SHS forum upgrade, new features and new look!
Posted 02 January 2010 - 12:28 AM
As part of SHS' 12 Days of Christmas, we decided it was time for us to upgrade our forum software and give our forums a new look. IPB v3 comes with a slew of new and improved features, the most important of which are outlined below. A quick note is that the sub-forums will once return their vertically-placed selves later in the week. We are still ironing out problems and bugs, so if you find anything strange please report it here!
Download Manager Note
Unfortunately, due to a complication with the Download Manager, SHS' downloads will not be available for the next few days. My sincere apologies for this, it is the worst possible time for it to happen with 12 days going on! As a result, 12 days is on pause until the DM comes back online. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Onto the new and improved features of IPB v3!
Private Conversations
The biggest change (apart from the new interface) is the switch from Private Messages to Private Conversations. Private Conversations work very similarly to forum threads, but only those you invite into the conversation can see and post in them. It has been likened to GMail by some, and in my opinion it's a huge improvement over the old system!
New file uploader
A brand spanking new file uploading system is in place, making the process of uploading files that much easier. In order to use the new uploader, you have to enable it in the user control panel. You can do this by clicking on the drop-down box in the top right-hand corner, and going to My Settings > Forum > Enable Flash Uploader.
"View New Posts" forum filter
A feature that people have been requesting for some time, View New Posts can now be filtered! Simply click on the drop-down box in the top right-hand corner, and go to My Settings > Forum > Block Forums.
Improved spam protection
IPB v3 comes with much improved spam protection, so with any luck we won't be seeing any more irritating spambots around!
"Friendly" urls
A new links system is incoporated into IPB v3, using natural language URLs. This makes it simpler for us and for search engines.
We hope you enjoy the new and improved Spellhold Studios forums!
Liam "K'aeloree" Esler
SHS Administrator
- Liam
Modding Projects
Arath NPC - Nephele NPC - Xulaye NPC - Iylos NPC - Ninde NPC - Darian NPC - Yeslick NPC - Adrian NPC - Dace NPC - Valerie NPC - Isra NPC
Viconia Friendship - Mazzy Friendship - Imoen Friendship - Yoshimo Friendship - Sarevok Friendship - Neera Expansion
IEP Extended Banter
Sarevok Romance
Haer'Dalis Romance
In Progress:
Khadion NPC - Delainy NPC - Sarine NPC
Posted 02 January 2010 - 12:56 AM

- Liam
Modding Projects
Arath NPC - Nephele NPC - Xulaye NPC - Iylos NPC - Ninde NPC - Darian NPC - Yeslick NPC - Adrian NPC - Dace NPC - Valerie NPC - Isra NPC
Viconia Friendship - Mazzy Friendship - Imoen Friendship - Yoshimo Friendship - Sarevok Friendship - Neera Expansion
IEP Extended Banter
Sarevok Romance
Haer'Dalis Romance
In Progress:
Khadion NPC - Delainy NPC - Sarine NPC
Posted 02 January 2010 - 12:59 AM

You're still probably tweaking this and stuff but one thing I miss are the quote/codeboxes ... Can they be brought back??
"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:00 AM

Most of my mods are available at Weasel Mods
Done projects:
-Colours of Infinity: TotDG, Innershade, TWQ, ISNF, Yvette, Foundling
-Athkatlan Grounds: Southern Edge, Ooze's Lounge, Tangled Oak Isle
-Other Quests: Eilistraee's Song | Will of the Wisps | The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield | Shades of the Sword Coast
-Items, spells, tweaks: FindIt IWD | ForgeIt IWD | Weasels!
-NPCs and related: Varshoon | Aeon | Petsy | Tsuki BG2 | Yoshimo Romance | Quayle BG2 | Swylif | Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul | Hephernaan BG2 | White | Gahesh | Will | Verr'Sza BG1EE | Verr'Sza BG2EE | Wilson Chronicles | Bristlelick | Walahnan BG1EE | Walahnan BG2EE | Khalid BG2EE
-IWD EE Modd: Dusky NPC | Dendjelion NPC | Ina NPC | Oak-Maw NPC | Orra NPC | Tipps NPC | T'viy NPC | Urchin NPC | L'anna | Hommet | ToOLD | TotS | NotBD | B&B Inn | TRoK
Contribution: PaintBG | Ilmatar's Portrait Pack | InfinityKits | Sarevok Friendship | Haer'Dalis Friendship | Cernd Friendship | Valygar Friendship | Sellswords | Fade | BG1 Romantic Encounters | Viconia Revamped
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:22 AM
"Tyranny is a quiet thing at first, a prim and proper lady pursing her lips and shaking her head disapprovingly, asking, well what were you doing (wearing that dress, walking home at that hour, expressing those inappropriate thoughts) anyway? It's subtle and insidious, disguised as reasonable precautions which become more and more oppressive over time, until our lives are defined by the things we must avoid. She's easy enough to agree with, after all, she's only trying to help -- and yet she's one of the most dangerous influences we face, because if she prevails, it puts the raping, robbing, axe-wielding madmen of the world in complete control. Eventually they'll barely need to wield a thing, all they'll have to do is leer menacingly and we fall all over ourselves trying to placate them." -godlizard
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:33 AM

