DA: Origins & Awakening News
Posted 14 February 2010 - 11:45 AM
Posted 14 February 2010 - 12:30 PM
Really, Bioware, what was the point of shoving this decision down our throats? I can understand taking the bad ending of ME2 where everyone dies as non-canon, but this...
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 18 February 2010 - 11:38 AM
As for "I can't sacrifice myself and then start as a new guy in Orlais"... why not? Especially if they make it where, if you start with a fresh character, it assumes that the main character of Origins *did* sacrifice himself.
Posted 18 February 2010 - 10:57 PM
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 19 February 2010 - 01:14 AM
Posted 19 February 2010 - 05:59 AM
First, a new character. It is a female dwarf from the Legion of the Dead. A casteless. (Me: and a deserter, it seems. Hey, nobody ever leaves the Legion! Not fair!)
I think she'll get the boot as soon as she arrives. Preferably together with Oghren. But we'll see.
Now, a few reviews(post-press event):
Interesting fact:
"In my hands-on time with the game, I played as the new Grey Warden, Velanna and Anders. The preview build was about six hours into the game, and I found myself in a dungeon where some Darkspawn creatures were ganging up on a female warrior. After my team saved her, she tells of how her group of warriors were obliterated when they tried to invade the castle the Darkspawn are holed up in nearby. You're given the choice to bring her to your team, but seeing as how this was literally the first time I ever played Dragon Age, I made the mistake of leaving her behind and went on my merry way."
- might be another party member. Sigh.
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 19 February 2010 - 11:10 AM
The dark ritual isn't really canon now. You could've foregone the ritual and had Alistair or Loghain sacrifice themselves.
As for "I can't sacrifice myself and then start as a new guy in Orlais"... why not? Especially if they make it where, if you start with a fresh character, it assumes that the main character of Origins *did* sacrifice himself.
I'd forgotten you could sacrifice Alistair or Loghain. Good point. But ...
Can you import the world 'state', but start new in Awakening as the Orlesian Cmdr? No. The world 'state' only exists and lives on as part of your character's choices - most of the reactivity to events and choices in Origins would simply not make sense if it wasn't 'you' that did it.
Posted 19 February 2010 - 01:52 PM
Posted 20 February 2010 - 06:51 AM
Chris had a word or two on the DLC/Awakening issue:
Trailers:Dragon Age: Origins DLC (from DAO or other prior DLC) is not available in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening as we've already said.
While I know some fans are not happy with this, the main reason is, due to the advanced level of Awakening, the items you want to bring in would be rapidly less effective than the materials you start with or find early on in the game. Yes, in DA:O Starfang (or similar) are very powerful, but since you can reach level 30+ in Awakening, they would be ineffectual.
Trust me, there are heaps of cool new armors, weapons, spells, etc that you will want to use in Awakening that you will quickly learn to appreciate even more than your DLC items from DAO.
Fernando Melo @ Bitmob
Posted 20 February 2010 - 10:10 AM
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 20 February 2010 - 10:24 AM
I wonder how good the new gear will be though? This is beginning to resemble a MMORPG.
Edited by Archmage Silver, 20 February 2010 - 10:25 AM.
Posted 20 February 2010 - 11:20 AM
Posted 21 February 2010 - 10:38 AM
Update according to Chris Priestly
Q & A with Victor Wachter @ BioWare Social
Ferret Baudoin @ BioWare Blog
Edited by Archmage Silver, 21 February 2010 - 10:41 AM.
Posted 21 February 2010 - 12:26 PM
By the way, today I heard the "I am the one" song in the DAO credits - and it felt weird to see all these familiar names(Fernando Melo, Chris Priestly etc) in the titles. Like "Hey, it's that guy from the forums, what is he doing there?"
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 21 February 2010 - 04:53 PM

Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:47 PM
Namely, I'd like to ask if fact of having Awakening installed will have any impact on original game's gameplay, I mean will I have those new spells, items etc from Awakening available in original part of the game or I will lose absolutely nothing if I beat currently released content before release of Awakening?
Edited by Creepin, 22 February 2010 - 01:47 PM.
The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)
Posted 22 February 2010 - 02:23 PM
The new items will be exclusive to the expansion areas as far as I know.... I mean will I have those new spells, items etc from Awakening available in original part of the game or I will lose absolutely nothing if I beat currently released content before release of Awakening?
As you know, the class specializations are unlocked for the entire player profile once you get them unlocked for one character, but it's likely that you'll have to play Awakening in order to get the new ones unlocked for Origins.
The spells & abilities might be available in Origins from the get-go, but they're likely to have high restrictions when it comes to level and stats.
All Awakening content will most likely have restrictions when it comes to levels and stats et al. I don't think you'll get that much out of it in Origins.
Bottom line: enjoy the Origins story and gameplay as it was meant to be, you won't gain that much by waiting for Awakening.
Posted 22 February 2010 - 10:27 PM

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)