level: 20
Effect: Periodically does Lightning damage to enemies within a radius. 
  LV20: 1~8 Lightning damage to nearby enemies, and +1~18 Lightning damage to attack; LV25: 1~10 Lightning damage to nearby enemies, and +1~21 Lightning damage to attack; LV30: 1~12 Lightning damage to nearby enemies, and +1~24 Lightning damage to attack; LV35: 1~14 Lightning damage to nearby enemies, and +1~27 Lightning damage to attack.
Required Level: 20
Effect: Damages and does knockback to the hostile Undead.
  LV20: 2D4 damage to Undead, and +9 damage to attacks vs. Undead; LV25: 2D6 damage to Undead, and +12 damage to attacks vs. Undead; LV30: 2D8 damage to Undead, and +15 damage to attacks vs. Undead; LV35: 2D10 damage to Undead, and +18 damage to attacks vs. Undead.
Required Level: 25
Effect: Reduces enemy Defense and the Resistances of monsters. 
  LV25: -5 to AC, -30 to all resistances; LV30: -6 to AC, -40 to all resistances; LV35: -7 to AC, -50 to all resistances; LV40: -8 to AC, -60 to all resistances.
High-Level skill.
Effect: Increases the Attack Rate and Attack Rating for all party members. Increases your damage. 
  Before LV30: +1 attack per round, +2 bonus to THAC0 and +3 to damage for party member, +6 damage to yourself; LV30: +1 attack per round, +3 bonus to THAC0 and +4 to damage for party member, +8 damage to yourself; LV35: +1 attack per round, +4 bonus to THAC0 and +5 to damage for party member, +10 damage to yourself; LV40: +1 attack per round, +5 bonus to THAC0 and +6 to damage for party member, +12 damage to yourself.
*There's only one active aura on Paladin. When switching to another aura, the pre-casted aura is canceled.
Combat Skills
Required Level: 1
Effect: Increased damage at the cost of 8% health on hit. 
  LV1: +10 damage, +1 bonus to THAC0; LV5: +12 damage, +2 bonus to THAC0; LV10: +14 damage, +3 bonus to THAC0; LV15: +16 damage, +4 bonus to THAC0.
Required Level: 1
Effect: Shield bash that does damage and knock back. 
  LV1: 2D6 damage, stun for 1 second; LV5: 2D8 damage, stun for 1 seconds; LV10: 2D10 damage, stun for 2 seconds; LV15: 2D12 damage, stun for 2 seconds.
 Holy Bolt
Required Level: 5
Effect: Bolt of energy that damages hostile Undead, or heals friendly units with HP as half of damages.
  LV5: 4D6 damage; LV10: 6D6 damage; LV15: 8D6 damage; LV20: 10D6 damage.
Required Level: 10
Effect: Quickly attacks multiple adjacent enemies.
  LV10: Attack 2 times per round, +1 damage, +2 bonus to THAC0; LV15: Attack 3 times per round, +2 damage, +3 bonus to THAC0; LV20: Attack 4 times per round, +3 damage, +4 bonus to THAC0; LV25: Attack 5 times per round, +4 damage, +5 bonus to THAC0.
Required Level: 10
Effect: Closes the distance with an enemy, delivering a bash on contact. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage.
  LV10: 6D10 damage; LV15: 8D10 damage; LV20: 10D10 damage; LV25: 12D10 damage.
Required Level: 15
Effect: Adds Elemental (Fire, Lightning, Cold and Acid) damage to all melee attacks. 
  LV15: 1-2 each elemental damage, +2 bonus to THAC0; LV20: 1-3 each elemental damage, +3 bonus to THAC0; LV25: 1-4 each elemental damage, +4 bonus to THAC0; LV25: 1-5 each elemental damage, +5 bonus to THAC0.
 Blessed Hammer
Required Level: 15
Effect: Summons a Hammer to damage enemies. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. Undead must save vs. death with some penalty or be destroyed.
  LV15: 6D8 damage, no save penalty; LV20: 8D8 damage, -2 save penalty; LV25: 10D8 damage, -4 save penalty; LV30: 12D8 damage, -6 save penalty.
High-Level skill.
Effect: A successful attack has a chance to convert the target to fight evil. Convert for 16 Seconds.
  Before LV25: 20% chance; LV25: 25% chance; LV30: 30% chance; LV35: 35% chance.
 Holy Shield
High-Level skill.
Effect: Magically enhances shield to give defense bonuses. 
  Before LV25: +25% magic resistance, +4 bonus to AC, duration 30 seconds; LV25: +30% magic resistance, +5 bonus to AC, duration 60 seconds; LV30: +35% magic resistance, +6 bonus to AC, duration 90 seconds; LV35: +40% magic resistance, +7 bonus to AC, duration 120 seconds.
 Fist of the Heavens
High-Level skill.
Effect: Lightning attack from the sky that releases Holy Bolts. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half lightning damage.
  Before LV30: 6D12 damage; LV30: 8D12 damage; LV35: 10D12 damage; LV40: 12D12 damage.
*Sacrifice, Zeal, Vengeance and Conversion do not take effect at the same time. Each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one.

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Edited by shohy, 12 May 2015 - 04:11 AM.

#2 -Vasya-

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 01:23 AM

Oh lol, game count sacrifice ability as healing spell and kill ur character on rest with it.

#3 shohy

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Posted 21 March 2010 - 07:50 PM

Oh lol, game count sacrifice ability as healing spell and kill ur character on rest with it.

Thanks for pointing this bug out.
It's fixed in Ver 0.5.

Edited by shohy, 21 March 2010 - 07:51 PM.

#4 shohy

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Posted 26 November 2014 - 09:46 PM

A new version of v0.7 released.

#5 shohy

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Posted 03 March 2015 - 06:06 PM

Hello shohy, if you want to make BWS maintainers life easy, please move mod archive to "Downloads" section at this forum. Thanks.

It's done here: http://www.shsforums...series-for-bg2/

And shall I combine the topics in forum into one?  If it is necessary, please tell me how to do.

#6 The Imp

The Imp

    Not good, see EVIL is better. You'll LIVE.

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Posted 03 March 2015 - 10:56 PM

And shall I combine the topics in forum into one?  If it is necessary, please tell me how to do.
Well, you can't do it yourself, as that's the burden and privilege of the forums staff members. And as you combined the kits to a pack, usually no one actually needs to do a thing, as this old topic will drop eventually as the new thread will be more up to date. So if I were you, I would just keep on updating the new package and unbookmark the old threads. And I might also make a signature that links to the new thread... ps, that's coded this way:
 [url=http://www.shsforums.net/topic/57963-diablo2-kit-pack-series-for-bg2/]new thread [/url] 

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.