Coordinator of the Russian BWP Translation Team - Arcanecoast.ru
Work with SHS, PPG, G3, CoM, Dragon's Hoard, Sorcerer's Place, RPG Dungeon
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:37 AM
What part of it is too bright, exactly?Woah!!! This looks great!!!
(although a tad too bright
We're working on it.You're still probably tweaking this and stuff but one thing I miss are the quote/codeboxes ... Can they be brought back??

This is just the next incarnation of the theme.What happened to the red-on-black theme?

- Liam
Modding Projects
Arath NPC - Nephele NPC - Xulaye NPC - Iylos NPC - Ninde NPC - Darian NPC - Yeslick NPC - Adrian NPC - Dace NPC - Valerie NPC - Isra NPC
Viconia Friendship - Mazzy Friendship - Imoen Friendship - Yoshimo Friendship - Sarevok Friendship - Neera Expansion
IEP Extended Banter
Sarevok Romance
Haer'Dalis Romance
In Progress:
Khadion NPC - Delainy NPC - Sarine NPC
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:39 AM
Most of my mods are available at Weasel Mods
Done projects:
-Colours of Infinity: TotDG, Innershade, TWQ, ISNF, Yvette, Foundling
-Athkatlan Grounds: Southern Edge, Ooze's Lounge, Tangled Oak Isle
-Other Quests: Eilistraee's Song | Will of the Wisps | The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield | Shades of the Sword Coast
-Items, spells, tweaks: FindIt IWD | ForgeIt IWD | Weasels!
-NPCs and related: Varshoon | Aeon | Petsy | Tsuki BG2 | Yoshimo Romance | Quayle BG2 | Swylif | Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul | Hephernaan BG2 | White | Gahesh | Will | Verr'Sza BG1EE | Verr'Sza BG2EE | Wilson Chronicles | Bristlelick | Walahnan BG1EE | Walahnan BG2EE | Khalid BG2EE
-IWD EE Modd: Dusky NPC | Dendjelion NPC | Ina NPC | Oak-Maw NPC | Orra NPC | Tipps NPC | T'viy NPC | Urchin NPC | L'anna | Hommet | ToOLD | TotS | NotBD | B&B Inn | TRoK
Contribution: PaintBG | Ilmatar's Portrait Pack | InfinityKits | Sarevok Friendship | Haer'Dalis Friendship | Cernd Friendship | Valygar Friendship | Sellswords | Fade | BG1 Romantic Encounters | Viconia Revamped
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:42 AM
This is just the next incarnation of the theme.
What happened to the red-on-black theme?
That's what I was afraid of.
"Tyranny is a quiet thing at first, a prim and proper lady pursing her lips and shaking her head disapprovingly, asking, well what were you doing (wearing that dress, walking home at that hour, expressing those inappropriate thoughts) anyway? It's subtle and insidious, disguised as reasonable precautions which become more and more oppressive over time, until our lives are defined by the things we must avoid. She's easy enough to agree with, after all, she's only trying to help -- and yet she's one of the most dangerous influences we face, because if she prevails, it puts the raping, robbing, axe-wielding madmen of the world in complete control. Eventually they'll barely need to wield a thing, all they'll have to do is leer menacingly and we fall all over ourselves trying to placate them." -godlizard
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:44 AM
On the left, "Invite Participants" replaces copying to other users. And I think you want "Use Full Editor", possibly.But I realized a strange thing... there are no options in PM's... no attaching files, no copies for other users, no things like font size or colours... Is there any way to add those? Maybe it's just me... maybe I am blind or something....

