DA: Origins & Awakening News
Posted 08 January 2010 - 01:30 AM
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Posted 08 January 2010 - 03:48 AM
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Posted 08 January 2010 - 04:22 AM
Posted 08 January 2010 - 08:47 PM
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Posted 09 January 2010 - 01:58 PM
Posted 09 January 2010 - 11:14 PM
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 10 January 2010 - 12:21 AM
On other news, the German pricing for the Awakening is reportedly 29,99 ?, which is likely to be the standard for the European versions of the game.But one of the things that we wanted to do with Dragon Age as a franchise is that it's all based on choices and consequences. So there is a lot of reactivity to things that you've done in Origins if you choose to import that character. Of course, that will depend on the decisions you made and at what point you're importing them into Awakening.
For instance, if you're coming from the end game save, then there's going to be a lot more reactivity, including [Spoilers Ahead!] right down to the very choices of how the Archdemon was defeated and who you put on the throne and all that kind of stuff -- hopefully that's not going to spoil it for you! If you choose to import from a much earlier point, then there may not be as much reactivity, but you'll hear about certain rumors.
Posted 10 January 2010 - 12:32 AM
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 10 January 2010 - 01:02 AM
Of course they're already cutting quite a bit, what with not including the old companions as joinables, save for one, thus almost certainly killing any active romance plots. At least we're getting cameos. Obviously I don't know BioWare's plans for the franchise in the long term - for all I know we could be seeing the Origins companions again in another title with ME2 style save game character importing for the variables.
Just throwing ideas around here...
Edited by Archmage Silver, 10 January 2010 - 01:03 AM.
Posted 10 January 2010 - 01:22 PM

Posted 10 January 2010 - 02:59 PM

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Posted 10 January 2010 - 10:57 PM
And Bioware forces us to make this choice(make Alistair king), it will mean that all my character did during the Origins was for nothing.
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 11 January 2010 - 09:34 AM
Grey Wardens shouldn't stand idle while women are raped, like Duncan did. Grey Wardens shouldn't take power and instigate a war, like Commander Dryden tried to do.
Erm. Hmmm.
Okay, I'll probably regret asking, but my curiosity is piqued.
If the Grey Wardens stand by while a single woman is raped, they are bad, bad, bad.
But if the Grey Wardens -don't- stand by while a tyrant terrorizes the entire nation, they are bad, bad, bad.
So, if the tyrant in question were known to rape, or permitted his followers to rape - which one would presume is just the sort of thing that tyrants are known for - would their taking up arms against the tyrant be legitimized?
Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:53 AM
Posted 12 January 2010 - 04:51 PM
I'm secretly hoping for an expansion on the idea of the dragon (Archdemon) as a corrupted god(-like being)... Certainly the dreams and the fact that some Grey Wardens were capable of understanding its communications give me cause to hope that they'll work with this.
I don't know, there's just so much they can do!

I would like the game's status to reflect our choices at the end of the game as well, but this universe is immersive enough that I just might forgive them if they don't. Anyway: excited.
Regarding the role of the Grey Wardens, I think that they serve only the function of stemming the tide of the recurrent Blights. I mean, from the context of the game we see Duncan as the quintessential Grey Warden. He does not intercede in the instance of the City Elf origin story (from which I assume you draw the rape example) because it does not have any bearing on the darkspawn threat. When, however, one of your fellow initiates (can't recall his name, the one with a wife and child) attempts to leave the Joining Ceremony, he mercilessly cuts him down for fear he might spread the secret knowledge of the ceremony: clearly not a force for generalized good.
Any who become a Grey Warden swear their life to the cause--they will die for it. In the face of that, personal ambition certainly seems inappropriate. Those who enroll in the Grey Wardens are just about forced into all the secret clauses and dangers, hence the importance of keeping details of the Joining quiet. They serve a purpose, but I don't think it can be argued that they fight for "good" or "peace," rather, just the continued existence of humanity.
Edited by Kepster, 12 January 2010 - 05:00 PM.
Posted 12 January 2010 - 05:27 PM
Posted 17 January 2010 - 03:53 PM
Still, I'll probably enjoy Awakening regardless.
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 23 January 2010 - 03:22 PM
Edited by Archmage Silver, 23 January 2010 - 03:22 PM.
Posted 23 January 2010 - 10:12 PM
Yeah, I guess it's sort of a dead giveaway, but that made me suspicious of it as well - why give it up in the trailer and not state it clearly the press release? It makes no sense to me.
I'd be tempted to agree with you. Though I adored Shale.
However... given Alistair's presence in the trailer, I suspect it's him.
ME1 characters will play important parts in ME2 even though they're non-joinable, so why couldn't Alistair do the same? I mean, someone has to coordinate the Grey Warden operations when you're out killing darkspawn - make Alistair do that and let us have Shale back is what I had in mind.
Alistair is fine 50% of the time, but then just annoying half the time IMO.
I dont think its Allister, this may seem crazy but i think it might just be Morrigan!

Posted 29 January 2010 - 11:16 AM
'Go for the optics, Chiktikka. GO FOR THE OPTICS!!' - Tali vas Neema
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