- Liam
Modding Projects
Arath NPC - Nephele NPC - Xulaye NPC - Iylos NPC - Ninde NPC - Darian NPC - Yeslick NPC - Adrian NPC - Dace NPC - Valerie NPC - Isra NPC
Viconia Friendship - Mazzy Friendship - Imoen Friendship - Yoshimo Friendship - Sarevok Friendship - Neera Expansion
IEP Extended Banter
Sarevok Romance
Haer'Dalis Romance
In Progress:
Khadion NPC - Delainy NPC - Sarine NPC
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:51 AM
Well, this is what I seeWhat part of it is too bright, exactly?Woah!!! This looks great!!!
(although a tad too bright

Is it a speciality of this forum or did my attachment privileges go fubar??

Great! ThanksWe're working on it.
You're still probably tweaking this and stuff but one thing I miss are the quote/codeboxes ... Can they be brought back??They should all be back momentarily.

Edited by Lollorian, 02 January 2010 - 01:59 AM.
"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:53 AM

I think that Lollorian wanted to say that the main forum part, the post and this everything what has white/pearl colours may be too bright. Maybe let's experiment with that?

However, after the moment foum looks nice now, I am only (also) not sure if not too brigh (Sometimes I check forum when it's still night and I am afraid that swiching on the screen will change into a blinding flash piercing into my eyes and brain

Most of my mods are available at Weasel Mods
Done projects:
-Colours of Infinity: TotDG, Innershade, TWQ, ISNF, Yvette, Foundling
-Athkatlan Grounds: Southern Edge, Ooze's Lounge, Tangled Oak Isle
-Other Quests: Eilistraee's Song | Will of the Wisps | The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield | Shades of the Sword Coast
-Items, spells, tweaks: FindIt IWD | ForgeIt IWD | Weasels!
-NPCs and related: Varshoon | Aeon | Petsy | Tsuki BG2 | Yoshimo Romance | Quayle BG2 | Swylif | Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul | Hephernaan BG2 | White | Gahesh | Will | Verr'Sza BG1EE | Verr'Sza BG2EE | Wilson Chronicles | Bristlelick | Walahnan BG1EE | Walahnan BG2EE | Khalid BG2EE
-IWD EE Modd: Dusky NPC | Dendjelion NPC | Ina NPC | Oak-Maw NPC | Orra NPC | Tipps NPC | T'viy NPC | Urchin NPC | L'anna | Hommet | ToOLD | TotS | NotBD | B&B Inn | TRoK
Contribution: PaintBG | Ilmatar's Portrait Pack | InfinityKits | Sarevok Friendship | Haer'Dalis Friendship | Cernd Friendship | Valygar Friendship | Sellswords | Fade | BG1 Romantic Encounters | Viconia Revamped
Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:56 AM
But it's a nice change. Cheers

Posted 02 January 2010 - 01:57 AM
The looks are generally OK, but I liked the old skin better, it had kind of grown on me. Any chance of either you or Seb looking into creating a version of it for the new board software in the future?
The personal profile page is now a lot less cluttered, I certainly like it better now. One thing I noticed on it though, is that prior to this post my post count reads 4622 there, but it's actually 4618, which is exactly what my previous forum posts show.
Next pointer: I don't what it is actually, but I'm experiencing slower load speeds on the forums in general.
You already answered the previous.
I had to rewrite my signature as well, all tags for it (url, img) were a mess.
Spoiler tags ands smilies seem to work OK (I don't know if a few smilies are missing from the list though, it seems somewhat empty). I don't see any problems with uploads in posts either.
The pinned threads don't stand out that well at the moment, perhaps a separator bar or two would be in order?
Otherwise it seems like you guys have done a great job again.

Edited by Archmage Silver, 02 January 2010 - 02:09 AM.
Posted 02 January 2010 - 02:15 AM
Quotes on the other hand look great.
Edited by Mike1072, 02 January 2010 - 02:18 AM.
Posted 02 January 2010 - 02:30 AM
Posted 02 January 2010 - 02:36 AM
Well, if you look into the Reply button and then the Emoticons in it, and yet the Show All, you'll see the few icons are gone for a while, they'll be back I am sure...(and is this forum looking nifty or wot?? ... kinda miss the codeboxes though
... is it my browser or is the crying simley not showing up??

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 02 January 2010 - 02:50 AM
As a result, 12 days is on pause until the DM comes back online.
Phew! Couple more days to finish testing, yay.
Board upgrade looks pretty good to me guys, nice job.
Posted 02 January 2010 - 03:10 AM

-One problem I found is that when I tried to edit one of my posts, the code that turned up wasn't the usual forum code, it appeared in html. Thank god I had that introductory post saved in my pc.
-Since you're updating , is there a way to keep track of the topics you have answered/started ? If not it would be a welcome addition.
-A secondary, slightly darker skin would be nice.